Snow-covering effects on the power output of solar photovoltaic arrays

Snow-covering effects on the power output of solar photovoltaic arrays Authors: Brench, B. L. Publication Date: 1979-12-01 Abstract In general, snow covering a photovoltaic panel causes negligible energy loss when the snow is light and melts easily; however, a more serious loss can occur when the snow is heavy and does not quickly melt or shed. In order to examine the effects of snow cover on the output energy available from photovoltaic modules, a small-scale snow-shedding experiment was conducted during the winter of 1978-79 at the Natural Bridges National Monument in Utah. This site was chosen since it was the planned location for a 100-kWp flat-plate photovoltaic power system. …

UN Environment Programme

Making Peace with Nature A scientific blueprint to tackle the climate, biodiversity and pollution emergencies Published February, 2021 Download PDF This browser does not support PDFs. Please download the PDF to view it..

Texplainer: Why does Texas have its own power grid?

Basically, Texas has its own grid to avoid dealing with — you guessed it — the feds. But grid independence has been violated a few times over the years — not even counting Mexico’s help during blackouts in 2011. Texas Tribune by Kate Galbraith | Feb. 8, 2011 | Updated: Feb. 15, 2021 Why does Texas have its own electric grid? Texas’ secessionist inclinations have at least one modern outlet: the electric grid. There are three grids in the Lower 48 states: the Eastern Interconnection, the Western Interconnection — and Texas. The Texas grid is called ERCOT, and it is …

It’s Time to Tie the U.S. Electric Grid Together, Says NREL Study

It’s Time to Tie the U.S. Electric Grid Together, Says NREL Study

IEEE Spectrum By David C. Wagman | 08 Aug 2018 Fortifying connections between three disparate grids could make renewable energy more widely available The U.S. electrical grid is really made up of three largely separate grids with puny transmission connections at the seams. These seams cross sparsely populated rangeland in the middle of the country. The Eastern Interconnection serves much of the United States east of the Great Plains. The Western Interconnection covers residents from the Great Plains to the Rockies and up and down the West Coast. And most of Texas has a grid of its own. Policymakers there …

NREL Study: U.S. Electric Grid Should Be Better Connected

NREL Study: U.S. Electric Grid Should Be Better Connected

OK Energy Today August 9, 2018 Is it time for a convergence of the three separate power grids creating the U.S. electric transmission network? According to a recent article published by David Wagman in IEEE Spectrum, the results of a seam study finds considerable economic and engineering value in fortifying the connections to better distribute power resources around the country. The study was conducted by researchers at the U.S. Energy Department’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory and presented last month at the TransGrid-X Symposium at Iowa State University. The Eastern Interconnection grid is located east of the Great Plains. The Western …

Bill Gates: How the world can avoid a climate disaster

CBS 60 Minutes | Feb. 15, 2021 Bill Gates helped usher in the digital revolution at Microsoft, and has spent the decades since exploring – and investing in – innovative solutions to some of the world’s toughest problems – global poverty, disease, and the coronavirus pandemic, which he’s spent nearly $2 billion on. Bill Gates says he is determined as ever to drive innovation Now he is focusing on climate change, agreeing with the overwhelming majority of scientists who warn of a looming climate disaster. The good news is Gates believes it’s possible to prevent a catastrophic rise in temperatures. …

Biden’s climate ‘fix’ is fantastically expensive and perfectly useless-Bjorn Lomborg

Biden’s climate ‘fix’ is fantastically expensive and perfectly useless-Bjorn Lomborg

Photo: Joe Biden NY Post | By Bjorn Lomborg | Feb. 9, 2021 Across the world, politicians are going out of their way to promise fantastically expensive climate policies. President Biden has promised to spend $500 billion each year on climate — about 13 percent of the entire federal revenue. The European Union will spend 25 percent of its budget on climate. Most rich countries now promise to go carbon-neutral by mid-century. Shockingly, only one country has made a serious, independent estimate of the cost: New Zealand found it would optimistically cost 16 percent of its GDP by then, equivalent …

Agenda 2030

Agenda 2030

The infamous UN World Agenda for 2030 Download PDF This browser does not support PDFs. Please download the PDF to view it..