5. Earth’s Historic Atmospheres

G.V. Chilingar, et al., adapted from “The Evolution of the Earth’s Climate”, 2018, Scrivener Publishing, John Wiley & Sons Download PDF This browser does not support PDFs. Please download the PDF to view it.

4. Development of Earth’s Hydrosphere

G.V. Chilingar, et al., adapted from “The Evolution of the Earth’s Climate”, 2018, Scrivener Publishing, John Wiley & Sons Download PDF This browser does not support PDFs. Please download the PDF to view it.

Mathematical Analysis Debunks ’33 Degrees’ Greenhouse Gas Effect

Principia Scientific By John O’Sullivan | July 22, 2019 Australian mathematician proves that the  ’33 degrees Greenhouse Effect’ in mainstream climate theory is not a property of the atmosphere but a measure of the bias inherent in the standard academic model of Earth. Bevan Dockery B.Sc.(Hons – Mathematics) has just published a new analysis (CO2_vs_temp_2018_paper_2) further undermining the credibility of the so-called ‘greenhouse gas effect’ theory which is the cornerstone of man-made global warming alarmism. The paper is reproduced below in full: Temperature and CO2 concentration Here is 39 years of empirical data, showing a distinct lack of a relationship …

Tony Heller & Dr Tim Ball invited to the Australian Senate by Queensland Senator Malcolm Roberts

Tony Heller & Dr Tim Ball invited to the Australian Senate by Senator Malcolm Roberts Australian CSIRO ‘Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation’ grilled over it’s constant lies and failed climate change predictions, Australia’s Bureau Of Meteorology, ‘BOM’ is also another Climate change propaganda machine, the biggest in the world for pushing this massive hoax, the BOM are on record for saying, “What we really need is more funding to study the effects of climate change warming on Australia” More funding = more jobs for these absolute scumbags

Why Climate Changes

Do you wonder why 2015 was the hottest year since thermometers were invented? It turns out that global warming is caused by ozone depletion, not greenhouse gases. In August 2014, Bárðarbunga in central Iceland began erupting basaltic lava flows that in six months covered an area of 33 square miles, the size of Manhattan, the highest rate of such lava extrusion since 1783, a major event. Chlorine and bromine from such lava depletes the ozone layer, allowing more ultraviolet-B solar radiation to reach Earth. This video is an introduction by Dr. Peter L. Ward to the website https://WhyClimateChanges.com that explains …

3. The Earth’s Synoptic Activities

G.V. Chilingar, et al., adapted from “The Evolution of the Earth’s Climate”, 2018, Scrivener Publishing, John Wiley & Sons Download PDF This browser does not support PDFs. Please download the PDF to view it.

The coming “hottest ever” claims are hype

CFACT Joe Bastardi |July 17th, 2019 Mashable reported that “June was the warmest June ever recorded.”  This is a classic example of hysterical climate propaganda. First of all, I am grateful for articles such as this, for it provides an opportunity to showcae the other side of the argument. One is never going to convince agenda driven zealots bent on destroying anyone in their way of ones point, However for those curious enough to look you may be able to see why there is skepticism over the issue of co2 now being the climate control knob And of course the …


WUWT By Allan M.R. MacRae, B.A.Sc., M.Eng. July 20, 2019 On July 4, 2019, I published the article “THE COST TO SOCIETY OF RADICAL ENVIRONMENTALISM”. There was a reason why this article was published on July 4. My article begins: Ever wonder why extremists attack honest scientists who oppose global warming and climate change hysteria? Ever wonder why climate extremists refuse to debate the science? IT IS BECAUSE GLOBAL WARMING AND CLIMATE CHANGE ALARMISM WAS NEVER ABOUT THE SCIENCE – IT WAS ALWAYS A FALSE NARRATIVE, A SMOKESCREEN FOR THE TOTALITARIAN OBJECTIVES OF THE EXTREME LEFT.

2. Adiabatic Theory

G.V. Chilingar, et al., adapted from “The Evolution of the Earth’s Climate”, 2018, Scrivener Publishing, John Wiley & Sons download PDF (This document is large and may take some time to load) This browser does not support PDFs. Please download the PDF to view it.