Kentucky Tornadoes, Climate Change, And Pressure Systems

By Jim Steele | Dec. 13, 2021 The video examines the weather dynamics that that led to the outbreak of tornadoes devastating Kentucky and the Mississippi River Valley region. Unusual cold, not warmth, plus the North Atlantic Oscillation and Bermuda High Pressure system are shown to be the main natural dynamics generating the storms and refutes the ambulance-chasing climate change journalists that fear-monger attribution to climate change A transcript of video is available at Jim Steele is Director emeritus of San Francisco State University’s Sierra Nevada Field Campus, authored Landscapes and Cycles: An Environmentalist’s Journey to Climate Skepticism, and …

The Real Climate And Health Crisis

Anti-fossil-fuel climate policies increase energy prices, blackouts and death tolls Paul Driessen | Dec. 12, 2021 Climate policies promoted and imposed by Team Biden and Democrats are based on junk science, headline-grabbing scare stories, and computer models that create far-fetched “scenarios” asserting that fossil fuel use and emissions will cause Earth to warm by 4 degrees C (7 F)over the next 80 years, and cause Arctic warming that will bring colder winters. Those dire predictions are used to justify more taxpayer-funded “research,” like a recent Columbia University “mortality cost of carbon” study that claims 83 million people (the population of …

Complete Madness In The Biden Administration: Energy Policy

Manhattan Contrarian By Francis Menton | November 27, 2021 Is President Biden doing anything right? To this observer, his policies range from at best merely incompetent, to at worst malicious hatred of the country and people whose interests he was elected to advance. Somewhere in between those two extremes we have Biden’s energy policy. In this arena, appropriate adjectives would be inconsistent, incoherent, and destructive. Don’t even attempt to make sense of it. To summarize in one word, it is complete madness. I’m old enough to remember the 1970s, and the two “oil shocks” that occurred during that decade. A …

Leif Svalgaard Responds to Willie Soon

Leif Svalgaard Responds to Willie Soon

By Leif Svalgaard | Nov. 23, 2021 In a talk featured in our Monday Weekly Climate and News Roundup at the 14th International Conference on Climate Change Willie Soon [at time 26:49] took me, (Svalgaard) to task for arguing that there has not been any trend in solar activity the past 300+ years. He showed their new reconstruction of solar activity as support for his criticism: Here is the video cued up. I also show the reconstruction by me and Ken Schatten [2016, ]. To my eye there is no difference between our reconstruction and theirs [based on Machine …

Researchers find repeated link between volcanic eruptions and dynastic collapse in China’s Imperial Era

Eureka Alert Nov. 12, 2021 Researchers find repeated link between volcanic eruptions and dynastic collapse in China’s Imperial Era Trinity College Dublin Volcanic eruptions may have triggered abrupt climate changes contributing to the repeated collapse of Chinese dynasties over the past 2,000 years, according to new research published today [Thursday, 11 November 2021]. The study also illustrates how volcanic eruptions can profoundly impact vulnerable or unstable regions and highlights the need to prepare for future eruptions. The research, which combines historical evidence with polar ice-core records of volcanic eruptions, was led jointly by historians and environmental scientists from Trinity College …

Greening of the Earth Mitigates Surface Warming

NASA Nov 23, 2020 A new study reports that increased vegetation growth during the recent decades, known as the “Greening Earth”, has a strong cooling effect on the land due to increased efficiency of heat and water vapor transfer to the atmosphere.   A new study published in the journal Science Advances titled “Biophysical impacts of Earth greening largely controlled by aerodynamic resistance” reports that the entire land surface would have been much warmer without the cooling effect of increased green cover during the recent decades. The study used high-quality satellite data from NASA’s MODIS sensors and NCAR’s state-of-the-art numerical …

South Pole’s Winter Weather Record

South Pole’s Winter Weather Record

Michael Kile | 19 October 2021 Last winter, in one of the bleakest places on earth after Canberra and Belushya Guba, the capital of Novaya Zemlya, a novel hypothesis was proposed by a  rogue researcher in lockdown: the more anthropogenic hot air spoken in the northern hemisphere before a United Nations climate conference, the colder it becomes in the southern hemisphere, especially at the South Pole. The conjecture has yet to be validated by a peer-reviewed article in Nature Climate Change. Nevertheless, a lot of people – especially the self-appointed guardians of truth who call out “fake news” and “misinformation” …

Record cold and snow expected in Northern Hemisphere

Record cold and snow expected in Northern Hemisphere

NWO Report Oct. 17, 2021 Source: Free West Media Meteorologists are warning of an extremely cold and snowy winter. The amount of snow in the northern hemisphere is already hundreds of gigatons larger than normal for the season and the South Pole has measured the coldest winter ever since measurements began there. This is astonishing climate news that the system media has chosen to completely ignore. There are increasing indications that earthlings are facing a colder climate. The global average temperature has fallen over the past five years and the trend for precipitation in the form of snow is rising. The …

China Backtracking?

China Backtracking?

Not a Lot of People Know That | Paul Homewood | Oct. 16, 2020 Signs that China is already backtracking on its climate pledges: China plans to build more coal-fired power plants and has hinted that it will rethink its timetable to slash emissions, in a significant blow to the UK’s ambitions for securing a global agreement on phasing out coal at the Cop26 climate summit in Glasgow. In a statement after a meeting of Beijing’s National Energy Commission, the Chinese premier, Li Keqiang, stressed the importance of regular energy supply, after swathes of the country were plunged into darkness …

Inconvenient Tornado Data Disappears

Inconvenient Tornado Data Disappears

Not A Lot of People Know That By Paul Homewood | October 13, 2021 For years NOAA have included this page on the tornado section of their website:   One of the main difficulties with tornado records is that a tornado, or evidence of a tornado must have been observed. Unlike rainfall or temperature, which may be measured by a fixed instrument, tornadoes are short-lived and very unpredictable. If a tornado occurs in a place with few or no people, it is not likely to be documented. Many significant tornadoes may not make it into the historical record since Tornado …