Germany’s Gas Reserves “Emptying At Record Speed” As Country Struggles To Keep Warm, Lights On

Germany’s Gas Reserves “Emptying At Record Speed” As Country Struggles To Keep Warm, Lights On

No Tricks Zone | Dec. 16, 2022 here reports how Germany’s natural gas reserves “are emptying at record speed” because wind and solar power have been on the scarce side over the past few weeks. This means gas turbines have had to jump in to pick up the slack in electricity production – not one the German government had hoped as it wrestles with the heightening energy crisis. “Germany is converting gas into electricity in record quantities,” reports. “Thanks to high pressure system ‘Erika’, the current December is colder than it has been for years. […] In recent …

Holy C^%@, Authoritarian Evil of ESG Emerges at Texas Hearing

Holy C^%@, Authoritarian Evil of ESG Emerges at Texas Hearing

The pushback against ESG steps into high gear with hearing at the Texas Senate Committee on State Affairs. Originally tweeted by Will Hild (@WillHild) on December 15, 2022. .@SenBryanHughes starts off the Texas Senate Committee on State Affairs ESG hearing by laying out how the ESG agenda poses a threat to both the security of American families and our overall national security: Texas State Sen. @loiskolkhorst highlights how ESG investing is an abandonment of fiduciary duty, because ESG funds routinely underperform benchmark indexes: The first witness, @bmbrigham, told the story of how Wall Street’s ESG scam has affected him and …

Vatican unveils new documentary on climate change

Vatican unveils new documentary on climate change

A new documentary “on humanity’s power to stop the ecological crisis” facing the world is presented at a press conference at the Vatican on Tuesday. The film “The Letter,” says Cardinal Michael Czerny, “is a clarion cry to people everywhere: we have to act together, we have to do it now.” Vatican News By Christopher Wells | Oct. 4, 2022 A new documentary by filmmaker Nicolas Brown “highlights the key concept of dialogue,” Cardinal Michael Czerny explained on Tuesday, at the presentation of the film “The Letter” at the Holy See Press Office. The film itself is aimed at conveying …

New Zealand PM UN Address Calls for Global Censorship of Climate Skeptics

New Zealand PM UN Address Calls for Global Censorship of Climate Skeptics

By Eric Worrall | Sept. 30, 2022 First Published on JoNova; “… How do you tackle climate change if people do not believe it exists? …”. Apparently if you are a climate skeptic you are somehow similar to a terrorist radical who promotes mass murder, and part of an effort to “… cause chaos and reduce the ability of others to defend themselves …”. … The lessons of COVID are in many ways the same as the lessons of climate change. When crisis is upon us, we cannot and will not solve these issues on our own. The next pandemic …

Earth saved — by DC grifters!? U.S. State Dept appoints first ever ‘diplomat for plants & animals’ — & she just happens to be the wife of Biden’s Chief of Staff!

Earth saved — by DC grifters!? U.S. State Dept appoints first ever ‘diplomat for plants & animals’ — & she just happens to be the wife of Biden’s Chief of Staff!

Climate Depot By Marc Morano | Sept. 29, 2022 Wash Post: For the first time, the United States is designating a special diplomat to advocate for global biodiversity amid what policymakers here and overseas increasingly recognize as an extinction crisis. Monica Medina is taking on a new role as special envoy for biodiversity and water resources, the State Department announced Wednesday. … The appointment underscores the Biden administration’s desire to protect land and waters not just at home but to also conserve habitats abroad. ‘Not just about nature for nature’s sake’ … Medina noted that the Inflation Reduction Act passed this year set aside billions …

Environmentalists Petition EPA to Ban Natural Gas Use in Buildings

Environmentalists Petition EPA to Ban Natural Gas Use in Buildings

Master Resource By Mark Krebs | September 9, 2022 “The environmentalists have been emboldened by their ‘win’ with the passage of the IRA. Never satisfied, their petition is one of the first attempts to expand it.” It never ends…. In the wake of the 725-page “Inflation Reduction Act” (IRA), consumer choice for energy could be intentionally restricted to electricity by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Or at least that seems to be the plan. According to a petition submitted by environmentalists, EPA should regulate carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions resulting from using natural gas in homes and businesses. The eco-lobby has …

1,200 Scientists and Professionals Declare: “There is No Climate Emergency”

1,200 Scientists and Professionals Declare: “There is No Climate Emergency”

Bud Bromley | August 20, 2022 The Daily Sceptic article in the title is here. Consulting firm McKinsey estimated $9 trillion per year spending is needed to comply with the Paris climate accord!  Running that out to the 2050 date for 50% achievement of the “net zero” plan implies spending over $275 trillion. That’s $9 TRILLION PER YEAR …all loss and no gain. No reduction in CO2 and no reduction in warming will result. This spending already is dramatically increasing the cost of every product and service.  The U.S. Democrat’s recently passed $700 billion spending bill is a down …

China Scraps (Already Scant) Climate Cooperation Over Pelosi Taiwan Visit

China Scraps (Already Scant) Climate Cooperation Over Pelosi Taiwan Visit

Heartland Daily News by H. Sterling Burnett | August 18, 2022 The Chinese Communist Party was very displeased with U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) well-publicized visit to Taiwan reaffirming the United States’ commitment to the island’s continued independence from mainland China. To demonstrate its displeasure—in addition to the usual rattling of sabers, sending of new naval ships into the area, flying jets into Taiwanese airspace, and test-firing missiles into the sea around the island—China announced it was suspending cooperation with the United States in the fight against climate change. Heaven forbid! After managing to control my uproarious laughter about China’s …

Kudos to the Wall Street Journal for Getting it Right on New Climate Bill

Kudos to the Wall Street Journal for Getting it Right on New Climate Bill

Climate Realism by Anthony Watts | August 11, 2022 On August 8th , just a day after the passage of the so-called “Inflation Reduction Act,” containing  a suite of climate-related spending and tax credits, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) editorial board published a scathing editorial titled “Tilting at Climate Windmills – Schumer-Manchin will have little effect on the world’s temperature,” showing how the provisions of the bill will have virtually no effect on climate at all. WSJ uses analysis with the help of the IPCC climate models and Dr. Bjorn Lomborg to come up with a number, and the number is …

EU parliament backs labelling gas and nuclear investments as green

European Commission declares nuclear and gas to be green

Reuters | July 6, 2022 Summary Lawmakers back ‘green’ EU investment label for the fuels Likely to become law unless super-majority of states veto Gas, nuclear rules have split EU countries and lawmakers Luxembourg, Austria to challenge law in court BRUSSELS, July 6 (Reuters) – The European Parliament on Wednesday backed EU rules labelling investments in gas and nuclear power plants as climate-friendly, throwing out an attempt to block the law that has exposed deep rifts between countries over how to fight climate change. The vote paves the way for the European Union proposal to pass into law, unless 20 …