We Live in Cold Times

“We live in the coldest period of the last 10.000 years”, says Danish glaciologist, Jørgen Peder Steffensen who take us back in time to the Grenland icecores and reveals the secrets from the past. Jørgen Peder Steffensen is a professor in ice core related research at the centre for ice and climate at the Niels Bohr Institute the University of Copenhagen.

Atmospheric carbon dioxide variations at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii

Download PDF This browser does not support PDFs. Please download the PDF to view it..  ————————————————————– By CHARLES D. KEELING, ROBERT B. BACASTOW, ARNOLD E. BAINBRIDGE, CARL A. EKDAHL, J R , PETER R. GUENTHER, and L E E S. WATERMAN, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, California, USA and JOHN F.S. CHIN, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii (Manuscript received February 16, 1973; in final form January 27, 1976) ABSTRACT The concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii is reported for eight years (1964-1971) of a long …

The Relative Percentages of Anthropogenic and Natural Carbon Dioxide in the Earth’s Troposphere

Illustrative image of gas chromatography mass spectrometry apparatus By Tom Tamarkin | May 8, 2021 Download PDF I. Introduction & Statement of Problem Correlations of decrease in “average worldwide temperature” and volcanic activity are high. Correlations of increase in “average worldwide temperatures” and El Niño events are high Empirical measurements and calculations of the relative percentage of anthropogenic carbon dioxide in the total carbon dioxide reservoir are highly uncertain at best. The total atmospheric CO2 concentration represented by the Mauna Loa, Hawaii Keeling curve shows an almost straight line degree of annual change from 337 ppm in 1979 to 408 ppm in 2018. …

Watch President Biden’s Earth Day Climate Summit LIVE

Biden’s climate summit comes as an emboldened Left appears to have many in government and industry prepared to appease their most destructive whims. The President plans to tell the summit that the United States will HALVE U.S. CO2 emissions by 2050. That’s only 29 years. To get anywhere near this unrealistic goal will require the President to use the full weight of his office in ways which would wreak devastating economic harm on an America still struggling to recover from COVID-19. President Biden’s naive plans would cause unprecedented damage to America’s energy economy, lifestyles and individual freedoms. Although China emits …

Warming Hearing Got Everything Wrong from Start to Finish

Warming Hearing Got Everything Wrong from Start to Finish

by Larry Hamlin | April 22, 2021 The June 23, 1988 Democratic Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources hearing opened the door on climate alarmism in the nation with testimony from scientific “experts” and Committee Senators who offered speculation and conjecture on a host of weather and climate topics while sharing their scientifically unsupported and sensationalized doomsday perspectives. The complete record of the hearing’s proceedings can be found here. This hearing is often celebrated by climate alarmists and cited as a milestone in establishing the alleged legitimacy of greenhouse gas emissions as the principal cause of increased global warming that …

Decarbonization and California’s 2020 Rolling Blackouts

Institute for Energy Research By Robert L. Bradley, Jr. | April 21, 2021 “… the retirement of baseload and dispatchable generation has outpaced replacement capacity with adequate characteristics needed to maintain system reliability…. California’s electric system was ultimately unable to maintain reliable operations for the first time in almost two decades.” It should be front page news. Forced decarbonization of the power grid is causing severe operational and planning issues, adding costs each step of the way. Reliable, economical power generation capacity is getting sacked, and fickle, expensive resources are being substituted. Government regulation and planning of the grid, under …

Hansen’s 1988 global-warming prediction was thrice observation

By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley | April 20, 2021 James Hansen is often debited with having stirred up so much alarm with his notorious 1988 prediction of runaway global warming in front of the U.S. Senate that IPeCaC was hastily founded later that year, so as to Save The Planet. His prediction ran to 2020. How, then, did fantasy-land compare with more than two decades of sober, observed reality? The graph, zeroed so that the 1988 HadCRUT4 observed anomaly lies between Hansen’s three scenarios, shows that observed warming was closest to Hansen’s Scenario C. However, the assumption underlying Scenario C …


by JAMAL MUNSHI, Ph.D. ABSTRACT: It is proposed that visitation by extraterrestrial spacecraft (UFO) alters the electromagnetic properties of the earth, its atmosphere, and its oceans and that these changes can cause global warming leading to climate change and thence to the catastrophic consequences of floods, droughts, severe storms, and sea level rise. An empirical test of this theory is presented with data for UFO sightings and surface temperature reconstructions for the study period 1910-2015. The results show strong evidence of proportionality between surface temperature and cumulative UFO sightings. We conclude that the observed warming since the Industrial Revolution are …