Why did the EU invite Greta Thunberg and not Nobel Prize winner William Nordhaus?

Press release by the Climate Intelligence Foundation (CLINTEL) Essay “Undue Climate Haste” 21 April 2021 Optimum economic outturn is seen at 3.5 degrees Celsius of warming in 2100 Mortality due to extreme weather decreased spectacularly Why did the EU invite the young Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg to speak in Brussels instead of the Nobel Prize winning climate economist William Nordhaus? That question is answered in an essay entitled Undue Climate Haste, which the CLINTEL Foundation is publishing today. The essay concludes: “The main message of this essay is that we are in no hurry and that panic is unwarranted. …

Does ocean acidification alter fish behavior? Fraud allegations create a sea of doubt

Does ocean acidification alter fish behavior? Fraud allegations create a sea of doubt

Orange clownfish are among the tropical species studied in 22 papers now facing scrutiny. Fredrik Jutfelt ScienceMag.org | By Martin Enserink | May 6, 2021 When Philip Munday discussed his research on ocean acidification with more than 70 colleagues and students in a December 2020 Zoom meeting, he wasn’t just giving a confident overview of a decade’s worth of science. Munday, a marine ecologist at James Cook University (JCU), Townsville, was speaking to defend his scientific legacy. Munday has co-authored more than 250 papers and drawn scores of aspiring scientists to Townsville, a mecca of marine biology on Australia’s northeastern …

Climate Policy Is a Money-Making Opportunity for the Elite

Climate Policy Is a Money-Making Opportunity for the Elite

Real Clear Energy | By Rupert Darwall  | March 04, 2021 “The climate transition presents a historic investment opportunity,” says BlackRock CEO Larry Fink. “What the financiers, the big banks, the asset managers, private investors, venture capital are all discovering is: There’s a lot of money to be made in the creation of these new [green] jobs,” chimes in presidential climate envoy John Kerry. Fink concedes that the economy remains “highly dependent” on fossil fuels. He also asserts that BlackRock is “carbon neutral today in our own operations.” It’s a claim open to challenge. “If a company or individual says …

Why Models Can’t Predict Temperature: A History Of Failure

Why Models Can’t Predict Temperature: A History Of Failure

By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley | May 9, 2021 This is a long and technical posting. If you don’t want to read it, don’t whine. The first scientist to attempt to predict eventual warming by doubled CO2, known to the crystal-ball gazers as equilibrium doubled-CO2 sensitivity (ECS), was the Nobel laureate Svante Arrhenius, a chemist, in 1896. He had recently lost his beloved wife. To keep his mind occupied during the long Nordic winter, he carried out some 10,000 spectral-line calculations by hand and concluded that ECS was about 5 C°. However, he had relied upon what turned out to …

Fantasy Versus Reality In Woke-Land

Manhattan Contrarian May 06, 2021/ Francis Menton JP Morgan Chase — it’s hard to find a more “woke” company than that one. Under celebrity CEO Jamie Dimon, JPM in its corporate pronouncements consistently positions itself at the most exquisitely correct end of the politically correct spectrum. But reality can be tough. In its email of a couple of days ago, the Global Warming Policy Foundation links to JPM’s 2021 Annual Energy Paper. The Paper comes from JPM’s Asset and Wealth Management Group. The lead author is a guy named Michael Cembalest, who appears to have his ear right down on …

Global temperature of April 2021 dropped below the pause level of the early 2000s

Global temperature of April 2021 dropped below the pause level of the early 2000s

By: Antero Ollila, Ph.D. | May 2, 2021 The satellite temperature measurement UAH of the April has been published, Figure 1.   Figure 2. Monthly values of satellite temperature UAH in 2002–2021. The impact of ENSO events has been calculated using the formula 0.1*ONI (Oceanic Nino Index) applying a delay of five months. The temperature of March has dropped below the pause temperature average of 1997-2014, generally known as temperature pause or hiatus. The pause is back. Since October 2010, the temperature has dropped from 0.4 °C in October to 0.15 °C in December, to 0.12 °C in January, to …

Huge change in Biden’s April 28 speech – U.S. emission reductions “don’t matter.”

By Larry Hamlin | April 30, 2021 An article at Fox News by Liz Peek addresses a huge change in Biden’s April 28, 2021 Presidential Address to the Joint Session of Congress that was not contained in the speech distributed to the press before the speech. The speech transcript contains an additional phrase used by Biden acknowledging that U.S. emission reductions “don’t matter” as noted in the headline of the article. The Fox article notes: “This is what he said, according to a New York Times transcript of the president’s remarks: “The United States accounts, as all of you know, for less than 15 percent …

Atmospheric carbon dioxide variations at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii

Download PDF This browser does not support PDFs. Please download the PDF to view it..  ————————————————————– By CHARLES D. KEELING, ROBERT B. BACASTOW, ARNOLD E. BAINBRIDGE, CARL A. EKDAHL, J R , PETER R. GUENTHER, and L E E S. WATERMAN, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, California, USA and JOHN F.S. CHIN, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii (Manuscript received February 16, 1973; in final form January 27, 1976) ABSTRACT The concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii is reported for eight years (1964-1971) of a long …

The Relative Percentages of Anthropogenic and Natural Carbon Dioxide in the Earth’s Troposphere

Illustrative image of gas chromatography mass spectrometry apparatus By Tom Tamarkin | May 8, 2021 Download PDF I. Introduction & Statement of Problem Correlations of decrease in “average worldwide temperature” and volcanic activity are high. Correlations of increase in “average worldwide temperatures” and El Niño events are high Empirical measurements and calculations of the relative percentage of anthropogenic carbon dioxide in the total carbon dioxide reservoir are highly uncertain at best. The total atmospheric CO2 concentration represented by the Mauna Loa, Hawaii Keeling curve shows an almost straight line degree of annual change from 337 ppm in 1979 to 408 ppm in 2018. …