EnergyCite’s mission is to kill this mammoth beast called the climate change hoax and to expose those who have perpetrated this fraud and unduly profited from it.
Join with us as we produce the Mango Project.
Our mission is to educate the largest number of citizens possible on the fraudulent science, politics, and business of the deceptive carbon dioxide based anthropogenic global warming hypothesis through rigorous scientific experimentation and analysis, and the false viability of “renewable” energy sources; thereby negating the green energy agenda of America’s elected leaders, leading to the removal of carbon dioxide from the U.S. EPA’s 2015 Endangerment Finding and the elimination of all carbon regulation, taxes, and trading worldwide.
EnergyCite’s mission is to kill this mammoth beast called the climate change hoax and to expose those who have perpetrated this fraud and unduly profited from it.
Join with us as we produce the Mango Project.