97% Consensus is false propaganda – Scientists for 100 years, can’t decide between warming or new ice age?

They say there is a 97% consensus on climate change. What is the consensus, exactly? Answer by James Matkin, former Director at Bank of Canada (1992-1995) Updated Jan 24 Bunk. There is no such consensus. In fact there was a serious divide between the IPCC scientists and the UN on the science of human caused climate change. The UN played the scientists for fools! The 97% derives from a survey sent to 10,257 people of which the 3,146 respondents were further whittled down to 77 self selected climate “scientists “ of which 75 were judged to agree that human induced …

Climatic Effects of Manmade Carbon Dioxide

Principia Scientific Published on August 13, 2019 Written by Bud Bromley & Tom D. Tamarkin Abstract: Carbon dioxide is the “gas of life” providing the carbon on which all plant and animal life on earth is based. The IPCC and the anthropogenic climate change community have asserted that carbon dioxide or CO2 is a pollutant because it enables global warming or climate change.   Computer models have been generated based on the unproven “Radiated Greenhouse Gas Emissions” theory which predicts catastrophic changes in the Earth’s climate leading to much future death and destruction. No demonstrable, empirical evidence of this theory …

Is the airborne fraction of anthropogenic CO 2 emissions increasing?

Wolfgang Knorr Received 18 August 2009; revised 21 September 2009; accepted 23 September 2009; published 7 November 2009. [ 1 ] Several recent studies have highlighted the possibility that the oceans and terrestrial ecosystems have started loosing part of their ability to sequester a large proportion of the anthropogenic CO2 emissions. This is an important claim, because so far only about 40% of those emissions have stayed in the atmosphere, which has prevented additional climate change. This study re-examines the available atmospheric CO2 and emissions data including their uncertainties. It is shown that with those uncertainties, the trend in the …

Climate change caused by “dominant” Natural Causes, not Humans

By Luis R. Miranda  The Real Agenda News April 11, 2014 BRAZIL    Back in 2008, a report titled   Nature, Not Human Activity, Controls the Climate was  published by the Non-governmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC). The report was an analysis of peer-reviewed papers and other published literature which purportedly studied climate change and how humanity contributed to the phenomenon. A total of 24 independent scientists participated in the review, which resulted in a 50 page document on the causes and consequences of climate change. This study was different because it included papers that the IPCC ignored and also because it …

QUORA: Is climate change an imagined problem promoted by censorship and the media without scientific evidence?

Answer by: James Matkin , LAWYER WRITER (2006-present) Yes, climate change by man is an imagined unproven problem. Sea levels are not rising, islands are not sinking, some glaciers expand as others melt, polar bears flourish, winters are colder with massive snowfall and the ski business is booming. Alarmist computer projections of catastrophic warming all fail. Where is the problem? Humans are a tropical species and most prosperous during warm interglatial period. We certainly do not need a colder climate. Download the PDF This browser does not support PDFs. Please download the PDF to view it..

Bad Science & Climate Alarm Distracts Us From Real Problems

Principia Scientific Aug. 5, 2019 Written by Sanjeev Sabhlok As a rule of thumb, 80 percent of policy development should be about understanding the problem. Once a problem is understood, the solution generally presents itself.  But in the case of climate change, policymakers have bypassed this step and are insisting on “fixing” the “problem.” They forget that the IPCC’s own reports show that there is no problem. Even in its extreme scenario (highly speculative), the worst that could happen is that our much richer future generations will become two percent less rich. But the IPCC fails to emphasize that without …

Erasing America’s Hot Past

Tony Heller Published on Aug 4, 2019 This video is a must-watch for people wanting to understand what is going on with the climate crisis scam. It shows what they are doing, how they are doing it, and what we need to do to prevent a hostile takeover of the corenerstone of our civilization – affordable, reliable energy.

Global CO2 emissions from cement production

Robbie M. Andrew CICERO Center for International Climate Research, Oslo 0349, Norway Correspondence:Robbie M. Andrew (robbie.andrew@cicero.oslo.no) Published: 26 January 2018 Abstract.The global production of cement has grown very rapidly in recent years, and after fossil fuels andland-use change, it is the third-largest source of anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide. The required data for estimating emissions from global cement production are poor, and it has been recognised that some global estimates are significantly inflated. Here we assemble a large variety of available datasets and prioritise official data and emission factors, including estimates submitted to the UNFCCC plus new estimates for China …

CO2 Data Manipulation

Principia Scientific July 30, 2019 Written by Dr Tim Ball (Climatologist) The consistent pattern of the IPCC reveals demonization and misrepresentations of CO2. Here are some basic facts about CO2 that illustrate the discrepancy between what the IPCC claim and what science knows. Natural levels of Carbon dioxide (CO2) are less than 0.04% of the total atmosphere; it is far from being the most important or even only greenhouse gas as most of the public understands. Water vapour which is 95 percent of the greenhouse gases by volume is by far the most abundant and important greenhouse gas. The other …