Mathematical Analysis Debunks ’33 Degrees’ Greenhouse Gas Effect

Principia Scientific By John O’Sullivan | July 22, 2019 Australian mathematician proves that the  ’33 degrees Greenhouse Effect’ in mainstream climate theory is not a property of the atmosphere but a measure of the bias inherent in the standard academic model of Earth. Bevan Dockery B.Sc.(Hons – Mathematics) has just published a new analysis (CO2_vs_temp_2018_paper_2) further undermining the credibility of the so-called ‘greenhouse gas effect’ theory which is the cornerstone of man-made global warming alarmism. The paper is reproduced below in full: Temperature and CO2 concentration Here is 39 years of empirical data, showing a distinct lack of a relationship …

The coming “hottest ever” claims are hype

CFACT Joe Bastardi |July 17th, 2019 Mashable reported that “June was the warmest June ever recorded.”  This is a classic example of hysterical climate propaganda. First of all, I am grateful for articles such as this, for it provides an opportunity to showcae the other side of the argument. One is never going to convince agenda driven zealots bent on destroying anyone in their way of ones point, However for those curious enough to look you may be able to see why there is skepticism over the issue of co2 now being the climate control knob And of course the …


WUWT By Allan M.R. MacRae, B.A.Sc., M.Eng. July 20, 2019 On July 4, 2019, I published the article “THE COST TO SOCIETY OF RADICAL ENVIRONMENTALISM”. There was a reason why this article was published on July 4. My article begins: Ever wonder why extremists attack honest scientists who oppose global warming and climate change hysteria? Ever wonder why climate extremists refuse to debate the science? IT IS BECAUSE GLOBAL WARMING AND CLIMATE CHANGE ALARMISM WAS NEVER ABOUT THE SCIENCE – IT WAS ALWAYS A FALSE NARRATIVE, A SMOKESCREEN FOR THE TOTALITARIAN OBJECTIVES OF THE EXTREME LEFT.

The Left’s Bizarre Insistence To Conjure Up A ‘Climate Emergency’

Climate Change Dispatch Cheryl K. Chumley | July 11, 2019 Sen. Bernie Sanders, on the presidential campaign trail, put out a video announcement of legislation he introduced with Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Earl Blumenauer declaring climate change as a national emergency — nay, as a global emergency. And that raises the very respectable, rational question: Do these people really believe what they say? Honestly. How could they? It’s beyond bizarre. “I introduced legislation,” Sanders said, “declaring that climate change is a national emergency. … Anybody who does not appreciate that climate change is not only a national emergency—but a global …

Rescue from the Climate Saviors

Is the “Global Climate” really in Danger? By Klaus Ermecke, June 2010 Summary of our most important results: ƒThe Earth has a natural “cooling system”. It continuously radiates energy into space. ƒAny increase in temperatures automatically boosts this radiation. The cooling power jumps up. ƒ“Global warming” (i.e. a general increase of temperatures) requi-res this incremental cooling to be compensated by an increase in heating power. ƒAccordingly, in order to achieve “global warming”, CO2 had to in-crease the flow of energy from outside the system to the Earth’s surface. But this is beyond even the claimed capabilities of this gas. Therefore …

Climate Control or Climate Cycles?

Principia Scientific July 8, 2019 Written by John Turner B.Sc. Dip. Ed.; M. Ed. (Hons); Grad. Dip. Ed. Studies Governments are spending vast amounts of taxpayers money on policies designed to control the Earth’s climate.  The present concern is the fear of global warming but the initial scientific challenge in the early years of the 19th century was to understand global cooling which the Earth was subjected to during the Ice Ages.

Researchers Question Validity Of A ‘Global Temperature’

Principia Scientific  July 4, 2019 Written by University of Copenhagen Discussions on global warming often refer to ‘global temperature.’ Yet the concept is thermodynamically as well as mathematically an impossibility, says Bjarne Andresen, a professor at The Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen. Professor Andresen has analyzed this topic in collaboration with professors Christopher Essex from University of Western Ontario and Ross McKitrick from University of Guelph, Canada.

On Climate Change, Who’s Really Attacking Science?

Principia Scientific  July 2, 2019  by Peter Schwartz There is an intellectual orthodoxy being imposed by political figures, abetted by much of the news media. Certain viewpoints are forbidden — not simply regarded as wrong, but not permitted to be considered. We can observe this attitude at our colleges, where speakers who challenge leftist premises have been forcibly silenced. But it is most entrenched in discussions about global warming, in which non-orthodox views are treated the way religionists treat challenges to biblical dogma. A striking example is provided by a recent New York Times front-page story. The print-version headline reads: “In …

Climate models are fudged, says climatologist – Video

WUWT July 2, 2019 Dr. Patrick Michaels, former Virginia State Climatologist has some strong comments about climate models during an interview with Mark Levin: “It is nowhere near as warm as it’s ‘supposed’ to be,” says climatologist Dr. Patrick Michaels. “The computer models are making systematic, dramatic errors.” There are 32 different computer models used to predict the climate, all of them run by government entities. And all of those models, except for the Russian model, are predicting far, far too much warming. The Russian model pretty much matches reality. Because they are “parameterized” (fudged), says Michaels. “We put in …