John Tyndall, Atmospheric Researcher. Part 2: The Water Vapour Dispute with Gustav Magnus

Picturing Meteorology | Dec. 31, 2017 This guest post is by Roland Jackson. Part 1 explained Tyndall’s work on carbon dioxide, and fog horns. Jackson’s biography, The Ascent of John Tyndall, will be published by Oxford University Press on March 22. You can follow him on Twitter @Roland_Jackson or @ProfTyndall. John Tyndall’s apparatus for measuring the heat absorption of gases. The frontispiece of Tyndall’s book Contributions to Molecular Physics in the Domain of Radiant Heat (London: Longmans, Green, and co., 1872).   Scanned from the personal collection of Roland Jackson. John Tyndall’s apparatus for measuring the heat absorption of gases. …

John Tyndall, Atmospheric Researcher. Part 1: Carbon Dioxide and Fog Horns

Picturing Meteorology | Dec. 31, 2017 When you say “Tyndall” to an atmospheric scientist today, they are likely to think of the Tyndall Centre, Great Britain’s premier unit for climate change research. But the Centre is named for a man, whose adventurous career in 19th century science deserves an extensive biography. Roland Jackson has written that book, The Ascent of John Tyndall, which will be published by Oxford University Press March 22, 2018. The former Head of the Science Museum in London and then Chief Executive of the British Science Association has contributed two guest posts exploring Tyndall’s impact on …

Climate Dynamics: The True Control Knob of Climate Change

Climate Dynamics: The True Control Knob of Climate Change

by Jim Steele | March 27, 2021 The earth’s energy equilibrium is determined by the balance between incoming solar radiation versus radiative cooling that emits infrared radiation back to space. Water vapor primarily and CO2 can slow radiative cooling via the greenhouse effect. I am most grateful for the greenhouse effect. Without it the earth’s average temperature would hover near 0°F instead of our currently more livable 59°F. But in addition to any radiative effects, the earth’s global average temperature is determined by a variety of climate dynamics, such as the balance between ocean heat storage and heat ventilation. This …

Greenhouse theory refuted by 17 papers finding Co2 can make the climate colder

“CO2 rise of 0.008% too tiny to matter.” By James G Matkin New research from 17 papers refutes Greenhouse theory with stunning findings that Co2 makes the climate colder, Co2 lags temperature is so tiny it can be “neglected.” The earth is cooling yet Co2 emissions are rising is there a connection? Yes according the extensive research of Thomas Alimendinger from Zurich, Switzerland. “The second and definite evidence is delivered by the here first mentioned warming-up experiments of air and of pure carbon-dioxide in the presence of thermal radiation, which even revealed a temperature reduction by carbon-dioxide, apart from the …

Manmade Global Warming: The Story & the Reality

Manmade Global Warming: The Story & the Reality

By Tom Tamarkin March 24, 2021 Introduction: One of the early purposes of Climate Alarmism was to stimulate the reduction of worldwide population over an extended period of time, under the ultimate control of a single worldwide government. It is predicated on the fictitious notion of man produced climate change. The plan was and perhaps still is, to use climate change as a socially accepted reason to force the abandonment of the cheap, abundant energy produced by fossil fuel and nuclear generation. To maintain a population of over 7.5 billion human beings requires massive amounts of food and energy. Energy …

The Green New Deal is a ‘SONG OF SIRENS’ wreaking havoc by scheming to end fossil fuels.

New paper “annihilates” greenhouse theory because, “Something is rotten with the GHE.” By James G Matkin “I would rather have questions that can’t be answered than answers that can’t be questioned.” Richard Feynman The Green New Deal plan to end fossil fuels is a wrecking ball and will end badly like the Greek myth of the ‘SIRENS SONG. New paper “annihilates” the foundation of the greenhouse theory as the earth cools. The false climate change consensus stifles debate hiding the truth of corrupted science data from the public. ABSTRACT Greek mythology reminds that when humans mess with Mother Nature listening …

German Energy Expert Agrees: “Fission/Fusion Plus Hydrocarbs Only Realistic Energy Transition Next 50 Years”

German Energy Expert Agrees: “Fission/Fusion Plus Hydrocarbs Only Realistic Energy Transition Next 50 Years”

No Tricks Zone By P Gosselin on 14. March 2021 Today, German energy expert Dr. Lars Schernikau comments on hydrogen, and what’s really the best energy carrier for the next 50 years. First, recall that hydrogen is NOT a source of energy such as uranium, coal, gas, oil, wind, solar, etc., but rather it is an energy carrier that needs to be produced by applying energy. Bossel 2009 said: “Hydrogen is a synthetic energy carrier: High-grade energy is required to produce, compress, liquefy, transport, transfer or store H2 (in most cases this energy could be distributed directly to the end …

A significant drop in global temperature – IPPC science in trouble

By Dr. Antero Ollila | March 13, 2021 According to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), three of the hottest years in measurement history (note! not the warmest) years have been 2016, 2019 and 2020, Figure 1. Figure 1. Temperature development between 1980 and 2020, IPCC temperature forcings and the temperature values calculated from them. The total radiative forcings (RF) according to the IPCC reports and the temperature changes calculated from them have also been added to Figure 1 according to the IPCC’s simple climate model. These values show that only the temperature measured in 2005 and the model-calculated values have …