This report studies causes which explain the recorded atmospheric annual CO2 flux variation of about 5 parts per million (ppm). The amount is part of an annual CO2 flow of about 28 ppm (221Gt) through the seasonal transfer of atmospheric CO2 between the southern and northern oceans. The flow is driven by changes in sea temperature which also controls the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere as per Henry’s Law. Anthropogenic CO2 is up to 36Gt which adds 16% to the current natural flux. While this is a notable portion, there is no satellite evidence to suggest there is an association between rising atmospheric levels of CO2 and surface temperature. On the contrary, surface temperatures have remained flat for two decades while CO2 levels have continued a modest rise.

Under constant climatic conditions, increased CO2 levels in the air and sea will enhance both the marine and terrestrial food chains until a new balance point is reached for the available CO2. Geological factors which affect deep sea temperatures by very small amounts have the potential to greatly influence the atmospheric concentration of CO2. A 84 ppm increase of atmospheric CO2 has been recorded over the past 30 years, and a 0.46 ℃ temperature increase in the sea surface temperature has caused this rise, as recorded in satellite records. There is reported to be some correlation between sunspot activity and sea surface temperature. However the more immediate impact on sea temperature is most likely due to variations in Earth’s submarine tectonic activity. General science proves sea temperature variations directly effect the atmospheric CO2 concentration. It is important to note the sea must heat before the CO2 levels rise – not the other way around. It is not possible to alter the atmospheric concentration of CO2 by changing “carbon” emissions.

Asteroid impacts with the ocean have the potential to induce a general extinction of air breathing animals through the liberation of lethal levels of CO2 to the atmosphere, as does heightened activity along the submarine Mid Atlantic Ridge.

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