We must fight climate extremists before they upend society

We must fight climate extremists before they upend society

WUWT February 10, 2020 Start learning the deep details of the science and economics instead of letting extremists dictate what you’re allowed to think or say. Guest opinion by Ross Mckitrick Last year was the year the climate issue took a sharp turn towards extremism. Let’s hope 2020 is the year sanity makes a comeback. There have long been three groups occupying the climate issue. To avoid pejoratives, I will call them A, B and C. The A group are the doubters. They don’t believe greenhouse gases (GHGs) do much harm and they don’t support expensive climate-policy interventions. If we must …

In The Green Reich, We Are All Jews

In The Green Reich, We Are All Jews

The Postil Magazine December 1, 2019 This is a book that everyone must read. It is brief, to the point – and utterly frightening, for it lays out the end-game of environmentalism, which will affect us all, if we blindly keep empowering it, as we are now so gleefully doing. People often wonder how Hitler was allowed to come to power and carry out his plan? Just look at the way you vote, the way you think about humans and this planet, why you want to go green, what you demand from politicians you elect when it comes to the …

How To Slay The Climate Change Dragon

How To Slay The Climate Change Dragon

Postil Magazine February 1, 2020 | By Nirmal Dass, Ph.D. In our time, as truth corrodes, myths become necessary. As people drift away from truth, they readily agree to intrusive governments – and such invasive governments give consent to supranational entities and conglomerates who then use myths to manufacture political, social and economic consent. The sales-force that sells these fictive narratives is the vast media-education-entertainment complex which employs, for such purposes, the punditry of experts, the professoriate, globe-trotting zealots, and sanctimonious thespians. Any dissent from these fables is decried, ridiculed, and suppressed. One such myth is CO2 in the role …

NASA’s Great Peak Fake Swindle

NASA’s Great Peak Fake Swindle

Principia Scientific January 27, 2020 | by Geraint Hughes I would like to draw some blatant phoney baloney manipulation by NASA and all the Climate Crisis Alarmists, to everyone’s attention.  That being the graph above. This is taken from NASA website as such https://www.giss.nasa.gov/research/briefs/schmidt_05/    Sorry to break the bad news to you all but this is just a Charlatan, mirror trick the entire graph. I rate this graph quadruple D, for Deliberately Dumbly Deceptive & Deceitful.   Anyone without knowledge of the manipulations which I am about to expose, would look at this graph and wrongly think to themselves that the …

Carbon Dioxide is a Cooling Gas According to NASA

Carbon Dioxide is a Cooling Gas According to NASA

Principia Scientific by Matheus | January 27, 2020 “Climate change can seem like a distant problem, a speck on the horizon. It’s not. It’s a present and deadly reality.” These words were recently printed by the Huffington Post. “Common sense dictates that the economy undergo a massive restructuring away from fossil fuels to save lives. And a growing body of research shows that the only way to avoid catastrophic levels of climate change is to cease production of vast amounts of “unburnable” carbon.” The only problem with this is that it is based on the assumption that carbon is a …

Radiation physics constraints on global warming: CO2 increase has little effect

D. G. Rancourt University of Toronto June 2011 Abstract I describe the basic physics of planetary radiation balance and surface temperature, using the simplest model possible that is sufficiently realistic for correct evaluations of predicted surface temperature response sensitivities to the key Earth parameters. The model is constrained by satellite absolute integrated intensity and spectroscopic measurements and the known longwave absorption cross section of CO2 gas. I show the predicted Earth temperature for zero atmospheric resonant absorption of longwave radiation (no greenhouse effect in the otherwise identical atmosphere) to be-46 o C, not-19 o C as often wrongly stated. Also, …

Summary of Evidence Exposing the Crumbling Climate ‘Consensus’

Summary of Evidence Exposing the Crumbling Climate ‘Consensus’

Principia Scientific by James G Matkin | January 16, 2020 Climate science is supposed to be settled, right? We are told that there is an overwhelming agreement, or consensus, among scientists that most weather and climate changes that have occurred since the mid-20th century have been caused by human activity — our fossil fuel burning and CO2 emissions in particular. We are told that natural mechanisms that used to dominate are no longer exerting much of any influence on weather or climate anymore. Humans predominantly cause weather and climate changes now. For example, we are told that extreme weather (hurricanes, …

Were IPCC’s 1990 medium-term warming predictions accurate? No.

WUWT January 17, 2020 By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley In the increasingly vain hope of success in flogging the dead horse Global Warming, revisionists are increasingly trying to pretend that climatologists’ original predictions of doom were accurate. Here, I shall take a further look at the single most important prediction of them all: IPCC’s prediction of medium-term warming from 1990-2025 in its First Assessment Report. When I recently pointed out that a revisionist paper praising models’ original predictions in fact proved they greatly exaggerate, faithful adherents of the New Religion piled in to try to say the original predictions were …

The Global Warming Alarmists Really Do Have A Plan

The Global Warming Alarmists Really Do Have A Plan

American Thinker By J.B. Shurk | January 13, 2020 There is a credibility crisis for Western governments. For too many years, their incompetence and deceit have forced ordinary citizens to question whether they produce more harm than good. On both sides of the Atlantic, the governing elite play by a set of rules that separates them from those they govern. They ignore popular discontent while placing themselves above the law. It is in this volatile climate that they push the greatest con game ever concocted: man-made global warming. This is the hubris that brings empires crashing down. Like any confidence …