Mother Nature organized a climate test showing 70 % error in the calculated 2019 temperature

Mother Nature organized a climate test showing 70 % error in the calculated 2019 temperature

ClimatExam by Dr. Antero Ollila The Earth receives 99.97% of its energy from the Sun. The global warming impact caused by greenhouse gases is calculated in such a way that it corresponds to the change in solar radiation at the top of the atmosphere and is called Radiative Forcing (RF). If the amount of solar energy changes, then the change in radiation power multiplied by the climate sensitivity parameter directly gives global warming effect. If the change had occurred in solar activity in a short period of time, it would be widely reported. When a change has occurred due to …

Comprehensive Analytical Study of the Greenhouse Effect of the Atmosphere

Peter Stallinga University of the Algarve, FCT-DEEI, Faro, Portugal Atmospheric and Climate Sciences, 2020, 10, 40-80 ISSN Online: 2160-0422 ISSN Print: 2160-0414 Abstract Climate change is an important societal issue. Large effort in society is spent on addressing it. For adequate measures, it is important that the phenomenon of climate change is well understood, especially the effect of adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. In this work, a theoretical fully analytical study is presented of the so-called greenhouse effect of carbon dioxide. The effect of this gas in the atmosphere itself was already determined as being of little importance …

The Scientific Method in Contemporary (Climate) Research

P. Stallinga, Igor Khmelinskii Universidade do Algarve, Portugal Reprinted from ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT VOLUME 25 No. 1 2014 ABSTRACT In this work contemporary climate ideas are analyzed in the light of the Scientific Method developed through the ages. The conclusion is that science was not used in this subject. Download PDF This browser does not support PDFs. Please download the PDF to view it..

Analysis of Temporal Signals of Climate

Peter Stallinga, Igor Khmelinskii FCT and CEOT, University of the Algarve, Faro, Portugal ABSTRACT The dynamics of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is analyzed and it is shown that the Pinatubo eruption in 1991 had a noticeable effect on these dynamics. The growth rate slowed down. Moreover, analyzing the year-on-year CO 2 growth data, we can see an anthropogenic footprint, possibly due to the burning of fossil fuels. On top of this anthropogenic contribution is a natural contribution that is of similar magnitude, and that closely follows the ocean surface temperature (influenced by ENSO, El Niño Southern Oscillation). This latter …

The phase relation between atmospheric carbon dioxide and global temperature

Article in Global and Planetary Change · January 2013 DOI: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2012.08.008 Ole Humlum, Kjell Stordahl, Jan-Erik Solheim Abstract Using data series on atmospheric carbon dioxide and global temperatures we investigate the phase relation (leads/lags) between these for the period January 1980 to December 2011. Ice cores show atmospheric CO2 variations to lag behind atmospheric temperature changes on a century to millennium scale, but modern temperature is expected to lag changes in atmospheric CO2, as the atmospheric temperature increase since about 1975 generally is assumed to be caused by the modern increase in CO2. In our analysis we use eight well-known …

Signal Analysis of the Climate: Correlation, Delay and Feedback

Peter Stallinga University of the Algarve, Faro, Portugal Abstract One of the ingredients of anthropogenic global warming is the existence of a large correlation between carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere and the temperature. In this work we analyze the original time-series data that led to the new wave of climate research and test the two hypotheses that might explain this correlation, namely the (more commonly accepted and well-known) greenhouse effect (GHE) and the less-known Henry’s Law (HL). This is done by using the correlation and the temporal features of the data. Our conclusion is that of the two hypotheses …

Scrutinizing the carbon cycle and CO 2 residence time in the atmosphere

Hermann Harde Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg, Experimental Physics and Materials Science, Holstenhofweg 85, 22043 Hamburg, Germany Received in revised form 11 February 2017 Abstract Climate scientists presume that the carbon cycle has come out of balance due to the increasing anthropogenic emissions from fossil fuel combustion and land use change. This is made responsible for the rapidly increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations over recent years, and it is estimated that the removal of the additional emissions from the atmosphere will take a few hundred thousand years. Since this goes along with an increasing greenhouse effect and a further global warming, a better understanding …

Phase relation between global temperature and atmospheric carbon dioxide

December 2013 P. Stallinga and Igor Khmelinskii Universidade do Algarve, Portugal Abstract The primary ingredient of Anthropogenic Global Warming hypothesis is the assumption that atmospheric carbon dioxide variations are the cause for temperature variations. In this paper we discuss this assumption and analyze it on basis of bi-centenary measurements and using a relaxation model which causes phase shifts and delays. Download PDF This browser does not support PDFs. Please download the PDF to view it..

Top Climate Scientist, Dr. Willie Soon Predicts Global Cooling for next 20-30 years

Alex Newman of the New American interviews Dr. Willie Soon, who says among other things that it was the sun that melted 2-miles thick of NH ice and not anything man did. Camp Constitution is an all volunteer association of Americanists. We run a week-long family camp, man information tables at various venues, have a book publishing arm, and post videos from our camp and others that we think are of importance.