Executive Summary

EnergyCite, Inc. Project Mango Climate Education June 30, 2020 Synopsis: The false notion of Anthropogenic Global Warming (manmade climate change) was first conceived of by the “Club of Rome.” The climate alarmist’s movement took root in 1975 when Margret Mead and Paul Ehrilch championed it in attempts to force population reduction. Over the last 40 years this has morphed into a $2 trillion per year enterprise enabled by the UN’s IPCC. The goal is to force massive reductions in worldwide population to be governed by a united one world government. The primary agenda driver is fearmongering and media propaganda designed …

Mango Project Phase One

Mission Statement: Our mission is to educate the largest number of citizens possible on the fraudulent science, politics, and business of the deceptive anthropogenic global warming hypothesis and the false viability of green renewable energy sources thereby negating the green energy agenda of America’s elected leaders leading to the removal of carbon dioxide from the U.S. EPA’s 2015 Endangerment Ruling and the elimination of all carbon taxes and trading worldwide. Mango Project Phase One Organize and hold expert scientists team meeting. This includes the specific scientists identified in the Mango Executive Summary, physiologist, media members, and Avi Schwartz, our screenwriter and movie …

Children’s Book Syllabus

I have completed the plot and the throughline of Mango the Movie. I am developing a full length cinema film as well as a multi-part series for Internet enabled viewing. Release format will be a matter of funding availability. Distribution will be the key challenge to achieve for the full length cinematic product. Mango the Movie will be a full length action paced thriller exposing the climate change fraud and Green New Deal scam just for what they are; frauds and scams. In America, job one is to kill “The Great Reset.” Climate change, the SARS-2 (covid19) plandemic, voter suppression, …

1971 International Science and Engineering Fair, Kansas City, MO

Tom Tamarkin (né Thorpe’s) project in physics titled ”An Investigation Of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance As A Means of Spectroscopy For H1 Compounds”. Tom received top honors in the field of physics as well as the United States Navy’s “Science Cursor” award, a special citation from the United States Atomic Energy Commision as presented by then Director Glen T. Seaborg, and a summer program at Argonne National Laboratory which Tom Attended in August of 1971. Tom receives the Argonne National Laboratory summer studies program award.

Dr. Thomas E. Thorpe, WPHS

Dr. Thomas E. Thorpe, WPHS

West Phoenix High School This a picture of Dr. Tom Thorpe, W7KYN, teaching ham radio at West Phoenix High School in 1952.  In the background is the monster 1 KW+ AM transmitter students made for working 10-40 meters.  The young man with the glasses sitting to the left of the ham rig is Jerry Wheeler.  Mr. Wheeler developed a product called Quick Code for the Amateur Radio market which he still sells today.  Quick Code In Memory Thomas E. Thorpe, PhD (1991) Dr. Thomas Edward Thorpe, a former Northern Arizona University (NAU) faculty member, died Feb.9, 1991 at his home in …

Inhaltliche Übersicht zum Buchprojekt „Mango“

Wir werden die Öffentlichkeit darüber aufklären, dass Kohlendioxid in keiner statistisch relevanten Weise zur Erderwärmung beiträgt. Wir werden die folgenden zwei wissenschaftlichen Standpunkte in vereinfachter Form darlegen. 1. Dipolmolekül-Gase (allgemein als „Treibhausgase“ bezeichnet) in der Atmosphäre wie z. B. Wasserdampf, Kohlendioxid, Methan und dergleichen geben keine infrarote Wärmestrahlung an die Atmosphäre ab und erwärmen somit auch nicht die Erde. 2. Viele Wissenschaftler gehen davon aus, dass die Theorie zu den Treibhausgasen und der Infrarotstrahlung richtig ist. Aber selbst wenn dies zutreffend wäre, ist der Beitrag von Kohlendioxid zur Erwärmung der Erde so gering, dass er kaum messbar und demzufolge statistisch …

Bringing numerical reality into climate discussions

The increase in net human CO2 emissions from 2019 to 2020 cannot exceed 0.000258% of net global atmospheric CO2 concentration. Net human CO2 emissions equals total human CO2 emission minus absorption of those human CO2 emissions. 0.000258% is the net annual increase in CO2 concentration for 2019 to 2020 due to all CO2 sources and CO2 sinks, natural and human, according to the report of the NOAA-Scripps laboratory on Mauna Loa on Hawaii Island (MLO.) The data from MLO is commonly accepted as a “gold standard” to which other studies are compared. This paper challenges that concept for its CO2 …