FLASHBACK: Sen Kamala Harris Supported Eliminating Senate Filibuster To Pass Green New Deal

FLASHBACK: Sen Kamala Harris Supported Eliminating Senate Filibuster To Pass Green New Deal

Daily Caller Chris White | August 12, 2020 California Democratic Sen. Kamala Harris said in 2019 that she would consider ending the Senate filibuster as president if Republican lawmakers refused to embrace legislation addressing what she and other Democrats believe is a climate crisis. Harris, who was selected Tuesday as running mate on former Vice President Joe Biden’s Democratic presidential bid, made the suggestion during a CNN climate crisis town hall in September 2019 before ending her own run for president in December. “If they fail to act, as president of the United States, I am prepared to get rid …

Persistent warm Mediterranean surface waters during the Roman period

Nature Abstract Reconstruction of last millennia Sea Surface Temperature (SST) evolution is challenging due to the difficulty retrieving good resolution marine records and to the several uncertainties in the available proxy tools. In this regard, the Roman Period (1 CE to 500 CE) was particularly relevant in the socio-cultural development of the Mediterranean region while its climatic characteristics remain uncertain. Here we present a new SST reconstruction from the Sicily Channel based in Mg/Ca ratios measured on the planktonic foraminifer Globigerinoides ruber. This new record is framed in the context of other previously published Mediterranean SST records from the Alboran …

The Evolution of the Earth’s Climate

G.V. Chilingar, et al., adapted from “The Evolution of the Earth’s Climate”, 2018, Scrivener Publishing, John Wiley & Sons This book is dedicated to those politicians interested in the truth, basing their opinions on scientific facts, rather than emotions, personal profit, or conformity. An excellent example of this is the United States President, Donald J. Trump. Dedications & Contents Introduction & Acknowlegments Chapter 1: Climatic Paradox Chapter 2: A Description of the Adiabatic Process Chapter 3: The Earth’s Synoptic Activities Chapter 4: Development of Earth’s Hydrosphere Chapter 5: Earth’s Historic Atmospheres Chapter 6: Nitrogen in Earth’s Atmosphere Chapter 7: Development …

Mediterranean Sea was 2 degrees hotter during Roman Empire

Mediterranean Sea was 2 degrees hotter during Roman Empire

Archaeology News Network 7/23/20 The greatest time of the Roman Empire coincided with the warmest period of the last 2,000 years in the Mediterranean, according to a study published in the journal Scientific Reports. The climate conditions derived progressively towards arid conditions and later colder ones coinciding with the historical fall of the empire, as stated in the new study, whose principal researchers are Isabel Cacho, Giulia Margaritelli and Albert Català, from the Faculty of Earth Sciences and the Consolidated Research Group on Marine Geosciences of the University of Barcelona. The study also counts on the participation of the experts …

Russian Scientists say period of global cooling ahead due to changes in the sun

WUWT Anthony Watts / April 29, 2013 From Radio Voice of Russia: Russia’s Pulkovo Observatory: “we could be in for a cooling period that lasts 200-250 years” Scientists at Russia’s famous Pulkovo Observatory are convinced that the world is in for a period of global cooling. Graph by David Archibald Global warming which has been the subject of so many discussions in recent years, may give way to global cooling. According to scientists from the Pulkovo Observatory in St.Petersburg, solar activity is waning, so the average yearly temperature will begin to decline as well. Scientists from Britain and the US …

Highest U.S. Temperatures on Record by State

Highest U.S. Temperatures on Record by State

Electroverse July 12, 2020 | Cap Allon Historical documentation destroys the man-made global warming theory. While those in control of the temperature graphs are all too happy to fraudulently increase the running average, what they haven’t (yet) had the chutzpa to do is rewrite the history books. As Tony Heller uncovers on his site realclimatescience, NASA routinely cools the past and heats the present, so to give the illusion of a greater warming trend — and comparisons between old and new graphs instantly reveals this fraud: In 1999, NASA’s James Hansen reported 0.5C US cooling since the 1930’s: By 2016, …

Do Increasing Contents of Methane and Carbon Dioxide in the Atmosphere Cause Global Warming?

G. V. Chilingar, O. G. Sorokhtin, L. F. Khilyuk, M. Liu Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, US Section, Los Angeles, USA Email: lmfusc2012@gmail.com Received 26 September 2014; revised 27 October 2014; accepted 10 November 2014 Academic Editor: Mohammad Valipour, University of Tehran, Iran Copyright © 2014 by authors and Scientific Research Publishing Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). Abstract In the Earth atmosphere, methane gradually converts into carbon dioxide which, according to the conventional anthropogenic theory of global warming, is the main driver of global climate change. The authors investigated the greenhouse …

Death Valley high temperature record of July 10, 1913

Death Valley high temperature record of July 10, 1913

WUWT by Paul Dorian | July 10, 2020 Temperature recordings at the Greenland Ranch weather station in Death Valley, California during the intense heat wave of July 1913.  This excerpt about the record-breaking heat wave comes from an article posted during January 1922 in the meteorological journal Monthly Weather Review which is still in publication today. Source: NOAA On July 10, 1913, Death Valley, California reached an amazing 134 degrees…the hottest temperature ever reliably recorded in a year with many remarkable weather events Overview The high temperature in Death Valley, California on Friday will come close to 120°F, but this is still …

10 fallacies about Arctic sea ice & polar bear survival refute misleading ‘facts’

10 fallacies about Arctic sea ice & polar bear survival refute misleading ‘facts’

Polar Bear Science July 8, 2020 This updated blog post of mine from last year is as pertinent now as it was then: it’s a fully-referenced rebuttal to the misleading ‘facts’ so often presented this time of year to support the notion that polar bears are being harmed due to lack of summer sea ice. Polar Bears International developed ‘Arctic Sea Ice Day’ (15 July) to promote their skewed interpretation of polar bear science at the height of the Arctic melt season. This year I’ve add a ‘Polar Bears and the Arctic Food Chain‘ graphic, which readers are free to …

Supreme Court Greenlights Pipeline Projects, Except for Keystone XL

Supreme Court Greenlights Pipeline Projects, Except for Keystone XL

The Epoch Times By Matthew Vadum July 7, 2020 The Supreme Court stayed a lower court ruling and allowed a slew of pipeline projects to move forward under a fast-track permitting process but left out the controversial, long-delayed expansion of the Keystone XL oil sands pipeline. The 1,200-mile Keystone XL Pipeline, which is now temporarily held up by the high court, would link Canadian oil sands fields to refineries on the Gulf Coast. The project would add to the existing Keystone pipeline, finished in 2013, which runs from Alberta, Canada, to Illinois, Texas, and Oklahoma. When completed, Keystone XL is …