Prof. Tim Ball provides a comprehensive overview of the eugenic origins of CO2 alarmism

In this video, Prof. Tim Ball shows not only why the “science” behind the CO2 scare is completely false, he shows how the fascists and eugenicists have created this scare very consciously in order to choke modern civilisation and development. Unless countries like India understand the origin of this ideology (which is purely fascist, being both socialist and eugenic), they will be easily sucked in by the shameful propaganda and lies of the alarmists. ADDENDUM A reader suggested that using the word “eugenic” in the title makes them less likely to share this video. Our response: Thanks but there is …

CLIMATE FORCING | Our Future is Cold

Climate Change, Solar Forcing, Ice Age | From volcanic cooling born beneath our feet to the most seemingly distant reaches of both space time, we lay out Climate Forcing: the problems, path forward, and character of the finish line. This Will Be a Key Topic at OTF2020 in Denver: Special Thanks to Dr. Brian Tinsley, Professor Emeritus, University of Texas at Dallas

Global Cooling

With the Paris climate agreement put to bed, climate mania seems to have died down for the time being. So I think it’s time for a dose of reality. Because it’s getting colder … and dryer … and it’s all because of the Sun (oh, and the planets …). Everything that happens on Earth happens in cycles. The only straight line is in man’s mind. There are no straight lines in nature. Everything is nature is formed by spinning spheres, or waves. So, when you tell me the temperature is going to go straight up, I become more than a …

Global Warming: Fact or Fiction? Featuring Physicists Willie Soon and Elliott Bloom

Independent Institute Published on Aug 16, 2019 Is global warming real? Have any such predictions been established scientifically? Would massive “carbon” taxes and other controls put America and the world—especially the poor—at great risk? At this special event, geoscientist and astrophysicist Willie Soon separates fact from fiction in the global warming debate. He explains why the forecasts from CO2 climate models have been so wrong—and why solar influences on clouds, oceans, and wind drive climate change, not CO2 emissions. Stanford University physicist Elliott Bloom then comments. “The whole point of science is to question accepted dogmas. For that reason, I …

Unstoppable Solar Cycles – Full Video

When Erik the Red first arrived in Greenland, the fertile green land was perfect for farming. But within a few centuries the thriving Viking settlements had been wiped out by global cooling. The Little Ice Age is one of many climactic eras that have been scientifically identified. Since about 1850 the earth has been in a warming period. What is the role of carbon dioxide in warming? The best available records of temperature and atmospheric CO2 over the past 650,000 years indicate that the earth’s temperature always rises first, followed by a rise in carbon dioxide. If a warmer earth …