China Backtracking?

China Backtracking?

Not a Lot of People Know That | Paul Homewood | Oct. 16, 2020 Signs that China is already backtracking on its climate pledges: China plans to build more coal-fired power plants and has hinted that it will rethink its timetable to slash emissions, in a significant blow to the UK’s ambitions for securing a global agreement on phasing out coal at the Cop26 climate summit in Glasgow. In a statement after a meeting of Beijing’s National Energy Commission, the Chinese premier, Li Keqiang, stressed the importance of regular energy supply, after swathes of the country were plunged into darkness …

Climate Science: Let the Data Speak

Friends of Science Society’s 18th Annual Event, online, is pleased to present Dr. Guus Berkhout, president of CLINTEL, as our first speaker on Oct. 2, 2021 at 10am MDT. CLINTEL is the international climate intelligence unit operating out of The Netherlands which has more than 900 signatory scientists and scholars who state there is no climate emergency and we do have time. Dr. Berkhout’s presentation “Climate Science: Let the Data Speak” will be in three parts. The first part looks at key drivers of climate change – not just carbon dioxide – but those beneath our feet and far beyond. …

Inconvenient Tornado Data Disappears

Inconvenient Tornado Data Disappears

Not A Lot of People Know That By Paul Homewood | October 13, 2021 For years NOAA have included this page on the tornado section of their website:   One of the main difficulties with tornado records is that a tornado, or evidence of a tornado must have been observed. Unlike rainfall or temperature, which may be measured by a fixed instrument, tornadoes are short-lived and very unpredictable. If a tornado occurs in a place with few or no people, it is not likely to be documented. Many significant tornadoes may not make it into the historical record since Tornado …

Car powered by cheese and wine

Car powered by cheese and wine

Getty Images The blue DB6 Mk2 Volante was given to the Prince of Wales for his 21st birthday From BBC | Oct. 11, 2021 Challenged about his own efforts to reduce his carbon footprint, Prince Charles said he had switched the heating of Birkhall to biomass boilers, using wood chips from trees felled in the estate’s forest. He has installed solar panels at Clarence House, his London residence, and on the farm buildings of his Gloucestershire home, Highgrove. He said he had installed heat pumps at some of his properties and a hydroelectric turbine in the river that runs beside Birkhall. He was also challenged on his long-standing …

EPA U.S. Heat Wave, Heat & Cold Death Rate Data Exposes & Destroys Biden & Democrats “Extreme Heat” Propaganda

EPA U.S. Heat Wave, Heat & Cold Death Rate Data Exposes & Destroys Biden & Democrats “Extreme Heat” Propaganda

By Larry Hamlin | Oct. 12, 2021 Biden and his climate alarmist Democrats have falsely claimed that increasing heat waves in the U.S. caused by climate change require that new government actions will be needed to protect people from heat related illnesses with these heat waves leading to increased heat related deaths and emergency room visits. The Democrats alarmists claims of increasing heat waves occurring across the U.S. because of climate change are unsupported by Biden’s own EPA data which shows that the U.S. in not experiencing increased occurrences or intensity of heat waves based on EPA’s 125 years of extreme heat event trending data across the U.S. …

Analysis: Hurricanes Have Not Gotten More Intense, Frequent Over Past 170 Years

No Tricks Zone P. Gosselin | 10. October 2021 In the latest climate and energy video by German site Die kalte Sonne, media claims of increasingly stronger and frequent hurricanes are examined closely and reach the conclusion: “Over the past 170 years, hurricanes have not occurred more frequently or gotten more intense.” In the wake of hurricane Ida, a number of mainstream media outlets, like German ZDF, blared that hurricanes have gotten worse over the recent decades – due to global warming. But that statement has been found to be driven more by alarmism and activism, and not based on …

Contributions of Suykyro Manabe for Nobel prize winning

Figure 2

Dr. Antero Ollila October 6, 2021 The Nobel Prize Committee has given the following arguments for their choice of rewarding researchers Suykuro, Manabe and Klaus Hasselman: “For the physical modelling of the Earth’s climate , quantifying variability and reliably predicting global warming.” The Committee also presented a brief description of Manabe’s climate model: “Suykuro Manabe was the first researcher to explore the interactions between radiation balance and the vertical transport of air masses due to convection, also taking account of the heat contributed by the water cycle”. For me it looks like the skeptical and contrarian climate websites have totally …

More News On The Progress Toward Eliminating Fossil Fuels

Manhattan Contrarian By Francis Menton | October 03, 2021 The bureaucrats of the world, particularly in the UN and developed countries, have the idea that they are going to eliminate all use of fossil fuels by somewhere around 2040-50. They have no conception of how to accomplish that, other than to order from on high that it shall occur and assume that somebody else will figure out the details. This gives the rest of us the opportunity to sit on the sidelines and observe how bureaucratic fantasy gradually runs into the brick wall of physical reality. Back in June I …

Tokyo’s Coolest September In Over 30 Years…Hachijojima No Warming In 107 Years…Latest Forecast: Sharp La Niña!

Tokyo’s Coolest September In Over 30 Years…Hachijojima No Warming In 107 Years…Latest Forecast: Sharp La Niña!

No Tricks Zone By Kirye and Pierre | 1. October 2021 Tokyo has seen its coolest September in over 30 years, according to data from the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA). Data source: JMA. Tokyo’s mean temperature for September, 2021, was 22.3°C — the coolest recorded September mean in over 30 years. Hachijojima island Meanwhile, Hachijojima, an island belonging to Tokyo out in the Pacific and absent of the urban heat island effect, saw a September mean temperature of 24.5°C: Data source: JMA.  Plotting the data going back 107 years, the island has not seen any real warming at all in …

The New Pause that goes on giving

Viscount Monckton of Brenchley | Oct. 2, 2021 The New Pause has lengthened by a further month, from 6 years 8 months to 6 years 9 months. As usual, it is calculated as the longest period, up to the most recent month for which data are available, during which the trend on the UAH global mean lower-troposphere temperature dataset is zero. If anyone has seen a mention of this emerging and now quite long Pause in any mainstream news medium, let me know in comments. Here in the UK, the unspeakable BBC has kept the fact secret from its rapidly-dwindling …