Climate Crisis: A Modern-Day Witch Hunt?

Climate Crisis: A Modern-Day Witch Hunt?

CBN 02-27-2019 Dale Hurd A new book predicts “100 Million Climate Refugees by 2050.” Disagree, and you’re likely to be labeled a “climate denier” because, we’re told,  “the science is settled.” No Climate Debate Allowed Host Chuck Todd told viewers, “We’re not going to debate [climate change]. We’re not going to give time to climate deniers. The science is settled, even if political opinion is not.” These Top Climate Scientists Are Skeptical But the science of climate change is only settled for those who believe the climate models, or those scientists afraid of losing research dollars by denying it’s a …

100 Percent Renewable Cities – Is Your Mayor Smarter Than a 5th Grader?

The Western Journal By Steve Goreham February 19, 2019 Mayors in more than 100 U.S. cities have announced plans to transition their electrical power systems to 100 percent renewable by 2050. They propose replacement of traditional coal, natural gas, and nuclear-generating stations with wind, solar and wood-fired stations. But none of these mayors have a plausible idea of how to meet their commitment.

White House Climate Panel to Include a Climate Denialist

White House Climate Panel to Include a Climate Denialist

New York Times 20 Feb 2019 WASHINGTON — President Trump is preparing to establish a panel to examine whether climate change affects national security, despite existing reports from his own government showing that global warming is a growing threat. According to a White House memo dated Feb. 14, Mr. Trump’s staff members have drafted an executive order to create a 12-member committee, which will include a White House adviser, William Happer, whose views are sharply at odds with the established scientific consensus that carbon dioxide pollution is dangerous for the planet.

States Are Introducing Bills That Could Prevent Teachers From Advocating for Climate Change

States Are Introducing Bills That Could Prevent Teachers From Advocating for Climate Change

Pacific Standard Kelley Czajka | Feb 18, 2019 Several states have recently introduced bills that could interfere with the teaching of scientifically founded theories on climate change in public school science curricula. A bill in South Dakota would require each school board to adopt a code of ethics that prevents public school elementary and secondary school teachers from advocating “for any issue that is part of a political party platform at the national, state, or local level.” The Arizona legislature introduced a nearly identical bill.

House Democrat counters Trump with resolution declaring climate change a national emergency

House Democrat counters Trump with resolution declaring climate change a national emergency

Washington Examiner by Josh Siegel | February 15, 2019 Democratic Rep. Earl Blumenauer of Oregon said Friday he intends to introduce a resolution declaring climate change a national emergency. Blumenauer, who has endorsed the progressive Green New Deal resolution and is active on environmental and renewable energy issues, circulated a letter to colleagues Friday seeking support for a resolution that would declare the “sense of Congress” that climate change is a national emergency.

World leading sea level expert Prof. em. Nils Axel Mörner presents some stark examples that show how the IPCC and climate activists are wildly exaggerating their claims of rapid sea level rise.

World leading sea level expert Prof. em. Nils Axel Mörner presents some stark examples that show how the IPCC and climate activists are wildly exaggerating their claims of rapid sea level rise.

Prof. em. Nils Axel Mörner auf der 12. IKEK München, Bild EIKE Feb. 13, 2019 World leading sea level expert Prof. em. Nils Axel Mörner presents some stark examples that show how the IPCC and climate activists are wildly exaggerating their claims of rapid sea level rise.   12th IKEK: Nils Axel Mörner – the Kattegat and others among test areas for sea level

Los Angeles ditches plan to invest billions in fossil fuels, Mayor Eric Garcetti says

Los Angeles ditches plan to invest billions in fossil fuels, Mayor Eric Garcetti says

The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power’s Scattergood Generating Station in El Segundo. (Marcus Yam / Los Angeles Times) Los Angeles Times Feb. 11, 2019 The mayor’s decision marks an abrupt change of course for the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, where top staffers have argued in recent months that the gas plants are critical to keeping the lights on in the city. Environmental groups have urged DWP to replace the aging facilities with cleaner alternatives, saying the gas-fired plants need to go because they contribute to climate change and local air pollution.