Cooler is Riskier
Patrice POYET
Iklin (Malta), April 19th , 2021
Final First Edition
First version issued dated December 14th , 2020
- Freethinkers hold that knowledge should be grounded in facts, scientific inquiry, and logic, see also (Jacoby, 2005). If you liked this work, in exchange for getting it for free, then please recommend it to ten people. You can also become a member whenever possible or make a donation to support any of those organizations: cato.org, cei.org, climatecite.com, climatedepot.com, clintel.org, co2coalition.org, co2science.org, friendsofscience.org, geoethic.com, heartland.org, jennifermarohasy.com, notrickszone.com, plantsneedco2.org saltbushclub.com, scienceandpublicpolicy.org, tambonthongchai.com, thegwpf.org and for the French speaking readers the association of the climato-realistes.fr does an excellent job.
- When scientific views come under political attack, so too does independent thinking and good policy-making because all require rational thought to be effective, (Legates, 2014).
- This e-book is under permanent on-going peer-reviewing. It also keeps being extended and improved. So, please refer to this date when communicating with the author so as to identify the version and help improve the document. Check regularly the website to ensure that you have the latest release.