Warming Hearing Got Everything Wrong from Start to Finish

Warming Hearing Got Everything Wrong from Start to Finish

by Larry Hamlin | April 22, 2021 The June 23, 1988 Democratic Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources hearing opened the door on climate alarmism in the nation with testimony from scientific “experts” and Committee Senators who offered speculation and conjecture on a host of weather and climate topics while sharing their scientifically unsupported and sensationalized doomsday perspectives. The complete record of the hearing’s proceedings can be found here. This hearing is often celebrated by climate alarmists and cited as a milestone in establishing the alleged legitimacy of greenhouse gas emissions as the principal cause of increased global warming that …

Decarbonization and California’s 2020 Rolling Blackouts

Institute for Energy Research By Robert L. Bradley, Jr. | April 21, 2021 “… the retirement of baseload and dispatchable generation has outpaced replacement capacity with adequate characteristics needed to maintain system reliability…. California’s electric system was ultimately unable to maintain reliable operations for the first time in almost two decades.” It should be front page news. Forced decarbonization of the power grid is causing severe operational and planning issues, adding costs each step of the way. Reliable, economical power generation capacity is getting sacked, and fickle, expensive resources are being substituted. Government regulation and planning of the grid, under …

Hansen’s 1988 global-warming prediction was thrice observation

By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley | April 20, 2021 James Hansen is often debited with having stirred up so much alarm with his notorious 1988 prediction of runaway global warming in front of the U.S. Senate that IPeCaC was hastily founded later that year, so as to Save The Planet. His prediction ran to 2020. How, then, did fantasy-land compare with more than two decades of sober, observed reality? The graph, zeroed so that the 1988 HadCRUT4 observed anomaly lies between Hansen’s three scenarios, shows that observed warming was closest to Hansen’s Scenario C. However, the assumption underlying Scenario C …

Global temperature dropped to the pause level of the early 2000s

Dr. Antero Ollila | April 3, 2021 The satellite temperature measurement of the March has been published, Figure 1. Figure 2. Monthly values of satellite temperature UAH in 2002–2021. The impact of ENSO events has been calculated using the formula 0.1*ONI (Oceanic Nino Index) applying a delay of five months. The temperature of March has dropped to pause temperature average of 2002-2014, generally known as temperature pause or hiatus. Since October 2010, the temperature has dropped from 0.4 °C in October to 0.15 °C in December, to 0.12 °C in January and to -0.01 °C in March. Temperature changes from …

Perceptions of climate impacts at odds with scientific data

Global Warming Policy Forum Press Release | April 1, 2021 A new Savanta ComRes poll commissioned by the Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF) has revealed low levels of public awareness of key trends relating to climate change and international development. The survey of British adults suggests that the public perceive the impacts of climate change to be more negative than the academic research would suggest. However, there is also a significant minority of the public who say they are ‘not very’ or ‘not at all’ concerned by climate change. In total, 28% of respondents said they were ‘very concerned’ about …

John Tyndall, Atmospheric Researcher. Part 2: The Water Vapour Dispute with Gustav Magnus

Picturing Meteorology | Dec. 31, 2017 This guest post is by Roland Jackson. Part 1 explained Tyndall’s work on carbon dioxide, and fog horns. Jackson’s biography, The Ascent of John Tyndall, will be published by Oxford University Press on March 22. You can follow him on Twitter @Roland_Jackson or @ProfTyndall. John Tyndall’s apparatus for measuring the heat absorption of gases. The frontispiece of Tyndall’s book Contributions to Molecular Physics in the Domain of Radiant Heat (London: Longmans, Green, and co., 1872).   Scanned from the personal collection of Roland Jackson. John Tyndall’s apparatus for measuring the heat absorption of gases. …

John Tyndall, Atmospheric Researcher. Part 1: Carbon Dioxide and Fog Horns

Picturing Meteorology | Dec. 31, 2017 When you say “Tyndall” to an atmospheric scientist today, they are likely to think of the Tyndall Centre, Great Britain’s premier unit for climate change research. But the Centre is named for a man, whose adventurous career in 19th century science deserves an extensive biography. Roland Jackson has written that book, The Ascent of John Tyndall, which will be published by Oxford University Press March 22, 2018. The former Head of the Science Museum in London and then Chief Executive of the British Science Association has contributed two guest posts exploring Tyndall’s impact on …

Climate Dynamics: The True Control Knob of Climate Change

Climate Dynamics: The True Control Knob of Climate Change

by Jim Steele | March 27, 2021 The earth’s energy equilibrium is determined by the balance between incoming solar radiation versus radiative cooling that emits infrared radiation back to space. Water vapor primarily and CO2 can slow radiative cooling via the greenhouse effect. I am most grateful for the greenhouse effect. Without it the earth’s average temperature would hover near 0°F instead of our currently more livable 59°F. But in addition to any radiative effects, the earth’s global average temperature is determined by a variety of climate dynamics, such as the balance between ocean heat storage and heat ventilation. This …

Greenhouse theory refuted by 17 papers finding Co2 can make the climate colder

“CO2 rise of 0.008% too tiny to matter.” By James G Matkin New research from 17 papers refutes Greenhouse theory with stunning findings that Co2 makes the climate colder, Co2 lags temperature is so tiny it can be “neglected.” The earth is cooling yet Co2 emissions are rising is there a connection? Yes according the extensive research of Thomas Alimendinger from Zurich, Switzerland. “The second and definite evidence is delivered by the here first mentioned warming-up experiments of air and of pure carbon-dioxide in the presence of thermal radiation, which even revealed a temperature reduction by carbon-dioxide, apart from the …

Manmade Global Warming: The Story & the Reality

Manmade Global Warming: The Story & the Reality

By Tom Tamarkin March 24, 2021 Introduction: One of the early purposes of Climate Alarmism was to stimulate the reduction of worldwide population over an extended period of time, under the ultimate control of a single worldwide government. It is predicated on the fictitious notion of man produced climate change. The plan was and perhaps still is, to use climate change as a socially accepted reason to force the abandonment of the cheap, abundant energy produced by fossil fuel and nuclear generation. To maintain a population of over 7.5 billion human beings requires massive amounts of food and energy. Energy …