13Carbon / 12Carbon Ratio of Atmospheric CO2

By Jamal Munshi, April 28, 2019   FIGURE 1: 13C MEASURING STATIONS USED IN THIS STUDY   FIGURE 2: CORRELATION ANALYSIS: BARROW ALASKA   FIGURE 3: CORRELATION ANALYSIS: SOUTH POLE   FIGURE 4: CORRELATION ANALYSIS: CAPE KUMUKAHI   FIGURE 5: CORRELATION ANALYSIS: LA JOLLA   FIGURE 6: CORRELATION ANALYSIS: CHRISTMAS ISLAND   FIGURE 7: CORRELATION ANALYSIS: ALERT, CANADA Fossil fuel reservoirs deep under the ground contain a large inventory of carbon that has been sequestered for millions of years from the delicately balanced surface-atmosphere carbon cycle that sustains a stable climate system and life on earth as we know it. …

1. Climatic Paradox

G.V. Chilingar, et al., adapted from “The Evolution of the Earth’s Climate”, 2018, Scrivener Publishing, John Wiley & Sons Download PDF This browser does not support PDFs. Please download the PDF to view it.