How to Destroy the Climate Change Hoax

Celebrities, activists, environmentalist organizations, the UN, government entities and sadly, even the Vatican support the theory that humans cause climate change. However, in this exclusive interview, “global warming” expert and author Marc Morano gives you hard-hitting arguments and facts that dispel the artificial fear propagated by “climate emergency” alarmists. The global warming alarmists and their community are acting on a false premise. They are presenting to people who have been indoctrinated in the false and incorrectly named theory that “greenhouse gases” contribute a statistically relevant amount of warming. It is obvious that they do not understand the natural carbon cycle …

Erasing America’s Hot Past

Tony Heller Published on Aug 4, 2019 This video is a must-watch for people wanting to understand what is going on with the climate crisis scam. It shows what they are doing, how they are doing it, and what we need to do to prevent a hostile takeover of the corenerstone of our civilization – affordable, reliable energy.

Tony Heller & Dr Tim Ball invited to the Australian Senate by Queensland Senator Malcolm Roberts

Tony Heller & Dr Tim Ball invited to the Australian Senate by Senator Malcolm Roberts Australian CSIRO ‘Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation’ grilled over it’s constant lies and failed climate change predictions, Australia’s Bureau Of Meteorology, ‘BOM’ is also another Climate change propaganda machine, the biggest in the world for pushing this massive hoax, the BOM are on record for saying, “What we really need is more funding to study the effects of climate change warming on Australia” More funding = more jobs for these absolute scumbags

Why Climate Changes

Do you wonder why 2015 was the hottest year since thermometers were invented? It turns out that global warming is caused by ozone depletion, not greenhouse gases. In August 2014, Bárðarbunga in central Iceland began erupting basaltic lava flows that in six months covered an area of 33 square miles, the size of Manhattan, the highest rate of such lava extrusion since 1783, a major event. Chlorine and bromine from such lava depletes the ozone layer, allowing more ultraviolet-B solar radiation to reach Earth. This video is an introduction by Dr. Peter L. Ward to the website that explains …

Climatologist Dr. Judith Curry: Climate Change is ‘not a clear and present danger’

Anthony Watts / July 16, 2019 My latest podcast – this one has some eye-opening discussion. Dr. Judith Curry is a climatologist, former chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology and president of Climate Forecast Applications Network. She is in the forefront of the climate skeptic movement, often drawing fire from others in the scientific community. Dr. Curry and Anthony Watts discuss her experience within the scientific community, changes in sea-level and how climate change is not a clear and present danger.

Patrick Moore – The Power of Truth

Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore gives a keynote address to the Economic Education Association of Alberta’s 6th annual “Freedom School” conference, on “Things that Matter: An Agenda for Alberta”, about changing the world by speaking the truth – in this case about the science, policy and politics of man-made global warming