Rebuttal and corrections to Dr. Roy Spencer’s analysis and comments regarding the Pinatubo Study

Rebuttal and corrections to Dr. Roy Spencer’s analysis and comments regarding the Pinatubo Study

Bud Bromley & Tomer Tamarkin April 16, 2023 Dr. Roy Spencer is mistaken on all of the points in his review and posts concerning the ClimateCite-Bromley-Tamarkin-Menahem Pinatubo Study report and associated collateral materials. Our main Pinatubo study is not about the CO2 emissions from Pinatubo, as Tom Tamarkin has correctly instructed Roy numerous times over the course of the last year. . There was no reason or interest to attempt to quantify the CO2 emitted from Pinatubo. Others have estimated and reported that CO2 release. But more importantly, the perturbation to CO2 trend following the eruption which we studied was …

Prof. Feynman on Scientific Theories

It doesn’t matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn’t matter how smart you are. If it doesn’t agree with experiment, it’s wrong. In that simple statement is the key to science.

Limits to existing quantitative understanding of past, present and future changes to atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration

A presentation by Richard S. Courtney to the Climate Conference held In New York, on 2 to 4 March 2008 Synopsis This presentation demonstrates that it cannot be known what if any effect altering the anthropogenic emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) will have on the future atmospheric CO2 concentration. It is commonly assumed that the rise in atmospheric CO2 concentration during the twentieth century (approx. 30% rise) is a result of anthropogenic emissions of CO2 (1,2,3) . However, the annual pulse of anthropogenic CO2 into the atmosphere should relate to the annual increase of CO2 in the atmosphere if one …

The Rational Climate e-Book

The Rational Climate e-Book

Cooler is Riskier Patrice POYET Iklin (Malta), April 19th , 2021 Final First Edition First version issued dated December 14th , 2020 Freethinkers hold that knowledge should be grounded in facts, scientific inquiry, and logic, see also (Jacoby, 2005). If you liked this work, in exchange for getting it for free, then please recommend it to ten people. You can also become a member whenever possible or make a donation to support any of those organizations:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and for the French speaking readers …

Ferenc Miskolczi Testimony in Mann Vs Ball Libel Case

Ferenc Miskolczi Testimony in Mann Vs Ball Libel Case

Expert opinion on the greenhouse gas theories and the observed infrared absorption properties of the Earth’s atmosphere This document was prepared by Dr. Ferenc Miskolczi on December 22, 2016. The purpose of the document is to assist the court with evidence that answers the following questions: Download PDF This browser does not support PDFs. Please download the PDF to view it..

Cycles, not Carbon Dioxide, Control Climate

Principia Scientific by Viv Forbes | June 12, 2019 The war on hydro-carbon fuels will have no measurable effect on global temperatures. Nor will carbon taxes, carbon offsets or subsidies for wind turbines or solar panels. There are climate controllers far bigger than human CO2 at work.

New Research: Methane Emissions From Livestock Have No Detectable Effect On The Climate

No Tricks Zone Kenneth Richard | 3. December 2018 Agrobiologist and scientific researcher Dr. Albrecht Glatzle, author of over 100 scientific papers and two textbooks, has published research that shows “there is no scientific evidence, whatsoever, that domestic livestock could represent a risk for the Earth’s climate” and that the “warming potential of anthropogenic GHG [greenhouse gas] emissions has been exaggerated”.