Study shows rapid sea level rise along Atlantic coast of North America in 18th century

Study shows rapid sea level rise along Atlantic coast of North America in 18th century

Eureka Alert University of York | 28-Feb-2020 IMAGE: The findings are based on sea level reconstructions derived from salt-marsh sediments from the Atlantic coast and from microscopic salt-marsh fossils. Credit: Prof Roland Gehrels, University of York Study found evidence for a period of enhanced pre-industrial sea-level rise of about 2-3 millimeters per year The study, led by the University of York, found evidence for a period of enhanced pre-industrial sea-level rise of about two to three millimetres per year in three locations: Nova Scotia, Maine and Connecticut. The researchers say that the large rises at these three locations were natural, and …

How The IPCC’s Greenhouse Definition Violates the Physical Law of Conservation of Mass & Energy

How The IPCC’s Greenhouse Definition Violates Physical Laws

by Dr. Antero Ollila | Feb 27, 2020 The greenhouse (GH) effect is the IPCC’s basic concept in global warming. The anthropogenic (man-made) global warming theory is based on the enhanced GH effect caused by GH gases. There have been many comments on net pages that how carbon dioxide having only 400 ppm concentration can lead to so much warming as proposed by the IPCC. This story is a piece of simple evidence that it cannot. The basic information about the energy fluxes affecting the GH effect can be found in Figure 1. The radiation fluxes are practically the same …

Why are climate change realists called ‘science deniers’?

Why are climate change realists called ‘science deniers’?

Principia Scientific by T L Winslow | February 24, 2020 The CO2-driven AGW hoax is being pushed by environmentalists and global communists centered in the U.N. and their politician-run Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). It is a global octopus of kept scientists, journalists, and academics in order to frame CO2 emissions as evil to scare the world into surrendering money and power to it to dismantle the fossil fuel industry that underpins capitalism and pave the way for their real goal of global Marxism. Like all Marxists, they offer nothing but the end of all your freedoms so they …

China and India rejecting renewables for coal-fired futures

China and India rejecting renewables for coal-fired futures

WUWT February 20, 2020 By Ronald Stein Founder and Ambassador for Energy & Infrastructure of PTS Advance, headquartered in Irvine, California China and India are NOT buying into the global alarm movement. Never in human history have we seen two countries (China and India), each with over a billion people, in need of such gargantuan amounts of energy to keep their economies accelerating and their citizens alive. China and India are the two most populous countries in the world. As of 2018, China had almost 1.4 billion people, a figure that is projected to grow to 1.5 billion by 2045. …

Sins of emission

WUWT Feb. 19, 2020 By Lord Christopher Monckton of Brenchley Much has been made of the alleged standstill in global CO2 emissions, which are asserted to have been about the same in 2019 as in 2018, at 33.3 gigatonnes of CO2: Obsession over transient phenomena such as this is commonplace among the climate genociders, whose cruel, dangerous and expensive global-warming abatement policies are killing tens of millions annually through the coordinated refusal of most of the world’s leading merchant, central and intergovernmental banks to lend to developing countries to install the one kind of electricity they can afford and can …

Climate Change is not a problem: Unless we make it one.

Climate Change is not a problem: Unless we make it one.

WUWT February 11, 2020 Guest Post by Martin Capages Jr. PhD PE INTRODUCTION As long as humans have been on Earth, they have been adapting to changes in regional climates. A regional climate is the average of the weather for a relatively long period of time, usually 30+ years, at a particular location on the planet. The natural periodicity of prolonged regional weather variations has been documented in various ways by humans for eons. For a comparison of human civilization in the northern hemisphere to Greenland ice core temperatures for the last 18,000 years see here. Some of the means …

We must fight climate extremists before they upend society

We must fight climate extremists before they upend society

WUWT February 10, 2020 Start learning the deep details of the science and economics instead of letting extremists dictate what you’re allowed to think or say. Guest opinion by Ross Mckitrick Last year was the year the climate issue took a sharp turn towards extremism. Let’s hope 2020 is the year sanity makes a comeback. There have long been three groups occupying the climate issue. To avoid pejoratives, I will call them A, B and C. The A group are the doubters. They don’t believe greenhouse gases (GHGs) do much harm and they don’t support expensive climate-policy interventions. If we must …

In The Green Reich, We Are All Jews

In The Green Reich, We Are All Jews

The Postil Magazine December 1, 2019 This is a book that everyone must read. It is brief, to the point – and utterly frightening, for it lays out the end-game of environmentalism, which will affect us all, if we blindly keep empowering it, as we are now so gleefully doing. People often wonder how Hitler was allowed to come to power and carry out his plan? Just look at the way you vote, the way you think about humans and this planet, why you want to go green, what you demand from politicians you elect when it comes to the …

How To Slay The Climate Change Dragon

How To Slay The Climate Change Dragon

Postil Magazine February 1, 2020 | By Nirmal Dass, Ph.D. In our time, as truth corrodes, myths become necessary. As people drift away from truth, they readily agree to intrusive governments – and such invasive governments give consent to supranational entities and conglomerates who then use myths to manufacture political, social and economic consent. The sales-force that sells these fictive narratives is the vast media-education-entertainment complex which employs, for such purposes, the punditry of experts, the professoriate, globe-trotting zealots, and sanctimonious thespians. Any dissent from these fables is decried, ridiculed, and suppressed. One such myth is CO2 in the role …

NASA’s Great Peak Fake Swindle

NASA’s Great Peak Fake Swindle

Principia Scientific January 27, 2020 | by Geraint Hughes I would like to draw some blatant phoney baloney manipulation by NASA and all the Climate Crisis Alarmists, to everyone’s attention.  That being the graph above. This is taken from NASA website as such    Sorry to break the bad news to you all but this is just a Charlatan, mirror trick the entire graph. I rate this graph quadruple D, for Deliberately Dumbly Deceptive & Deceitful.   Anyone without knowledge of the manipulations which I am about to expose, would look at this graph and wrongly think to themselves that the …