Reuters: COP27 to be a Battle Over Climate Change Compensation

by Eric Worrall | August 8, 2022 Developing countries are growing increasingly frustrated that rich countries have failed to contribute to Dear Leader’s ESG Mercedes Benz fund. Climate change compensation fight brews ahead of COP27 summit By Kate Abnett BRUSSELS, Aug 8 (Reuters) – Tensions are mounting ahead of this year’s U.N. climate summit, as vulnerable countries ramp up demands for rich countries to pay compensation for losses inflicted on the world’s poorest people by climate change. When diplomats from nearly 200 countries meet on Nov. 7 in the beachside resort town of Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, negotiations will tackle how …

Do the math. Reject the WEF global resetters!

Bud Bromley | August 3, 2022 Do the math. Net CO2 in air for 2020 was ~414 ppm, that’s 0.000414 * Human CO2 cannot exceed 2.58 ppm, that’s 0.00000258, i.e., the net CO2 increase due to all sources & sinks for year 2020 = 2.58 ppm. Net human CO2 cannot exceed 0.000258% of atmosphere. * 2.58/414 = 0.0062 = 0.62% Net human CO2 cannot exceed 0.62% of net total CO2 for 2020. In 1970, average net CO2 was 325.68 ppm * In 1969, average net CO2 was 324.62 ppm * 325.68 minus 324.62 = 1.06 ppm * For 2020, average …

UK environmental activist urges ‘shutting down animal farming altogether’ because ‘it’s one of the greatest causes of climate breakdown’

Climate Depot | By Marc Morano | August 6, 2022 British environmental activist George Monbiot: “It’s by far and away the greatest cause of habitat destruction, the greatest cause of wildlife loss, the greatest cause of extinction, greatest cause of soil loss, greatest source of fresh water use. It’s one of the greatest causes of climate breakdown, bigger than transport.”  … “We need to act as drastically within that sector as any other sector to prevent the collapse of our life support systems and what that means, above all else, is getting out of livestock farming is really shutting down …

The Conversation: Fossil Fuel Companies Collect Lots of Renewable Energy Subsidies

The Conversation: Fossil Fuel Companies Collect Lots of Renewable Energy Subsidies

By Eric Worrall | August 6, 2022 Fund a green project, prop up an oil company – two University of Texas academics have figured out that in Texas at least, oil companies frequently collect the cash at the end of the green rainbow. Who benefits from renewable energy subsidies? In Texas, it’s often fossil fuel companies that are fighting clean energy elsewhere Published: August 4, 2022 10.20pm AEST Nathan Jensen Professor of Government, The University of Texas at Austin College of Liberal Arts Isabella Steinhauer Master of Public Affairs Candidate and Graduate Research Assistant, The University of Texas at Austin College …

The Big Green Lie Almost Everyone Claims to Believe

The Big Green Lie Almost Everyone Claims to Believe

By Eric Worrall | August 5, 2022 h/t M; Epoch Times Sticking it where it hurts, to all the politicians who have given lip service over the years to the climate crisis lie. The Big Green Lie Almost Everyone Claims to Believe           Patricia Adams Lawrence Solomon Almost every member of Congress, Democrat or Republican, pays homage to the Big Green Lie. So do all the past and remaining Conservative candidates vying to be prime minister of the UK and every candidate currently vying for the leadership of the Conservative Party of Canada. So does virtually all of the mainstream press. …


By Anthony Watts 2022 Edition This report examines the accuracy and reliability of U.S. temperature stations from which official temperature records are reported, following up from a March 2009 study, titled “Is the U.S. Surface Temperature Record Reliable?” The original report found the ground-based system for measuring surface temperatures in the United States was biased by asphalt, machinery, and other heat-producing, heat-trapping, or heat-accentuating objects located near many official temperature stations and their sensory equipment. The new study reexamines these temperature stations and equipment to determine whether there remains flaws in the official U.S. surface temperature record. This report finds …

You are the pollution they want to eliminate! Study: ‘Eating Too Much Protein Makes (Human) Pee a Problem Pollutant in the U.S.’ – ‘Can contribute to warming’

You are the pollution they want to eliminate! Study: ‘Eating Too Much Protein Makes (Human) Pee a Problem Pollutant in the U.S.’ – ‘Can contribute to warming’

New study, published in the journal Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment Climate Depot July 29, 2022 Scientific American: “In the U.S., people eat more protein than they need to. And though it might not be bad for human health, this excess does pose a problem for the country’s waterways. The nation’s wastewater is laden with the leftovers from protein digestion: nitrogen compounds that can feed toxic algal blooms and pollute the air and drinking water. … Once it enters the environment, the nitrogen in urea can trigger a spectrum of ecological impacts known as the “nitrogen cascade.” Under certain …

New Surface Stations Report Released – It’s ‘worse than we thought’

New Surface Stations Report Released – It’s ‘worse than we thought’

Watts Up With That | July 27, 2022 MEDIA ADVISORY: 96% OF U.S. CLIMATE DATA IS CORRUPTED Official NOAA temperature stations produce corrupted data due to purposeful placement in man-made hot spots Nationwide study follows up widespread corruption and heat biases found at NOAA stations in 2009, and the heat-bias distortion problem is even worse now ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, IL (July 27, 2022) – A new study, Corrupted Climate Stations: The Official U.S. Surface Temperature Record Remains Fatally Flawed, finds approximately 96 percent of U.S. temperature stations used to measure climate change fail to meet what the National Oceanic and Atmospheric …

Computer models? Don’t make me laugh.

Bud Bromley | July 24, 2022 “The only source of knowledge is experience.” – Albert Einstein The IPCC in its third report (2001) conceded: In climate research and modelling, we should recognize that we are dealing with a coupled non-linear chaotic system, and therefore that the long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible. UN IPCC (Chapter 14, Section )] Climate modeler Dr. Mototaka Nakamura: …so I know the workings of these models very well … For better or worse I have more or less lost interest in the climate science and am not thrilled to spend so much …

How the Climate Elite Spread Misery

How the Climate Elite Spread Misery

By Charles Rotter | July 22, 2022 Most people are more worried about high gas and food prices, which green policies make worse. Bjorn Lomborg writes in the Wall Street Journal, The chattering classes who jet to conferences at Davos or Aspen have for years been telling the rest of us that our biggest immediate threats are climate change, environmental disasters and biodiversity loss. They point to the current heat waves killing thousands across Europe as the latest reason to change our societies and economies radically by switching to renewables. Such arguments are misleading. It’s true that as temperatures rise …