Developers cancel Atlantic Coast Pipeline project

Developers cancel Atlantic Coast Pipeline project

12WBOY Posted: Jul 6, 2020 / 03:22 PM EDT / Updated: Jul 7, 2020 / 02:01 PM EDT UPDATE (7/6/20 3:22 p.m.) Two oil and gas industry groups, The West Virginia Oil & Natural Gas Association and the West Virginia Independent Oil and Gas Association issued a joint statement on the pipleline cancellation and the sale of Dominion Transmission to Berkshire Hathaway: We have some good news and bad news. First, the bad. The decision to vacate the Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP) project is deeply disappointing. The Independent Oil and Gas Association of West Virginia (IOGAWV) and West Virginia Oil …

Dominion Energy Stock Falls 11.3% After the Atlantic Coast Pipeline Is Axed

Dominion Energy Stock Falls 11.3% After the Atlantic Coast Pipeline Is Axed

The Motely Fool By Maxx Chatsko | July 6, 2020 The energy giant also agreed to divest its natural gas transmission and storage assets to Berkshire Hathaway. The proceeds will not be used to fund the company’s ambitious renewable energy portfolio. What happened Shares of Dominion Energy (NYSE:D) fell as much as 11.3% on Monday after the company announced two seismic shifts in strategy. First, Dominion and partner Duke Energy (NYSE:DUK) announced the cancellation of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline. Despite earning a decisive win in the Supreme Court in June allowing the duo to proceed with the massive project, the …

Supreme Court upholds block on Keystone XL Pipeline construction

Supreme Court upholds block on Keystone XL Pipeline construction

The Supreme Court on Monday dealt a blow to the Trump administration by maintaining a block on construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. Photo by Leigh Vogel/UPI | License Photo July 6 (UPI) — The Supreme Court on Monday denied the Trump administration’s request to allow for construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline to continue, upholding a lower court’s decision to cancel a key permit on environmental grounds.The order does allow for similar pipeline projects that were authorized under the same water crossing permit, known as Nationwide Permit 12, but were blocked by the Montana judge’s decision to continue. No …

Judge orders Dakota Access pipeline shut down pending review

Judge orders Dakota Access pipeline shut down pending review

Statesman By Dave Kolpack, The Associated Press Posted Jul 6, 2020 FARGO, N.D. — A judge on Monday ordered the Dakota Access pipeline shut down for additional environmental review more than three years after it began pumping oil — handing a victory to the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and delivering a blow to President Donald Trump’s efforts to weaken public health and environmental protections it views as obstacles to businesses. In a 24-page order, U.S. District Judge James Boasberg in Washington, D.C., wrote that he was “mindful of the disruption” that shutting down the pipeline would cause, but that it …

Dr. George V. Chilingar named ClimateCite Chief Scientist

For Immediate Release Contact: ClimateCite Corp Phone: +1-916-482-2000 Email: Photograph, left to right, Dr. Leonid Khilyuk, Dr. Mark Chilingar, Dr, George Chilingar, Pat Boone, Tom Tamarkin, and Ph.D. Candidate, Nasrin Mohammadi PDF George V. Chilingar has accepted the position of Chief Science Officer in our ClimateCite nonprofit company dedicated to educating policy makers, elected leaders, the media, and the public on the real science concerning climate change and the massive deception and fraud known as AGW or anthropogenic global warming/climate change. Dr. Chilingar, as Professor Emeritus of Petroleum and Environmental Engineering, University of Southern California (USC), taught at USC …

On Behalf Of Environmentalists, I ApologizeFor The Climate Scare

Photo: The author (second from right) in Maranhão, Brazil, 1995 MICHAEL SHELLENBERGER On behalf of environmentalists everywhere, I would like to formally apologize for the climate scare we created over the last 30 years.Climate change is happening. It’s just not the end of the world. It’s not even our most serious environmental problem. I may seem like a strange person to be saying all of this. I have been a climate activist for 20 years and an environmentalist for 30. But as an energy expert asked by Congress to provide objective expert testimony, and invited by the Intergovernmental Panel on …

Albert Einstein: “CO2 Can’t Store Heat”

Albert Einstein: “CO2 Can’t Store Heat”

Electroverse June 27, 2020 | Cap Allon If alive today, Albert Einstein would almost certainly have been labelled a global warming “denier”. His views and theories would be considered controversial –a word that shouldn’t exist in science– and I’m sure the horde of climate zealots would work tirelessly to destroy his career. Back in 1919, Einstein showed that if a gas was in thermodynamic equilibrium the rate of adsorption by an infrared gas was equal to the emission. Meaning, if you increase the amount of infrared active gases in the atmosphere you will increase the rate of absorption but, crucially, …

The Costs of Mann Delay

The Costs of Mann Delay

or Michael E Mann, Loser (Again) and Deadbeat (for Sure) Steyn online June 23, 2020 The Mann vs Steyn case is about to enter its ninth year in the choked septic tank of the District of Columbia (pending name change) “judicial” system. Yet oddly enough the Covid lockdown of every other courthouse on the planet has coincided with a modest acceleration in the progress of the global warm-monger’s vanity litigation. For those new to this suit, there’s a whole book about it. But as I summarized it the other day: Mann is the climate ayatollah who created the global-warming hockey …

Ferenc Miskolczi Testimony in Mann Vs Ball Libel Case

Ferenc Miskolczi Testimony in Mann Vs Ball Libel Case

Expert opinion on the greenhouse gas theories and the observed infrared absorption properties of the Earth’s atmosphere This document was prepared by Dr. Ferenc Miskolczi on December 22, 2016. The purpose of the document is to assist the court with evidence that answers the following questions: Download PDF This browser does not support PDFs. Please download the PDF to view it..

You Can Help Break the Climate Change Hoax Control Scheme

EnergyCite’s mission is to kill this mammoth beast called the climate change hoax and to expose those who have perpetrated this fraud and unduly profited from it. Join with us as we produce the Mango Project. Download PDF This browser does not support PDFs. Please download the PDF to view it..