Man-Made “Climate Change” Hoax

By Len Duggan | June 2, 2016 CO2 Climate Change Hoax  This article will show how some highly emotive issues have been wrongly linked to atmospheric CO2 concentrations. It will then address the media claims that the “science is settled” and show that most climate scientists actually believe man’s emissions of gases are not responsible for global warming. It will then show that mistakes were made in the design of the climate models that were used by the IPCC to identify CO2 as the driver for global warming and that these sub-standard climate models were then used to make erroneous predictions of global temperature change …

Exposed: the Greenhouse Gas Junk Science Back Story

Principia Scientific Gerhard Kramm | November 16, 2013 Believers in the greenhouse gas theory, the cornerstone of the science of man-made global warming, often refer to a select history of researchers and key papers to bolster claims for a “settled science.” But here we expose just how flimsy is its provenance. Below is exposed the flaws in such seminal works by James Hansen, Richard Lindzen, the National Academy of Science (NAS) and others. This article is a summary of six articles located at the author’s blog (Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part 6). The ‘Charney’ Report We begin with the …

Lawrence Solomon: Finally it’s safe for the whistleblowers of corrupted climate science to speak out

Financial Post February 16, 2017 by Lawrence Solomon The greatest scientific fraud of the century will be laid bare, along with its corrupt enablers in government, academia, industry and the media Whistleblowers at the U.S. government’s official keeper of the global warming stats, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), claim their agency doctored temperature data to hide the fact that global temperatures plateaued almost 20 years ago. Can the whistleblowers be believed in this claim, originally made in 2015? And in the further claim that NOAA then rushed this doctored data into print in time for the UN’s Paris …


Gobal Witness HOW THE IPCC’S 1.5°C REPORT DEMONSTRATES THE RISKS OF OVER INVESTMENT IN OIL AND GAS 23 APRIL 2019 Overinvestment in oil and gas creates risks for investors, regardless of whether the world is effective in tackling climate change. Either investors face assets being stranded as demand for fossil fuels falls in a transition to a low carbon economy, or the overinvestment contributes to excess emissions from fossil fuels, the failure to transition and the financial costs of a dramatically changed climate. Our analysis compared average oil and gas demand in the IPCC scenarios that are not reliant on …

DeSmogBlog: Criminal Enemies of Science

<a href=””>Principia Scientific</a> John O’Sullivan | April 25, 2019 Anyone who searches for ‘Principia Scientific International’ on a major corporate search engine may be bemused to see the criminally-run hate site, desmogblog tagged beside us, posting a smear of our organisation. Clearly, the search engines themselves are indifferent (or supportive) towards these politicized merchants of disinformation. For those readers unfamiliar with desmogblog we invite you to peruse the following facts.

Cooling Down the Hysteria About Global Warming

Rich Enthoven | April 21, 2019 Recently, NASA released its annual report on global temperatures and reported that 2018 was the fourth hottest year on record, surpassed only by three recent years. This claim was accompanied by dire predictions of climate change and for immediate action to dramatically curtail CO2 emissions around the globe. Like every concerned citizen read this report with interest. I also read it as an informed and trained climate analyst – and I can tell that there are some serious problems with the report and its conclusions.

An End… and a New Direction

Guest Editorial: Dr. Tim Ball I thought about making this my last article on climate for this or any other website except my own. I planned the action some time ago, but it was the recent headline in the Telegraph that triggered this penultimate move. It said, “Climate change is a risk investors can’t ignore: Black Rock latest to sound the alarm on environment.” Climate change is not a risk factor. Current climate and climate changes are normal and well within the pattern of change over history, certainly the last 10,000 years. The world believes otherwise, despite efforts by me …

New CO2 Science: From Climate Demon to Saint

Principia Scientific April 8, 2019 by John O’Sullivan The new millenium is seeing revolutionary change in our understanding of carbon dioxide (CO2). Once the demon global warming gas, scientists are increasingly accepting they got that wrong. We examine some of the astonishing developments. Robin Wylie, is a doctoral candidate in volcanology, at University College London. Like other experts in this field he will shock you with a surprising new fact. Planet Earth is a heavy smoker. The true extent of its habit, though, has only recently begun to surface. Until around the start of this new century, the academic consensus …

Association for Progress in Freedom on “Climate Change” and “Climate Protection”

The falsification of the radiative greenhouse gas effect By: Tom D Tamarkin We have aligned the Great Climate Debate Mango project and EnergyCite with Vereins Fortschritt in Freiheit e.V. zu „Klimawandel“ und „Klimaschutz“ or the Association for Progress in Freedom on “Climate Change” and “Climate Protection” (APFC) in cologne, Germany. APFC’s position on AGW/climate change is quite simple and rests on the fact that “greenhouse gases” (water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, CFCs, and the like) do not transfer heat through the so called IR radiative greenhouse gas theory and that theory has been proven false within the frame …

What’s Wrong with the Claim that “97% of Climate Scientists Agree” about Global Warming?

Cornwall Alliance June 8, 2017 By Neil L. Frank, Ph.D. A variety of studies have purported to find an overwhelming consensus among climate scientists on global warming. However, the studies rarely specify what it is to which the scientists agree. Usually it is nothing more than that the earth has warmed since 1800 and that human activity has contributed significantly to the warming—something almost no skeptics would deny. No study—whether a survey of published articles or a survey directly of scientists—has found anything remotely near a 97% consensus not only that the earth has warmed and that human activity has …