World’s coffee under threat, say experts

World’s coffee under threat, say experts

BBC by By Helen Briggs | Jan. 17, 2023 The first full assessment of risks to the world’s coffee plants shows that 60% of 124 known species are on the edge of extinction. More than 100 types of coffee tree grow naturally in forests, including two used for the coffee we drink. Scientists say the figure is “worrying”, as wild coffee is critical for sustaining the global coffee crop. About one in five of the world’s plants is threatened with extinction, and the 60% figure is an “extremely high” one. “If it wasn’t for wild species we wouldn’t have as …

Municipalities of Puerto Rico v. Exxon Mobil, et al. Part 2: RICO-teering

Municipalities of Puerto Rico v. Exxon Mobil, et al. Part 2: RICO-teering

Russell Cook | Jan. 4, 2023 Bad enough that this lawsuit filing from the Milberg Coleman Bryson Phillips Grossman LLC law firm has a no-win appearance of being either a mismanaged effort guided by the Sher Edling law firm without any disclosure of that partnership, or it appears to be a spectacularly inept and possibly unethical plagiarizing of the accusation content and other bits from the 16 boilerplate copy Sher Edling lawsuits. I detailed all of that in my Part 1 blog post (handily reproduced at WUWT, enabling me to reach a wider reading audience). Exponentially worse for Milberg Coleman is the widespread news …

The New Pause lengthens: 100 Months with No Warming At All

The New Pause lengthens: 100 Months with No Warming At All

By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley | Jan. 3, 2023 The cold weather on both sides of the Atlantic last month seems to have had its effect on temperature, which fell sharply compared with November, lengthening the New Pause to 8 years 4 months, as measured by the satellites designed, built and operated by Dr Roy Spencer and Dr John Christy at the University of Alabama in Huntsville: The graph shows the least-squares linear-regression trend on the monthly global mean lower-troposphere anomalies. The least-squares method was recommended by Professor Jones of the University of East Anglia as a reasonable method of …

Puerto Rico Greens Launch a RICO Lawsuit Against Big Oil

Puerto Rico Greens Launch a RICO Lawsuit Against Big Oil

by Eric Worrall | Dec. 21, 2022 Big oil is accused of conspiring to deceive the public into thinking the current warming might not have been caused by Anthropogenic CO2. Big oil is behind conspiracy to deceive public, first climate racketeering lawsuit says Lawyer in a civil lawsuit launched by towns in hurricane-hit Puerto Rico describes why it is using laws used to target mob bosses Nina Lakhani @ninalakhaniTue 20 Dec 2022 20.00 AEDT The same racketeering legislation used to bring down mob bosses, motorcycle gangs, football executives and international fraudsters is to be tested against oil and coal companies …

After Eruption, CO2 Data Collection Moves to Maunakea

After Eruption, CO2 Data Collection Moves to Maunakea

Big Island Video News | Dec 16, 2022 (BIVN) – Shortly after the Mauna Loa eruption migrated into the Northeast Rift Zone on November 28, lava crossed the Mauna Loa Observatory Road and cut the power the facilities collecting critical atmospheric data. The data is considered “vital to understanding how Earth’s climate is changing”, according to the University of Hawaiʻi. On Friday, the UH announced it is partnering with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or NOAA, to continue making the measurements on Maunakea. From the university news release: NOAA scientists recently installed an intake tube less than an inch …

Germany’s Gas Reserves “Emptying At Record Speed” As Country Struggles To Keep Warm, Lights On

Germany’s Gas Reserves “Emptying At Record Speed” As Country Struggles To Keep Warm, Lights On

No Tricks Zone | Dec. 16, 2022 here reports how Germany’s natural gas reserves “are emptying at record speed” because wind and solar power have been on the scarce side over the past few weeks. This means gas turbines have had to jump in to pick up the slack in electricity production – not one the German government had hoped as it wrestles with the heightening energy crisis. “Germany is converting gas into electricity in record quantities,” reports. “Thanks to high pressure system ‘Erika’, the current December is colder than it has been for years. […] In recent …

Holy C^%@, Authoritarian Evil of ESG Emerges at Texas Hearing

Holy C^%@, Authoritarian Evil of ESG Emerges at Texas Hearing

The pushback against ESG steps into high gear with hearing at the Texas Senate Committee on State Affairs. Originally tweeted by Will Hild (@WillHild) on December 15, 2022. .@SenBryanHughes starts off the Texas Senate Committee on State Affairs ESG hearing by laying out how the ESG agenda poses a threat to both the security of American families and our overall national security: Texas State Sen. @loiskolkhorst highlights how ESG investing is an abandonment of fiduciary duty, because ESG funds routinely underperform benchmark indexes: The first witness, @bmbrigham, told the story of how Wall Street’s ESG scam has affected him and …

Vatican unveils new documentary on climate change

Vatican unveils new documentary on climate change

A new documentary “on humanity’s power to stop the ecological crisis” facing the world is presented at a press conference at the Vatican on Tuesday. The film “The Letter,” says Cardinal Michael Czerny, “is a clarion cry to people everywhere: we have to act together, we have to do it now.” Vatican News By Christopher Wells | Oct. 4, 2022 A new documentary by filmmaker Nicolas Brown “highlights the key concept of dialogue,” Cardinal Michael Czerny explained on Tuesday, at the presentation of the film “The Letter” at the Holy See Press Office. The film itself is aimed at conveying …

New Zealand PM UN Address Calls for Global Censorship of Climate Skeptics

New Zealand PM UN Address Calls for Global Censorship of Climate Skeptics

By Eric Worrall | Sept. 30, 2022 First Published on JoNova; “… How do you tackle climate change if people do not believe it exists? …”. Apparently if you are a climate skeptic you are somehow similar to a terrorist radical who promotes mass murder, and part of an effort to “… cause chaos and reduce the ability of others to defend themselves …”. … The lessons of COVID are in many ways the same as the lessons of climate change. When crisis is upon us, we cannot and will not solve these issues on our own. The next pandemic …

Earth saved — by DC grifters!? U.S. State Dept appoints first ever ‘diplomat for plants & animals’ — & she just happens to be the wife of Biden’s Chief of Staff!

Earth saved — by DC grifters!? U.S. State Dept appoints first ever ‘diplomat for plants & animals’ — & she just happens to be the wife of Biden’s Chief of Staff!

Climate Depot By Marc Morano | Sept. 29, 2022 Wash Post: For the first time, the United States is designating a special diplomat to advocate for global biodiversity amid what policymakers here and overseas increasingly recognize as an extinction crisis. Monica Medina is taking on a new role as special envoy for biodiversity and water resources, the State Department announced Wednesday. … The appointment underscores the Biden administration’s desire to protect land and waters not just at home but to also conserve habitats abroad. ‘Not just about nature for nature’s sake’ … Medina noted that the Inflation Reduction Act passed this year set aside billions …