Academia Letters, August 2021
©2021 by the authors — Open Access — Distributed under CC BY 4.0
Corresponding Author: Daniele Mazza,
Citation: Mazza, D., Canuto, E. (2021). Evidence of solar 11-year cycle from Sea Surface Temperature (SST).
Academia Letters, Article 3023.
Daniele Mazza, Former faculty, Politecnico di Torino
Enrico Canuto, Former faculty, Politecnico di Torino
The solar contribution to variation in mean temperatures of the earth during the past has
been long debated. The reason for this is evident: a direct sun’s influence on global climate parameters would undoubtedly confirm the primary role of the sun in driving the climate in the past, present, and allow us to forecast the future. Once assessed the primary sun’s role, other forcings like CO2 or other GHG gases concentration, or other anthropogenic contributions, would need to be reconsidered.