Response to Roy Spencer Regarding His Support of Flat Earth

Joseph Postma Published on Jun 5, 2019 Roy Spencer published an article today stating that I am incorrectly ranting about the fraud of flat Earth theory making its way into modern physics via climate science. I analyze his statement and expose that climate science truly is indeed flat Earth theory: it is baked into the mathematics!

Clouds and the Climate Tipping Point

4/24/2019 Earnest C. Watson Lecture by Professor Tapio Schneider, “Clouds and the Climate Tipping Point.” Low clouds over subtropical oceans cool Earth’s climate because they reflect most of the sunlight shining on them back to space. It is unclear, however, how the clouds themselves change with climate; this gives rise to large uncertainties in climate change projections. Tapio Schneider’s lecture will show how advances in computing and satellite observations are enabling breakthroughs in the accuracy of climate projections. Such advances have already revealed a tipping point of the climate system: if greenhouse gas concentrations rise high enough, subtropical low clouds …

Fake Greenhouse Effect for Fake Science

Joseph Postma Published on Jun 2, 2019 Did you know that there are two “greenhouse effects”? One is what we find in an actual, real greenhouse and thus actually physically exists and is real. The other is an entirely different scheme invented for Anthropogenic Climate Change pseudoscience and is literally based upon flat Earth theory, and it is NOT found in a real greenhouse, or anywhere else, because it is fake.

Climate Change Heuristic Proves They’re Lying to You

Joseph Postma May 31, 2019 We often encounter this back-up argument that the climate physics greenhouse effect “is only a heuristic” and that isn’t the real greenhouse effect of climate physics. I dissect this argument to demonstrate how it proves that advocates of global warming and anthropogenic climate change are actively & purposefully & knowingly engaging in deception.

Confronting the real-life of climate claims

May 21, 2019 | Association des Climato-réalistes by John Christy, climatologist, professor of atmospheric science at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, a world-renowned specialist in satellite temperature measurements.

Greenhouse Deception

Clear Energy Alliance Published on May 9, 2019 You’ve heard the phrase “the Greenhouse Effect” a thousand times, but did you know the term is completely inaccurate when applied to the earth’s atmosphere? The earth’s atmosphere is a non-linear, dynamic system that simultaneously absorbs and emits energy that it receives from the sun. There is no roof on the earth, so the term makes no sense when describing the atmosphere. This incorrect analogy has helped to fuel climate change hysteria. VISIT Clear Energy Alliance

There is no Radiative Greenhouse Effect – Main Presentation

Joseph Postma Streamed live on Jan 10, 2017 PDF: https://climateofsophistry.files.word… In this live webcast I will be giving a slideshow presentation which demonstrates that the radiative greenhouse effect, upon which climate alarm and even the field of climate science itself is based, does not exist. On both scientific requirements of having theoretical & empirical support, the radiative greenhouse effect is proven to have neither: it is based in false physics and paradox, violates the laws of thermodynamics, and doesn’t produce the empirical observables it predicts and claims responsibility for. It isn’t just that climate alarm isn’t as bad as the …

Is Carbon Dioxide Endangering the Planet? Craig Idso vs. Jeffrey Bennett. A Debate

Soho Forum May 6, 2019 Resolution: There is little or no rigorous evidence that rising concentrations of carbon dioxide are causing dangerous global warming and threatening life on the planet. For the affirmative: Craig Idso is the founder, former president, and currently chairman of the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change. The Center was founded in 1998 as a non-profit public charity dedicated to discovering and disseminating scientific information pertaining to the effects of atmospheric carbon dioxide enrichment on climate and the biosphere. Dr. Idso’s research has appeared many times in peer-reviewed journals, and is the …