Study shows rapid sea level rise along Atlantic coast of North America in 18th century

Study shows rapid sea level rise along Atlantic coast of North America in 18th century

Eureka Alert University of York | 28-Feb-2020 IMAGE: The findings are based on sea level reconstructions derived from salt-marsh sediments from the Atlantic coast and from microscopic salt-marsh fossils. Credit: Prof Roland Gehrels, University of York Study found evidence for a period of enhanced pre-industrial sea-level rise of about 2-3 millimeters per year The study, led by the University of York, found evidence for a period of enhanced pre-industrial sea-level rise of about two to three millimetres per year in three locations: Nova Scotia, Maine and Connecticut. The researchers say that the large rises at these three locations were natural, and …

Challenging the Greenhouse Effect Specification and the Climate Sensitivity of the IPCC

By Antero Ollila Original Research Article Published 24 May 2019 Physical Science International Journal 22(2): 1-19, 2019; Article no.PSIJ.49095 ISSN: 2348-0130 ABSTRACT The greenhouse effect concept has been developed to explain the Earth’s elevated temperature. The prevailing theory of climate change is the anthropogenic global warming theory, which assumes that the greenhouse (GH) effect is due to the longwave (LW) absorption of 155.6 Wm -2 by GH gases and clouds. The actual warming increase to 33°C of the Earth’s surface temperature according to the present GH effect definition is the infrared downward LW radiation of 345.6 Wm -2 emitted by …

How The IPCC’s Greenhouse Definition Violates the Physical Law of Conservation of Mass & Energy

How The IPCC’s Greenhouse Definition Violates Physical Laws

by Dr. Antero Ollila | Feb 27, 2020 The greenhouse (GH) effect is the IPCC’s basic concept in global warming. The anthropogenic (man-made) global warming theory is based on the enhanced GH effect caused by GH gases. There have been many comments on net pages that how carbon dioxide having only 400 ppm concentration can lead to so much warming as proposed by the IPCC. This story is a piece of simple evidence that it cannot. The basic information about the energy fluxes affecting the GH effect can be found in Figure 1. The radiation fluxes are practically the same …

Why are climate change realists called ‘science deniers’?

Why are climate change realists called ‘science deniers’?

Principia Scientific by T L Winslow | February 24, 2020 The CO2-driven AGW hoax is being pushed by environmentalists and global communists centered in the U.N. and their politician-run Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). It is a global octopus of kept scientists, journalists, and academics in order to frame CO2 emissions as evil to scare the world into surrendering money and power to it to dismantle the fossil fuel industry that underpins capitalism and pave the way for their real goal of global Marxism. Like all Marxists, they offer nothing but the end of all your freedoms so they …

China and India rejecting renewables for coal-fired futures

China and India rejecting renewables for coal-fired futures

WUWT February 20, 2020 By Ronald Stein Founder and Ambassador for Energy & Infrastructure of PTS Advance, headquartered in Irvine, California China and India are NOT buying into the global alarm movement. Never in human history have we seen two countries (China and India), each with over a billion people, in need of such gargantuan amounts of energy to keep their economies accelerating and their citizens alive. China and India are the two most populous countries in the world. As of 2018, China had almost 1.4 billion people, a figure that is projected to grow to 1.5 billion by 2045. …

Sins of emission

WUWT Feb. 19, 2020 By Lord Christopher Monckton of Brenchley Much has been made of the alleged standstill in global CO2 emissions, which are asserted to have been about the same in 2019 as in 2018, at 33.3 gigatonnes of CO2: Obsession over transient phenomena such as this is commonplace among the climate genociders, whose cruel, dangerous and expensive global-warming abatement policies are killing tens of millions annually through the coordinated refusal of most of the world’s leading merchant, central and intergovernmental banks to lend to developing countries to install the one kind of electricity they can afford and can …


2008 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GLOBAL WARMING New York, New York, March 2-4, 2008 Dr. Ferenc M. Miskolczi 3 Holston Lane, Hampton, VA 23664, USA, e-mail: Recent general view and the semi-infinite atmosphere Simple radiative transfer model of the Earth-atmosphere system Some facts – results of global scale LBL simulations Balance equations – Kirchhoff’s law – virial theorem Transfer and greenhouse functions Radiative equilibrium in bounded atmosphere – correct solution Effect of a partial cloud cover – characteristic altitude Global average profiles, greenhouse sensitivity Planetary greenhouse effect in view of the new theory Conclusions Download PDF This browser does not …

Climate Change is not a problem: Unless we make it one.

Climate Change is not a problem: Unless we make it one.

WUWT February 11, 2020 Guest Post by Martin Capages Jr. PhD PE INTRODUCTION As long as humans have been on Earth, they have been adapting to changes in regional climates. A regional climate is the average of the weather for a relatively long period of time, usually 30+ years, at a particular location on the planet. The natural periodicity of prolonged regional weather variations has been documented in various ways by humans for eons. For a comparison of human civilization in the northern hemisphere to Greenland ice core temperatures for the last 18,000 years see here. Some of the means …