Open letter to Professor Michael E. Mann

Posted on Principia Scientific on Sept. 9, 2019 Written by Tom D. Tamarkin Upon Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann’s latest lawsuit threat to Pastor Jonathan Lange, who honestly reported on his legal defeat versus Tim Ball, we post a public letter to Mann by a valued PSI member. Michael E. Mann Distinguished Professor Director, Earth System Science Center (ESSC) Department of Meteorology Phone: (814) 863-4075 514 Walker Building FAX: (814) 865-3663 The Pennsylvania State University email: Dr. Michael Mann: Recently you spoke ill of Dr. Judith Curry Bishop after her important stellar testimony before Congress and made unprofessional remarks about her …

Is man-made global warming Mann-made?

Only Human Jonathan Lange | Sept. 2, 2019 Dr. Michael E. Mann is regularly promoted as the “world-leading climate change scientist.” He is a professor at Penn State University and the author of the famous “hockey stick” graph. The “hockey stick” graph was published in 1998 and presented a wildly new assessment of earth’s temperature over the past millennium. Openly available climate data traces a roller coaster line of warming and cooling over the past 1,000 years. This line averages about 9.2 C, rising to nearly 10.0 C during the Medieval Warming Period and dropping to 8.6 C at the …

Study: ‘Back radiation’ not a component of climate change

Principia Scientific Published on September 2, 2019 Written by John O’Sullivan 2019 study published in Geophysical Research Letters (GRL) affirms Downward Longwave Radiation (DLR) “cannot be considered an independent component of the surface energy budget.” The conclusion affirms the science of researchers at Principia Scientific International. The paper, ‘Does Surface Temperature Respond to or Determine Downwelling Longwave Radiation?‘ was published on February 19, 2019. The Abstract reads: Abstract Downward longwave radiation (DLR) is often assumed to be an independent forcing on the surface energy budget in analyses of Arctic warming and land‐atmosphere interaction. We use radiative kernels to show that …

Are Children Brainwashed About Climate Change?

Principia Scientific Published on September 1, 2019 Written by J.A. Cook I am a 22-year old British woman returning to college to study science. I see young people today are duped. Take for example, Greta Thunberg (pictured below), a 16-year old iconic climate activist lauded for being green for sailing across the Atlantic to New York for the UN climate summit in a multi-millionaire’s zero-emissions yacht. Of course, sailing the Atlantic at such a young age is a commendable act, but the reason behind this teen’s journey is farcical at best. A child does not possess the insight necessary to …

Cause cannot follow effect

Bud Bromley | January 23, 2016 Abstract: “The hypothesis that the increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide is related to observable changes in the climate is tested using modern methods of time-series analysis. The results confirm that average global temperature is increasing, and that temperature and atmospheric carbon dioxide are significantly correlated over the past thirty years. Changes in carbon dioxide content lag those in temperature by five months.”  (Note date: 22 February 1990) Nature 343, 709 – 714 (22 February 1990); doi:10.1038/343709a0 Coherence established between atmospheric carbon dioxide and global temperature CYNTHIA KUO, CRAIG LINDBERG & DAVID J. THOMSON Mathematical Sciences Research Center, AT&T Bell Labs, …

Michael Mann “Hockey Stick” Update: Now Definitively Established To Be Fraud

Manhattan Contrarian August 26, 2019/ Francis Menton The Michael Mann “Hockey Stick” is suddenly back in the news. It’s been so long since we have heard from it, do you even remember what it is? The “Hockey Stick” is the graph that took the world of climate science by storm back in 1998. That’s when Mann and co-authors Raymond Bradley and Malcolm Hughes published in Nature their seminal paper “Global-scale temperature patterns and climate forcing over the past six centuries.” A subsequent 1999 update by the same authors, also in Nature (“Northern Hemisphere Temperatures During the Past Millennium: Inferences, Uncertainties, …

UN flies in 5,000 people to Salt Lake to complain about fossil fuels

From CFACT By CFACT |August 27th, 2019|Environment How does the United Nations convince people that they are super serious in their outrage about fossil fuels? How about flying 4,000 people from all over the world in fossil-fueled jet airplanes to isolated Salt Lake City to whine about it? Sounds like a good plan to the United Nations bureaucracy, which is sponsoring a sustainability and climate change conference this week in Salt Lake City. The UN brags that up to 4,000 people are likely to attend, representing more 300 nongovernmental organizations (read, environmental activist groups) and more than 80 countries. There …

Has Nature Communications committed reckless endangerment?

Has Nature Communications committed reckless endangerment?

By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley | August 28, 2019 Here is an update on the case against Nature Communications and against the soi-disant “University” of California at Merced and various of its denizens in respect of a lamentable purported “study” that is in reality an unveiled personal attack on climate skeptics. The following letter, sent by me today (28 August 2019), shows that we are not only considering prosecution for fraud but also for reckless endangerment (U.S. criminal code), incitement to violence and breach of the peace (Justices of the Peace Act 1361, s. 1). I shall also be pursuing …

DeSmogBlog: Criminal Enemies of Science

Principia Scientific Published on April 25, 2019 Written by John O’Sullivan Anyone who searches for ‘Principia Scientific International’ on a major corporate search engine may be bemused to see the criminally-run hate site, desmogblog tagged beside us, posting a smear of our organisation. Clearly, the search engines themselves are indifferent (or supportive) towards these politicized merchants of disinformation. For those readers unfamiliar with desmogblog we invite you to peruse the following facts. On we see revealed that: DeSmogBlog is a highly politicized climate alarmist website that attacks skeptics of catastrophic man-caused climate change and the organizations that support them. …

Climate scientists admit their models are wrong

Bud Bromley June 20, 2017 Climate scientists who support human-caused global warming, for example Ben Santer and Michael Mann, authored a peer reviewed paper which acknowledges that their climate models are wrong, although their admission is buried in weasel words and technical jargon: “In the early twenty-first century, satellite-derived tropospheric warming trends were generally smaller than trends estimated from a large multi-model ensemble,” reads the first line of the abstract of lead author, climate scientist Ben Santer’s recent paper in Nature. In other words, the actual temperature trends were less than their models. Their models cost taxpayers billions of dollars …