You Can Help Break the Climate Change Hoax Control Scheme

EnergyCite’s mission is to kill this mammoth beast called the climate change hoax and to expose those who have perpetrated this fraud and unduly profited from it. Join with us as we produce the Mango Project. Download PDF This browser does not support PDFs. Please download the PDF to view it.. 

Fresh Proof Nature, Not Humans, Drives CO2 Levels

Fresh Proof Nature, Not Humans, Drives CO2 Levels

PSI June 14, 2020 | Bevan Dockery Statistical analysis of official data from the Mauna Loa Observatory of atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) reveals Nature, not humans determines the concentration of this trace gas. Variances in atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide are shown to be well correlated with changes in the seasons, phases of the moon and El Niño events rather than human industrial activity. No studies by climatologists endorsed by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) address these factors. Figure 1 shows the atmospheric CO2 concentration measured weekly at the Mauna Loa Observatory (see Ref.1) for …

A big thank you from the front line in the war for free speech

A big thank you from the front line in the war for free speech

By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley | May 26, 2020 To all the kind and generous readers who have donated to the appeal for Naomi Seibt, I should like to say how very grateful she for your support. Thanks to your contributions to her Patreon account, she now has $1800 a month in income, and skeptics everywhere are spreading the word. Stefan Molyneux, who has interviewed Naomi in the past, has just retweeted it, and from there it has been retweeted almost 1000 times. Latest news is that the State Media Authority in North-Rhine Westphalia has threatened Naomi with imprisonment. Naomi, …

Why herd immunity to COVID-19 is reached much earlier than thought

Why herd immunity to COVID-19 is reached much earlier than thought Nicholas Lewis | May 10, 2020 A pdf copy of this article is available here. Introduction A study published in March by the COVID-19 Response Team from Imperial College (Ferguson20[1]) appears to have been largely responsible for driving government actions in the UK and, to a fair extent, in the US and some other countries. Until that report came out, the strategy of the UK government, at least, seems to have been to rely on the build up of ‘herd immunity’ to slow the growth of the epidemic and eventually cause it to peter out. The ‘herd immunity threshold’ …

The Targeting of Willie Soon

The Targeting of Willie Soon

WUWT By Charles Rotter | May 10, 2020 The story about how the climate alarmist community targeted Dr Willie Soon and attacked his integrity as a scientist while doing good science. The attack on Dr Soon is detailed and the facts examined in this video. This is also an attack on science with the intent to hurt an important skeptic of climate alarmism. There are broader implications on climate science and science in general. So lean in and check out this video. Other suggested links of interest: A review of who Dr Willie Soon is and the support he has …

Ministerial math, scientific skepticism and the Chinese virus

By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley | April 30, 2020 Of government ministers it may be said that they seldom know how many beans make five. Frankly, numeracy is seldom their forte. Therefore, HM Government, for instance, has pietistically proclaimed time and time again at its daily press conferences that it will act solely on the basis of what the scientists say. This species of abject abdication to the priests of the machine has long been evident in governments’ approach to the climate question. They have been readily fooled by totalitarian academics pushing an agenda that is both ideologically attractive and …

The absorption of thermal emitted infrared radiation by CO2

The absorption of thermal emitted infrared radiation by CO2

Written by W.J.Witteman, Emeritus professor University of Twente (NL) April 3, 2020 Abstract: The present study describes the absorption of thermal emission from the earth surface by CO2 in the atmosphere. It is done on a fundamental physics base. For this purpose, the vibrational-rotational structure of the CO2 molecule is described. At atmospheric temperatures a few low-lying vibrational bands of CO2 are relevant. It is found that independently from the vibrational state of the molecule the frequency separation between the rotational lines for both P- and R-transitions is constant and about 50 GHz. Furthermore, it is found that practically about 90% …

Greenhouse gases did not cause the end of the pause March 15, 2020 By Antero Ollila Foreword During the years 2000-2014, the global temperature hardly increased, and that period has been called the temperature pause or hiatus. The debate among the climate community has resulted in more than 200 research studies in some cases with opposite results about the reasons. This amount of papers can be compared to the research studies of Earth’s energy balance and the greenhouse effect. I have found about 10 publications for both subjects. During the years 2000-2014, the emissions of carbon dioxide were 126 gigatons carbon (GtC) being 31% of the total emission after …

It’s Easy to be Fooled by a Climate Alarmist

It’s Easy to be Fooled by a Climate Alarmist

Medium Dispelling the fallacies of a solar company owner Gregory Wrightstone — March 6, 2020 Author of Inconvenient Facts — The science that Al Gore doesn’t want you to know An article highly critical of my book Inconvenient Facts, a bestseller, has received wide distribution. It’s Easy to be Tricked by a Climate Denier purports to be a factual take-down of the book and, by extension, of me. However, it is really just one more example of how proponents of catastrophic man-made warming need to resort to lies and distortion in order to advance their agenda. The author, Willard MacDonald, …

Amid generally well supplied cereal markets, early indications point to a near-record wheat production in 2020

Amid generally well supplied cereal markets, early indications point to a near-record wheat production in 2020

Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN Released March 5, 2020 Global cereal markets in 2019/20 are expected to remain well supplied, comfortably covering the forecast growth in consumption. FAO’s 2019 world cereal production estimate is currently pegged at 2 719 million tonnes, almost 62 million tonnes (2.3 percent) above production in 2018 and 4.7 million tonnes higher than reported in February.  The estimate of global production of coarse grains has been raised by 5 million tonnes to 1 444 million tonnes since the previous report in February, up by 2.4 percent from 2018. The latest revision incorporates recently released official …