Inside the Church of Climate

Inside the Church of Climate

American Institute for Economic Research | Robert L. Bradley Jr. – April 2, 2021 At an environmental forum, Julian Simon once asked: “How many people here believe that the earth is increasingly polluted and that our natural resources are being exhausted?” After a roomful of hands shot up, Simon then asked: “Is there any evidence that could dissuade you?” Encountering silence, he followed up: “Is there any evidence I could give you—anything at all—that would lead you to reconsider these assumptions?” After more silence, Simon answered: “Well, excuse me. I’m not dressed for church.” Today’s Church of Climate holds three …

U.S. surface temperatures drop to the lowest in over 30 years during February

U.S. surface temperatures drop to the lowest in over 30 years during February

WUWT By Anthony Watts | March 13, 2021 If you thought he cold last month was “unprecedented” and ” worse than we thought” you’d be right. Last month’s polar outbreaks in the United States caused record subzero temperatures, power outages for millions of homeowners in Texas when wind energy failed,  and more than two dozen deaths. It was also the coldest February in over three decades. Two different metrics of temperature measurement from NOAA agree in demonstrating that we really could have used some “global warming” but there was none to be had. The event was mainly due to the …

Urban Heat Island Effects on U.S. Temperature Trends, 1973-2020: USHCN vs. Hourly Weather Stations

Urban Heat Island Effects on U.S. Temperature Trends, 1973-2020: USHCN vs. Hourly Weather Stations

Roy Spencer | Feb. 11, 2021 SUMMARY: The Urban Heat Island (UHI) is shown to have affected U.S. temperature trends in the official NOAA 1,218-station USHCN dataset. I argue that, based upon the importance of quality temperature trend calculations to national energy policy, a new dataset not dependent upon the USHCN Tmax/Tmin observations is required. I find that regression analysis applied to the ISD hourly weather data (mostly from airports)  between many stations’ temperature trends and local population density (as a UHI proxy) can be used to remove the average spurious warming trend component due to UHI. Use of the …

Funding Request

Funding Request

Download PDF in English Deutsch Manmade carbon dioxide doesn’t cause global warming or climate change; we can & will prove that scientifically and mathematically. Introduction Man Does Not Create Global Warming or Climate Change & We Will Prove It: Anthropogenic global warming (AGW,) sometimes referred to as manmade climate change, is the largest lie, fraud, and deceit, ever perpetuated by man against mankind. Unfortunately it is very complicated and complex for non-scientists to understand.  Thus the average person does not attempt to analyze and evaluate it and therefore has ambivalent feelings about it. However, the climate change fraud is responsible …

Peter Stallinga

Peter Stallinga

Curriculum Vitae Main scientific area of research: Physics of electronic materials Other scientific areas of interest: Informatics, Electronics, Biotechnology Academic degrees: Agregação in Physics, University of Porto, 2012. PhD in Physics, University of Amsterdam, 1994, thesis title “Investigation of selected paramagnetic centers in semiconductors” drs in (informatics within) Physics, University of Amsterdam, 1988 Present position: Professor Associado com Agregação, Universidade do Algarve, Portugal, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering and Informatics, 2012-present Previous positions: Professor Associado, Universidade do Algarve, Portugal, 2012-2012 Professor Auxiliar with definitive assignment, 2005-2012 Professor Auxiliar, University of The Algarve, Portugal, 2000-2005 Professor Auxiliar …

The Pinatubo Study

The Pinatubo Study

By: Tom D. Tamarkin July 26, 2021 The following temperature cause and effect correlations are generally known and accepted by most climate scientists and researchers. Correlation of decrease in average worldwide temperature and volcanic activity are high. Correlation of increase in average worldwide temperatures and El Niño events are high. Correlation of increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration preceding temperature increases is nonexistent; correlation of increasing temperatures followed by increased CO2 concentration is high. The total atmospheric CO2 concentration represented by the Mauna Loa, Hawaii, Keeling curve shows a virtual 45 degree slope straight line rate of annual change from 337 ppm (parts per million) in …

Shahar Ben-Menahem, Ph.D.

Math- and Physics-based Modeling and Algorithm Development Download PDF This browser does not support PDFs. Please download the PDF to view it..