Planet of the Humans

Michael Moore Presents: Planet of the Humans | Full Documentary | Directed by Jeff Gibbs Michael Moore presents Planet of the Humans, a documentary that dares to say what no one else will this Earth Day — that we are losing the battle to stop climate change on planet earth because we are following leaders who have taken us down the wrong road — selling out the green movement to wealthy interests and corporate America. This film is the wake-up call to the reality we are afraid to face: that in the midst of a human-caused extinction event, the environmental …

The absorption of thermal emitted infrared radiation by CO2

The absorption of thermal emitted infrared radiation by CO2

Written by W.J.Witteman, Emeritus professor University of Twente (NL) April 3, 2020 Abstract: The present study describes the absorption of thermal emission from the earth surface by CO2 in the atmosphere. It is done on a fundamental physics base. For this purpose, the vibrational-rotational structure of the CO2 molecule is described. At atmospheric temperatures a few low-lying vibrational bands of CO2 are relevant. It is found that independently from the vibrational state of the molecule the frequency separation between the rotational lines for both P- and R-transitions is constant and about 50 GHz. Furthermore, it is found that practically about 90% …

Going Solar – System Requirements For 100% U.S. Solar Generated Utility Baseload Electricity

Going Solar – System Requirements For 100% U.S. Solar Generated Utility Baseload Electricity

EnergyCite | March 18, 2020 An examination of the economics and practicality of grid scale solar power Download this article as a PDF Key Concepts By 2060 88% of current on-line utility scale generation capacity will be retired due to plant age and life cycle considerations Solar Photovoltaics require 3 to 4 years of their energy output to fabricate, including the frames and associated electronics systems 29.3 billion 1 square meter solar panels are required for 100% solar power in the U.S. based on current demand 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. 29.3 billion 1square meter panels would …

Greenhouse gases did not cause the end of the pause March 15, 2020 By Antero Ollila Foreword During the years 2000-2014, the global temperature hardly increased, and that period has been called the temperature pause or hiatus. The debate among the climate community has resulted in more than 200 research studies in some cases with opposite results about the reasons. This amount of papers can be compared to the research studies of Earth’s energy balance and the greenhouse effect. I have found about 10 publications for both subjects. During the years 2000-2014, the emissions of carbon dioxide were 126 gigatons carbon (GtC) being 31% of the total emission after …

It’s Easy to be Fooled by a Climate Alarmist

It’s Easy to be Fooled by a Climate Alarmist

Medium Dispelling the fallacies of a solar company owner Gregory Wrightstone — March 6, 2020 Author of Inconvenient Facts — The science that Al Gore doesn’t want you to know An article highly critical of my book Inconvenient Facts, a bestseller, has received wide distribution. It’s Easy to be Tricked by a Climate Denier purports to be a factual take-down of the book and, by extension, of me. However, it is really just one more example of how proponents of catastrophic man-made warming need to resort to lies and distortion in order to advance their agenda. The author, Willard MacDonald, …

Anthropogenic CO2 in the atmosphere per the IPCC conflicts with the observed permille values

By A. Ollila 09 March 2020 Media releases frequently news that carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration has reached a new all-time high concentration value measured in ppm. What is the nature of this CO2 increase in the atmosphere? In AR5 (p. 467), the IPCC writes: “About half of the emissions remained in the atmosphere 240 PgC±10 PgC since 1750.” The IPCC refers to Joos et al. (2001), which states that “Currently, only about half of the anthropogenic CO2 emission stays airborne.” In a newer paper of Joos et al. (2013), there is a reference to the Impulse Response Function (IRF): “The …

The warming effects of CO2 by the IPCC cannot be fitted into the GH effect

By Antero Ollila March 9, 2020 I have shown that the greenhouse (GH) effect definition of the IPCC and also used by climate researchers violates the physical laws. The GH effect depends on the downward radiation from the atmosphere encompassing three energy sources. Latent heating from the physical state change from gas to liquid and partly even to solid-state, sensible heating by convection, and LW absorption by changing infrared radiation into heat. All these energy fluxes originate from the Earth’s surface, they warm up the atmospheric material which then radiates LW radiation according to its temperature back to the surface …

Reproduction of the IPCC’s climate sensitivity gives 0.6 °C – not 1.8 °C

By Antero Ollila March 9, 2020 The highest ranked scientific journal Nature published on the 28th of July 2016 an article based on the survey for 1,576 researchers. More than 70 % of the researchers were not able to reproduce the results of another scientist’s experiments. Are there any attempts to reproduce IPCC’s climate sensitivity? I think that the most important key figure of the climate change science is the value of the climate sensitivity (CS), because it describes the warming effects of the major greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2). CS means the temperature increase corresponding to the doubling of …

NASA Confirms Falling Sea Levels For Two Years Amidst Media Blackout

NASA Confirms Falling Sea Levels For Two Years Amidst Media Blackout

The Holgate result was confirmed by another 2008 paper authored by Jevrejeva et al, which found the fastest sea level rise during the past 300 years was observed between 1920 – 1950 with maximum of 2.5 mm/yr. In other words: global sea level rise has decelerated since the 1950s.… It is becoming more and more apparent that sea levels rise and fall without any obvious connection to CO2 concentrations. Download PDF This browser does not support PDFs. Please download the PDF to view it..

Amid generally well supplied cereal markets, early indications point to a near-record wheat production in 2020

Amid generally well supplied cereal markets, early indications point to a near-record wheat production in 2020

Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN Released March 5, 2020 Global cereal markets in 2019/20 are expected to remain well supplied, comfortably covering the forecast growth in consumption. FAO’s 2019 world cereal production estimate is currently pegged at 2 719 million tonnes, almost 62 million tonnes (2.3 percent) above production in 2018 and 4.7 million tonnes higher than reported in February.  The estimate of global production of coarse grains has been raised by 5 million tonnes to 1 444 million tonnes since the previous report in February, up by 2.4 percent from 2018. The latest revision incorporates recently released official …