BBC’s Institutional Alarmism

Not a Lot of People Know That By Paul Homewood | June 13, 2022 I’ve now had a chance to write a fuller account of my new paper on the BBC: The BBC has been accused of institutional alarmism in a new report published by Net Zero Watch. It reveals the BBC’s persistent exaggeration and false information when it comes to climate and weather-related news. The study, written by me, reveals that the BBC has been forced to correct a dozen items of false claims and fake news in climate-related coverage after receiving public complaints in recent years. The paper …

A conservative calculation of specific impulse for CO2

Bud Bromley | June 11, 2022 Richard Feynman frequently reminded us, “If it disagrees with experiment it is wrong. In that simple statement is the key to science. It does not make any difference how beautiful your guess is. It does not make any difference how smart you are, who made the guess, or what his name is – if it disagrees with experiment it is wrong. That is all there is to it.” (Feynman, 1965) In the 2 years following the June 15, 1991 eruption of the Pinatubo volcano, the natural environment removed more CO2 than the entire increase …

Energy Crisis Is A Taste Of What The IEA Has In Store For Us

Energy Crisis Is A Taste Of What The IEA Has In Store For Us

Not a Lot of People Know That By Paul Homewood | June 11, 2022 Biden may call it the “Putin price hike”, but the root cause of our energy crisis has been festering for a few years now. Tilak Doshi details how the oil and gas sector in the West has been starved of investment in this Forbes article. Governmental climate policies, pressure on banks from governments, central banks and regulators not to lend to fossil fuel companies, the activities of eco-activist investors, woke hedge funds and judicial decisions have all contributed to a gradual decline in new investment. Instead …

A Global ESG System Is Almost Here. We Should Be Worried

By Jack McPherrin | May 28, 2022 Day two of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland started off on a concerning note. Some of the chief architects of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) scores met during a session called “Global ESG for Global Resilience,” and have clearly decided to double down on their objective for a new global economic order that transcends national borders and replaces free-market capitalism. Destroying free-market capitalism in favor of a new “stakeholder” model, in which global elites hold all the power, has been their objective for years. A single ESG system …

Ocean carbon uptake widely underestimated by University of Exeter | September 4, 2020 The world’s oceans soak up more carbon than most scientific models suggest, according to new research. Previous estimates of the movement of carbon (known as “flux”) between the atmosphere and oceans have not accounted for temperature differences at the water’s surface and a few metres below. The new study, led by the University of Exeter, includes this—and finds significantly higher net flux of carbon into the oceans. It calculates CO2 fluxes from 1992 to 2018, finding up to twice as much net flux in certain times and locations, compared to uncorrected …

The CO2 tempest in a teapot scandal

The CO2 tempest in a teapot scandal

Bud Bromley May 11, 2022 CO2 “crisis” is a “tempest in a teapot” or a “storm in a teacup.” “Excitabat fluctus in simpulo” ~ Cicero, in De Legibus, circa 52 BC Consider a pot of boiling water.  If more water is added to the pot, the boiling point of the water does not change.  The time required to boil the water changes and/or the amount of heat required to boil the water changes, but the boiling point does not change.  The boiling point does change under certain other conditions, for example if salt or other substances are added to the …

A “Weakening Warming Trend Of The Last 40 Years Is Apparent”, Says German Expert

The No Tricks Zone By P Gosselin on 11. May 2022 Fritz Vahrenholt: The transition to green energies and the missing warming By Kalte Sonne Dear ladies and gentlemen, During the energy crisis that has become visible in Germany and Europe over the past few months, things have gotten quieter about the supposedly imminent climate emergency. On the one hand, energy prices and security of supply have pushed the climate issue into the background. On the other hand, a weakening of the warming trend of the last 40 years is apparent. . The temperature curve of the satellite-based measurements of the …

Leading Physicist Debunks Climate Hysteria

Leading Physicist Debunks Climate Hysteria

America Out Loud by Dr. Jay Lehr and Tom Harris | May 2, 2022 Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Email | RSS Don’t you wish that you could effectively counter your loud-mouth climate activist brother-in-law at your next family gathering? How about a few killer science facts that he would have no answer to and would silence him for good on this topic? If, like many of us, you are fed up with a family member who just won’t shut up about the supposed climate emergency, even in the middle of Easter …

The New Pause Grows by Another Month to 7 Years 7 Months

  By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley Amid all the fabricated panic about an imagined “climate emergency” caused by global warming, one fact will be found almost nowhere but here. As the totalitarians tighten their fell grip on all the news and internet media, any truth inconvenient enough to run counter to the ruthlessly-enforced Party Line is suppressed. Here, however, you will find the still, small voice of calm. Here is the truth. There has been no global warming – none at all – for 7 years 7 months. Yet, during that time, a significant fraction of the influence of humanity’s …

Sorry, U.S. News & World Report, Plant Growth Is Good, Not a Climate Harm

Climate Realism By H. Sterling Burnett – April 29, 2022 On Monday, U.S. News & World Report (USNWR) became the latest corporate media outlet to run a seasonal story saying climate change is making life harder for allergy sufferers. This is likely true, but the story lacks balance and context. The USNWR’s story ignores the more important point that the allergy season is longer because the planet is greening. Earlier springs and expanded areas of more verdant plant growth is good for the Earth’s human, animal, and insect populations. A story posted by USNWR written by Health Day News reporter …