Why the Greenhouse Gas Theory Flunks the Albedo Test

Principia Scientific June 27, 2019 by John O’Sullivan Those of us who ‘deny’ the validity of the radiative greenhouse effect (GHE) theory are asked to provide our own alternative explanation of how the earth’s climate system operates. Well, the answer is simple: the sun and earth’s water cycle are the key. But you have to measure their impact at the ‘real’ surface of earth (top of the atmosphere) not at ground level. Why? Because that is the only location you can genuinely measure the impact of albedo (cloud cover cooling). When our book, ‘Slaying the Sky Dragon: Death of the …

Hearing on climate change and natural disasters

judithcurry.com by Judith Curry | June 25, 2019 The House Oversight and Reform Environmental Subcommittee in a Hearing on Recovery, Resilience and Readiness – Contending with Natural Disasters in the Wake of Climate Change begins at 2 pm EDT. The announcement for the Hearing is posted [here].  Based on previous Hearings from the Committee, live streaming should be available at the above link (and links to the written testimonies), and also a podcast for later viewing. The link to my written testimony is here [Testimony Oversight and Reform 2019 v2]. Link to Mann’s testimony is here [ ]Mann.20190612.Testimony. Verbal remarks Below …

Human CO2 Emissions Have Little Effect on Atmospheric CO2

edberry.com Abstract The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) agrees human CO2 is only 5 percent and natural CO2 is 95 percent of the CO2 inflow into the atmosphere. The ratio of human to natural CO2 in the atmosphere must equal the ratio of the inflows. Yet IPCC claims human CO2 has caused all the rise in atmospheric CO2 above 280 ppm, which is now 130 ppm or 32 percent of today’s atmospheric CO2. To cause the human 5 percent to become 32 percent in the atmosphere, the IPCC model treats human and natural CO2 differently, which is …

More efficient North Atlantic carbon pump during the Last Glacial Maximum

Nature Communications Published: 15 May 2019 J. Yu, L. Menviel, Z. D. Jin, D. J. R. Thornalley, G. L. Foster, E. J. Rohling, I. N. McCave, J. F. McManus, Y. Dai, H. Ren, F. He, F. Zhang, P. J. Chen & A. P. Roberts Nature Communications volume 10, Article number: 2170 (2019) Abstract During the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM; ~20,000 years ago), the global ocean sequestered a large amount of carbon lost from the atmosphere and terrestrial biosphere. Suppressed CO2 outgassing from the Southern Ocean is the prevailing explanation for this carbon sequestration. By contrast, the North Atlantic Ocean—a major …

Putting Climate Change Claims to the Test

Global Warming Policy Forum 18/06/19 | Dr John Christy This is a full transcript of a talk given by Dr John Christy to the GWPF on Wednesday 8th May. When I grew up in the world of science, science was understood as a method of finding information. You would make a claim or a hypothesis, and then test that claim against independent data. If it failed, you rejected your claim and you went back and started over again. What I’ve found today is that if someone makes a claim about the climate, and someone like me falsifies that claim, rather …


JAMAL MUNSHI Date: July 2017, Revised 7/7/2017 ABSTRACT: The IPCC carbon budget concludes that changes in atmospheric CO2 are driven by fossil fuel emissions on a year by year basis. A testable implication of the validity of this carbon budget is that changes in atmospheric CO2 should be correlated with fossil fuel emissions at an annual time scale net of long term trends. A test of this relationship with insitu CO2 data from Mauna Loa 1958­2016 and flask CO2 data from twenty three stations around the world 1967­2015 is presented. The test fails to show that annual changes in atmospheric …

The great hundred billion dollar+ renewable energy fleecing of American taxpayers & energy users

by Larry Hamlin | June 13, 2019 The colossal magnitude of renewable energy federal and state government driven subsidies, taxes and higher energy cost impacts has never been systematically revealed to the American public but has instead been secreted away from view by those enjoying the huge financial benefits of this monumental largesse. The staggering negative financial impacts foisted upon Americans that are associated with all forms of renewable energy flow directly from government mandates, taxes, subsidies and higher cost consequences of an array of outrageously flawed political dictates that falsely claim to offer improved outcomes for the “climate” versus …

An Atmospheric Greenhouse Effect Cannot Exist So What Does Carbon Dioxide in the Atmosphere Really Do?

11 June 2019 Download PDF H20 (water vapor,) CO2 (carbon dioxide), and CH4 (methane) and some other very minor trace gases are so-called “greenhouse gases” because they absorb infrared energy.  Water vapor is by far the largest of these so called greenhouse gases. However, be careful to avoid the common misunderstanding that the earth and its atmosphere behave like a garden greenhouse; that is not true.  Greenhouses are closed systems except to incoming energy.  Earth is an open system, open to receive energy, as well receive gases and other matter from space and also open to transmit energy, gases and …

Cycles, not Carbon Dioxide, Control Climate

Principia Scientific by Viv Forbes | June 12, 2019 The war on hydro-carbon fuels will have no measurable effect on global temperatures. Nor will carbon taxes, carbon offsets or subsidies for wind turbines or solar panels. There are climate controllers far bigger than human CO2 at work.

New Research: Methane Emissions From Livestock Have No Detectable Effect On The Climate

No Tricks Zone Kenneth Richard | 3. December 2018 Agrobiologist and scientific researcher Dr. Albrecht Glatzle, author of over 100 scientific papers and two textbooks, has published research that shows “there is no scientific evidence, whatsoever, that domestic livestock could represent a risk for the Earth’s climate” and that the “warming potential of anthropogenic GHG [greenhouse gas] emissions has been exaggerated”.