Japan’s Canon Institute For Global Studies (CIGS) Presents New Working Paper On Climate Science Data Inconsistencies

Japan’s Canon Institute For Global Studies (CIGS) Presents New Working Paper On Climate Science Data Inconsistencies

No Tricks Zone By P Gosselin on 15. June 2021 Statistical data alterations, huge data gaps and dissenting experts are among the problems plaguing climate science, new Japanese CIGS working paper highlights.  In November 2019, the Canon Institute for Global Studies (CIGS) released a working paper noting that natural factors are also very much at work when it comes to climate change. Now CIGS has added another. New working paper A new working paper has been released, in Japanese – authored by KiryeNet – and it reports that climate change goes well beyond one trace gas running the climate show …

An Introduction to Headspace Sampling in Gas Chromatography

Introduction This document is intended to provide the newcomer to headspace sampling with a concise summary of the theory and principles of this exciting technique. Enough information is included here for the user to understand the basic concepts and relationships in HS sampling to apply during method development and interpretation of data. Although emphasis is given to the PerkinElmer TurboMatrix™ HS systems, the document also covers alternative systems so that it should be useful to all potential users of HS systems. It is not intended to be a comprehensive review of the subject and the reader is directed to an …

Mathematical Proof of the Greenhouse Effect

by Bob Wentworth, Ph.D. (Applied Physics) | June 4, 2021 I am sometimes shocked by the number of climate change skeptics who are certain that the “Greenhouse Effect” (GHE) isn’t real. As a physicist, I’m as certain of the reality of the Greenhouse Effect as I am that 1 + 1 = 2. The GHE depends on physical principles that have been well-known and well-tested for 137 years. There really should be no question as to its reality, among anyone who knows and respects science. Note that being certain about the GHE being real is different than being certain about …

Germany’s DWD: May 2021 Among Coldest In 140 Years… Spring 2021 “Clearly Too Cool”

No Tricks Zone By P Gosselin on 1. June 2021 May, 2021, in Germany comes in as one of the coldest in years. Also spring, 2021, comes in cooler than normal. Spring in Germany hasn’t warmed at all over the past 30 years The preliminary results for the meteorological spring (March-May) and the month of May have come in for Germany. Germany’s May 2021 temperature anomaly (yet to be entered on chart) was 1.4°C below the 1961-1990 reference period mean, making it among the coldest on record. Source: DWD.  Let’s first look at May 2021 Much cooler, wetter and cloudy …

Compilation of Henry’s law constants (version 4.0) for water as solvent

Copernicus.org R. Sander Atmospheric Chemistry Department, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, P.O. Box 3060, 55020 Mainz, Germany Received: 26 Jun 2014 – Discussion started: 28 Nov 2014 – Revised: 16 Mar 2015 – Accepted: 24 Mar 2015 – Published: 30 Apr 2015 Abstract. Many atmospheric chemicals occur in the gas phase as well as in liquid cloud droplets and aerosol particles. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the distribution between the phases. According to Henry’s law, the equilibrium ratio between the abundances in the gas phase and in the aqueous phase is constant for a dilute solution. Henry’s law constants …

“Major Scientific Breakthrough”…Scientists “Step Closer To Predicting North Atlantic Climate”

No Tricks Zone By P Gosselin on 28. May 2021 A team of scientists believe they’ve made a forecasting breakthrough, suggesting the NAO is in fact highly predictable. Especially Europe’s winter temperatures are modulated by the North Atlantic atmospheric pressure pattern known as the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). As the name implies, it describes the natural fluctuations in the difference of atmospheric pressure at sea level between the Icelandic Low and the Azores High. These fluctuations control the strength and direction of westerly winds and location of storm tracks across the North Atlantic, and thus much of Europe’s weather. It …

The temperature–CO2 climate connection: an epistemological reappraisal of ice-core messages

Pascal Richet Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, 1 Rue Jussieu, 75005 Paris, France Correspondence: Pascal Richet (richet@ipgp.fr) Received: 24 Jan 2021 – Revised: 21 Mar 2021 – Accepted: 11 Apr 2021 – Published: 26 May 2021 Abstract As simply based on fundamental logic and on the concepts of cause and effect, an epistemological examination of the geochemical analyses performed on the Vostok ice cores invalidates the marked greenhouse effect on past climate usually assigned to CO2 and CH4. In agreement with the determining role assigned to Milankovitch cycles, temperature has, instead, constantly remained the long-term controlling parameter during …

EPA “Disappears” the 1930s Drought and Heat Wave Climate Data

EPA “Disappears” the 1930s Drought and Heat Wave Climate Data

by Larry Hamlin | May 21, 2021 The EPA has deleted (this chart and data no longer exist at the EPA website) its prior indicator climate data trend chart showing “unusually hot and cold temperatures” across the U.S. and showing the U.S. Heat Wave Index from 1895 to 2015 (shown below) that clearly established the unique drought and heat period of the 1930s. This long-standing climate data chart has now been replaced by a chart which simply “disappears” any notion of the great drought and heat wave period of the 1930s as shown below. EPA have also added another chart of “Heat Waves” …



Tongchai Thailand by Jamal Munshi, PhD | May 18, 2021 THIS POST IS A LIST OF LINKS TO POSTS ON THIS SITE THAT RELATE TO STATISTICS ERRORS IN CLIMATE SCIENCE. STATISTICS POST#1: THE MATHEMATICAL INCONSISTENCY ISSUE BETWEEN ECS AND TCRE. LINK: https://tambonthongchai.com/2020/08/26/a-mathematical-inconsistency/ THE EQUILIBRIUM CLIMATE SENSITIVITY ECS: The ECS measure of the impact of fossil fuel emissions on warming holds that atmospheric CO2 concentration at any given time is a linear function of cumulative emissions and that surface temperature is a logarithmic function of atmospheric CO2 concentration. These two relationships imply that surface temperature is a logarithmic function of cumulative …