Australian Senator Challenges ‘Climate Fraudster’ Michael Mann!

Australian Senator Challenges ‘Climate Fraudster’ Michael Mann!
Australian Senator Challenges ‘Climate Fraudster’ Michael Mann!

Principia Scientific February 6, 2020 | by John O’Sullivan

The indomitable champion of climate realism in Australian politics, Malcolm Roberts, Senator for Queensland, gave an impassioned speech earlier this week calling out alleged climate data fraudster, Dr Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann.

Regular readers of Principia Scientific will know that our founding chairman, Canadian skeptic climatologist, Dr Tim Ball, sensationally defeated Dr Mann in this ‘science trial of the century last August in the Supreme Court of British Columbia, Vancouver (Judge’s ruling here).

The eight-year, multi-million-dollar lawsuit ended so badly for Mann that the judge awarded full legal costs to Dr Ball (estimated to be in excess of $1million). Dr Mann’s discredited attorney, Roger McConchie, who for years allegedly misrepresented the facts, is again believed to be playing fast and loose with the court.

Mendacious Mann is hoping he can dodge ponying up the money, which Dr Ball won fair and square and which the judge has ordered MUST be paid.

Roberts shared with Senate colleague this challenge about the disgusting use  of ‘secret science’ relied on by charlatan, Dr Mann:

“How dare you, Michael Mann. I used tonight’s adjournment speech to challenge Michael Mann to a debate on climate science. Michael Mann is the fabricator of the completely discredited hockey stick temperature graph and is in Australia at the moment so logistics shouldn’t be a problem.

You come down here pretending you have evidence that CO2 from HUMAN activity affects climate and needs to be cut – when you have no such evidence. How do I know? Easy. You released papers that led to the infamous hockey-stick graph falsely fabricating high temperatures. Despite repeated requests from scientists you refused to hand over your data.

No evidence.

Scientifically, your claims should’ve been immediately dismissed. The state of Virginia’s Attorney General asked for your data from the University of Virginia because your research was reportedly taxpayer funded. Your Uni refused.

No evidence.

You sued Prof Tim Ball – a real scientist – and then in court refused to provide evidence to support your case.

No evidence.

Didn’t the court find you in contempt?

Regardless, your claim was dismissed. And you failed to provide any evidence yet Prof Ball’s team provided plenty of solid statements from internationally reputable scientists. You are the one in the Climategate scandals who wanted to hide the temperature decline, aren’t you?

Hide the evidence?

You have sued any person that dared to question you – to shut them down. To stop the evidence?

You now say Senator Molan as a policymaker should ask some unnamed great Australian scientists for their opinion – name any with evidence proving HUMAN CO2 affects climate variability.

After 21 years you still have not released data for your hockey stick graph fabricating high temps yet many people have debunked it.

My understanding is that fraud can include the presentation of something that is not true with the intention of personal gain. You claim you were awarded a Nobel Prize.

That is false.

You contributed to the UN’s climate body the IPCC that was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize. Note that was not for science. After the UN IPCC was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize it dropped your graph. And if that shonky political body dropped it that really kills your credibility.

You have a record of serially misrepresenting climate, serially misrepresenting science and serially misrepresenting humanity. The use of HC fuels such as gas, coal and oil has liberated humanity and saved the forests and whales that previously fuelled civilisation & Human Progress.

Your advocacy to stop their use is anti-human and anti-environment. It hurts our security and our sovereignty. Your host, the ABC, has been a blind supporter of and advocate for others misrepresenting climate and science – including Al Gore, Rajendra Pachauri, Gavin Schmidt.

People advocating for cutting hydrocarbon fuels have branded those who dissent from your advocacy as climate criminals. I believe that in the very near future it is people like you who misrepresent science and climate who the public will see as climate criminals.

None of you have ever presented the empirical evidence proving HUMAN production of CO2 from our use of HC fuels hurts our environment and future. You’re here in Australia now so I challenge you to a public debate on climate science and the corruption of climate science.

All you need do is provide me with the specific location of the empirical scientific evidence, the hard validated data, within a logical scientific framework that proves cause and effect and I will retract this speech.

I need publication title, specific page numbers. No entity anywhere in the world has provided this: Don’t bother to smear me or get someone to smear me. That not only has no effect on me, I love it. I use it to prove that those who smear only do so because they lack hard scientific evidence.

How dare you Michael Mann. Provide the evidence.”

Sickeningly, Dr Mann will be a star turn among 100 presenters who will be speaking at the 2020 National Climate Emergency Summit in Melbourne, Australia on February 14 – 15 2020.

Senator Roberts, a long-time supporter of Principia Scientific’s mission to expose junk climate science, has an added final message for the crook widely laughably dubbed the  ‘world’s leading climate scientist’ (‘The Independent, Feb, 01, 2017) —


Please register your disgust at this wanton contempt of not only the scientific method, but of a binding legal judgment from a top Canadian judge. Write to your elected representative today. Climate fraud must be stopped now!