Prof. Tim Ball provides a comprehensive overview of the eugenic origins of CO2 alarmism

In this video, Prof. Tim Ball shows not only why the “science” behind the CO2 scare is completely false, he shows how the fascists and eugenicists have created this scare very consciously in order to choke modern civilisation and development. Unless countries like India understand the origin of this ideology (which is purely fascist, being both socialist and eugenic), they will be easily sucked in by the shameful propaganda and lies of the alarmists. ADDENDUM A reader suggested that using the word “eugenic” in the title makes them less likely to share this video. Our response: Thanks but there is …

CLIMATE FORCING | Our Future is Cold

Climate Change, Solar Forcing, Ice Age | From volcanic cooling born beneath our feet to the most seemingly distant reaches of both space time, we lay out Climate Forcing: the problems, path forward, and character of the finish line. This Will Be a Key Topic at OTF2020 in Denver: Special Thanks to Dr. Brian Tinsley, Professor Emeritus, University of Texas at Dallas

Follow the (Climate Change) Money

Principia Scientific | September 22, 2019 Written by Stephen Moore The first iron rule of American politics is: Follow the money. This explains, oh, about 80 percent of what goes on in Washington. Shortly after the latest “Chicken Little” climate change report was published last month, I noted on CNN that one reason so many hundreds of scientists are persuaded that the sky is falling is that they are paid handsomely to do so. I said, “In America and around the globe governments have created a multibillion dollar climate change industrial complex.” And then I added: “A lot of people …

Global Cooling

With the Paris climate agreement put to bed, climate mania seems to have died down for the time being. So I think it’s time for a dose of reality. Because it’s getting colder … and dryer … and it’s all because of the Sun (oh, and the planets …). Everything that happens on Earth happens in cycles. The only straight line is in man’s mind. There are no straight lines in nature. Everything is nature is formed by spinning spheres, or waves. So, when you tell me the temperature is going to go straight up, I become more than a …

The Climate Brainwashing Of Our Youth

Principia Scientific September 20, 2019 Written by Lynne Balzer CCD Editor’s Note: The following is a second excerpted chapter from Lynne Balzer’s new book, The Green New Deal and Climate Change: What You Need to Know, available from Amazon in paperback and Kindle. You can read her previous chapter here. For approximately forty years the AGW establishment has been indoctrinating the public worldwide, and their media accomplices have been only too willing to cooperate. But nowhere is this more evident than in our public schools. Just as the Nazi’s brainwashed the German children, the global warming movement, which hijacked environmentalism, has unfairly used their captive audiences …

British Columbia Judgment in Mann vs Ball Defamation Suit

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Date: 20190822 Docket: S111913 Registry: Vancouver Between: Michael Mann Plaintiff And: Timothy (“Tim”) Ball Defendants Before: The Honourable Mr. Justice Giaschi Oral Reasons for Judgment In Chambers Counsel for the Plaintiff: R. McConchie Counsel for the Defendant, Timothy (“Tim”) Ball: M. Scherr D. Juteau Place and Date of Hearing: Vancouver, B.C. May 27 and August 22, 2019 Place and Date of Judgment: Vancouver, B.C. August 22, 2019 Download PDF This browser does not support PDFs. Please download the PDF to view it..