Why Scientists Who Know Climate Change Isn’t Causing Extreme Weather Stay Quiet

Climate Change Dispatch Ross McKitrick | June 7, 2019 This week in Vancouver, Prime Minister Trudeau said the federal carbon tax, a key pillar in his government’s climate policy, will help protect Canadians from extreme weather. “Extreme weather events are extraordinarily expensive for Canadians, our communities and our economy,” he said, citing the recent tornadoes in Ottawa and wildfires in Western Canada. “That’s why we need to act.” While members of the media may nod along to such claims, the evidence paints a different story.

Patrick Moore – The Power of Truth

Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore gives a keynote address to the Economic Education Association of Alberta’s 6th annual “Freedom School” conference, on “Things that Matter: An Agenda for Alberta”, about changing the world by speaking the truth – in this case about the science, policy and politics of man-made global warming

Feedback is not the big enchilada

By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley | June 8, 2019 I am most grateful to Mr Stokes for his interesting recent posting in which he explains what he sees as the difference between official climatology’s implementation of feedback in deriving climate sensitivity and the approach taken by my co-authors and me. The sheer quantity of the comments on these mathematical and physical discussions is an indication that getting down and dirty among the equations is of more than passing interest to the readership.

Overheating About Global Warming

American Consequences May, 2019 By Bjørn Lomborg Decades of climate-change exaggeration in the West have produced frightened children, febrile headlines, and unrealistic political promises. The world needs a cooler approach that addresses climate change smartly without scaring us needlessly and that pays heed to the many other challenges facing the planet. On March 15, across the rich world, school students walked out of classrooms and took to the streets to call for action against climate change. The “Youth Climate Strike” was inspired by 16-year-old Swedish activist Greta Thunberg, who blasts the media and political leaders for ignoring global warming and …

The decline of Weather Dependent Renewables in Europe: 2008 – 2018

cedmhdotme.wordpress.com Introduction The EurObserv’ER organisation publishes data annually on all types of EU28 Renewable installations and their productivity.  EurObser’ER is backed by the EU and promotes the transition to Renewables.  Their report for Solar power in 2019 here is a typical example of their annual data output for each technology. Photovoltaic barometer 2019 This post uses the EurObserv’ER data series since 2008 as they relate to about 80% of European Renewable generation installations, those being: Wind power Onshore Wind Power Offshore On grid Solar PV power. From the peak installation rate in 2010 the European commitment to Weather Dependent Renewables …

Response to Roy Spencer Regarding His Support of Flat Earth

Joseph Postma Published on Jun 5, 2019 Roy Spencer published an article today stating that I am incorrectly ranting about the fraud of flat Earth theory making its way into modern physics via climate science. I analyze his statement and expose that climate science truly is indeed flat Earth theory: it is baked into the mathematics!

Clouds and the Climate Tipping Point

4/24/2019 Earnest C. Watson Lecture by Professor Tapio Schneider, “Clouds and the Climate Tipping Point.” Low clouds over subtropical oceans cool Earth’s climate because they reflect most of the sunlight shining on them back to space. It is unclear, however, how the clouds themselves change with climate; this gives rise to large uncertainties in climate change projections. Tapio Schneider’s lecture will show how advances in computing and satellite observations are enabling breakthroughs in the accuracy of climate projections. Such advances have already revealed a tipping point of the climate system: if greenhouse gas concentrations rise high enough, subtropical low clouds …

Fake Greenhouse Effect for Fake Science

Joseph Postma Published on Jun 2, 2019 Did you know that there are two “greenhouse effects”? One is what we find in an actual, real greenhouse and thus actually physically exists and is real. The other is an entirely different scheme invented for Anthropogenic Climate Change pseudoscience and is literally based upon flat Earth theory, and it is NOT found in a real greenhouse, or anywhere else, because it is fake.

Reporting the fraudulent practices behind global warming science

by Christopher Monckton of Brenchley June 3, 2019 The prison gate is about to slam thunderously shut on the global warming fraudsters. It is time to report their profitable but murderous deception to the public investigating and prosecuting authorities. To prove a fraud, though, is harder than to prove a murder. One has to demonstrate – beyond reasonable doubt – not one but two criminal intents.

Calling Climate Change ‘Catastrophic’ Isn’t Backed By Science

Principia Scientific May 30, 2019 by Bjorn Lomborg Ever notice how, in the last decade or so, we quietly stopped just having storms and started having “extreme weather events”? It feels like no temperature drop or seasonal downpour is too small for the media to slap a scary name on it and issue minute-by-minute warnings.