On the Exchange of Carbon Dioxide between the Atmosphere and the Sea

By BERT BOLIN, University of Stockholm (Manuscript received March 3, 1960) Abstract The physical and chemical processes responsible for exchange of carbon dioxide between the atmosphere and the sea are analyzed. It is shown that the rate of transfer is considerably decreased due to the finite rate of hydration of CO2 in water. This is the case both for a smooth water surface where molecular diffusion plays a ro1e in the first few hundredths of a millimeter as well as for a rough sea where turbulence extends all the way to the surface. A general agreement is found between the …

A “Weakening Warming Trend Of The Last 40 Years Is Apparent”, Says German Expert

The No Tricks Zone By P Gosselin on 11. May 2022 Fritz Vahrenholt: The transition to green energies and the missing warming By Kalte Sonne Dear ladies and gentlemen, During the energy crisis that has become visible in Germany and Europe over the past few months, things have gotten quieter about the supposedly imminent climate emergency. On the one hand, energy prices and security of supply have pushed the climate issue into the background. On the other hand, a weakening of the warming trend of the last 40 years is apparent. . The temperature curve of the satellite-based measurements of the …

Leading Physicist Debunks Climate Hysteria

Leading Physicist Debunks Climate Hysteria

America Out Loud by Dr. Jay Lehr and Tom Harris | May 2, 2022 Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Email | RSS Don’t you wish that you could effectively counter your loud-mouth climate activist brother-in-law at your next family gathering? How about a few killer science facts that he would have no answer to and would silence him for good on this topic? If, like many of us, you are fed up with a family member who just won’t shut up about the supposed climate emergency, even in the middle of Easter …

The Temperature at the Ocean-Air Interface

Peter M. Saunders Published in the Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, May 1967 Abstract A simple theory is presented to account for the difference between the temperature at the ocean-air interface and that of the water at a depth of about one meter. Download PDF This browser does not support PDFs. Please download the PDF to view it..

Evidence of solar 11-year cycle from Sea Surface Temperature (SST)

Academia Letters, August 2021 ©2021 by the authors — Open Access — Distributed under CC BY 4.0 Corresponding Author: Daniele Mazza, mazzad50@gmail.com Citation: Mazza, D., Canuto, E. (2021). Evidence of solar 11-year cycle from Sea Surface Temperature (SST). Academia Letters, Article 3023. https://doi.org/10.20935/AL3023. Daniele Mazza, Former faculty, Politecnico di Torino Enrico Canuto, Former faculty, Politecnico di Torino The solar contribution to variation in mean temperatures of the earth during the past has been long debated. The reason for this is evident: a direct sun’s influence on global climate parameters would undoubtedly confirm the primary role of the sun in driving …

The New Pause Grows by Another Month to 7 Years 7 Months

  By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley Amid all the fabricated panic about an imagined “climate emergency” caused by global warming, one fact will be found almost nowhere but here. As the totalitarians tighten their fell grip on all the news and internet media, any truth inconvenient enough to run counter to the ruthlessly-enforced Party Line is suppressed. Here, however, you will find the still, small voice of calm. Here is the truth. There has been no global warming – none at all – for 7 years 7 months. Yet, during that time, a significant fraction of the influence of humanity’s …

Sorry, U.S. News & World Report, Plant Growth Is Good, Not a Climate Harm

Climate Realism By H. Sterling Burnett – April 29, 2022 On Monday, U.S. News & World Report (USNWR) became the latest corporate media outlet to run a seasonal story saying climate change is making life harder for allergy sufferers. This is likely true, but the story lacks balance and context. The USNWR’s story ignores the more important point that the allergy season is longer because the planet is greening. Earlier springs and expanded areas of more verdant plant growth is good for the Earth’s human, animal, and insect populations. A story posted by USNWR written by Health Day News reporter …

Study quantifies metal supplies needed to reach EU’s climate neutrality goal

Eureka Alert News Release 25-Apr-2022 Independent KU Leuven university study, commissioned by EU industry, echoes IEA warning of severe global competition for several metals needed in Europe’s energy transition away from fossil fuels Reports and Proceedings KU Leuven / Eurometaux Meeting the European Union’s Green Deal goal of climate neutrality by 2050 will require 35 times more lithium and 7 to 26 times the amount of increasingly scarce rare earth metals compared to Europe’s limited use today, according to a study from Belgian university KU Leuven. The energy transition will also require far greater annual supplies of aluminium (equivalent to …

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito: ‘Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant’

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito: ‘Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant’

Fashback to 2017! ______________________ Alito: ‘A pollutant is a subject that is harmful to human beings or to animals or to plants. Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant. Carbon dioxide is not harmful to ordinary things, to human beings, or to animals, or to plants. It’s actually needed for plant growth. All of us are exhaling carbon dioxide right now. So, if it’s a pollutant, we’re all polluting.’ By: Marc Morano – Climate Depot | February 14, 2017 Via: http://www.scotusmap.com/posts/2 Justice Samuel Alito’s remarks at the Claremont Institute, 2/11/2017 On February 11th, 2017, Justice Samuel Alito received the Statesmanship Award and …

Henry’s law, surface tension, and surface adsorption in dilute binary mixtures

Akira Onuki ∗ Department of Physics, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan (Dated: February 7, 2009) Equilibrium properties of dilute binary fluid mixtures are studied in two-phase states on the basis of a Helmholtz free energy including the gradient free energy. The solute partitioning between gas and liquid (Henry’s law) and the surface tension change ∆γ are discussed. A derivation of the Gibbs law ∆γ = −T Γ is given with Γ being the surface adsorption. Calculated quantities include the derivatives dT c /dX and dp c /dX of the critical temperature and pressure with respect to the solute molar fraction …