Why 95% of all scientists…pro and skeptics of manmade global warming and climate change…are wrong on carbon dioxide

Why 95% of climate scientists are wrong on carbon dioxide and climate change

ClimateCite Corp, 28 July, 2021 Why do so few scientists practicing in the climate field acknowledge Henry’s Law & ocean chemistry as the predominate CO2 control factor? Most scientists practicing in the “climate field” are not degreed physicists or chemists. They typically have geology, geography, and metrology backgrounds and are not well versed in the areas such as Henry’s Law, Raoult’s law or the Le Chatelier principle. Most climate scientists pursued a decision branch based on an a priori assumption before consideration of Henry’s Law and other principals of physical chemistry concerning carbon dioxide and its interaction with acquis solutions.  …

Henry’s Law controls CO2 concentration, not humans

Henry’s Law controls CO2 concentration, not humans

By Bud Bromley | August 18, 2021 In physical chemistry, Henry’s Law is one of the gas laws. It defines the solubility of a gas within a liquid which is in contact with the gas. It was formulated in the early 19th century by the English chemist William Henry who described the results of his experiments. In the 21st century, Henry’s Law is the foundation science for multi-billion per year industries, for example the multi-billion dollar per year scientific instruments business of gas chromatography. Henry’s Law also explains why the theory of human-caused global warming /climate change is not even …

Man Does Not Create Global Warming or Climate Change & We Will Prove It

By: Tomer (Tom) D. Tamarkin 11 August 2021 Anthropogenic global warming (AGW,) sometimes referred to as manmade climate change, is the largest lie, fraud, and deceit, ever perpetuated by man against mankind. Unfortunately it is very complicated and complex for non-scientists to understand. Thus the average person does not attempt to analyze and evaluate it and therefore has ambivalent feelings about it. However, the climate change fraud is responsible for trillions of dollars in damages annually…not by weather and climate…but by man’s ill-conceived responses such as carbon taxes, the green energy scam, and countless government programs taking taxpayer dollars in …

The Climate Delusion

By Prof. Dr. Hermann Harde, PhD (physics) An energy transformation from fossil fuels to so-called clean energy is based on the imagination that combustion of fossil fuels endangers survival of our planet, but humans can control the climate by reducing these anthropogenic CO2-emissions and therewith also rescue the planet. This is an absolute delusion. As long as it exists weather and thereby a climate on Earth, this is determined by internal and external impacts. We had to change the solar activity or the orbit of our planet to significantly influence our climate. But up to now there exists no evidence for …

Comprehensive Analytical Study of the Greenhouse Effect of the Atmosphere

Photo: Algarve University, Portugal The greenhouse effect can be as good as rejected and Henry’s Law stays firmly standing. Photo: Peter Stallinga In this manuscript we take a look at the greenhouse effect with fully-analytical techniques, starting with physical laws, and avoid any computational tools, in an attempt to determine the climate variations caused by the greenhouse effect. The correlation between temperature and CO2 concentration is readily explained by another phenomenon, called Henry’s Law: The capacity of liquids to hold gases in solution is depending on temperature. When oceans heat up, the capacity decreases and the oceans thus release CO2 …

Mother Nature organized a climate test showing 70 % error in the calculated 2019 temperature

Mother Nature organized a climate test showing 70 % error in the calculated 2019 temperature

ClimatExam by Dr. Antero Ollila The Earth receives 99.97% of its energy from the Sun. The global warming impact caused by greenhouse gases is calculated in such a way that it corresponds to the change in solar radiation at the top of the atmosphere and is called Radiative Forcing (RF). If the amount of solar energy changes, then the change in radiation power multiplied by the climate sensitivity parameter directly gives global warming effect. If the change had occurred in solar activity in a short period of time, it would be widely reported. When a change has occurred due to …

Climate skeptics are arguing with a straw man

Climate skeptics are arguing with a straw man

By Bud Bromley | July 19, 2021 The problem that global warming skeptics have had for years is they are arguing a point where their opponents – that is the proponents of AGW or human-caused global warming – are using estimates of human CO2 emissions. But skeptics in rebuttal have no measurements of global human CO2 emission, obviously because it is buried in the noise of CO2 fluxes which are at least 10 times larger.  Skeptics are arguing with a straw man on a yellow brick road. AGW proponents, as they tend to do, proposed a hypothesis which they believe cannot be validated …

A New Law Of Climate Change

A New Law Of Climate Change

By Michael Kile | July 11, 2021 What a treat. I had not been so flummoxed since reading Alan Sokal’s  scholarly hoax over two decades ago: “Transgressing the Boundaries: Towards a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity”. That the latest World Weather Attribution (WWA) post, Rapid attribution analysis of the extraordinary heatwave on the Pacific Coast of the US and Canada June 2021, has twenty-one contributors from prestigious research groups around the world gave it even more piquancy. The WWA post, alas, is neither hoax nor parody, but the real deal: a collaboration – in record time -“to assess to what extent human-induced climate change made this …

Heat waves and hot air

Heat waves and hot air

by Judith Curry | July 15, 2021 Heat waves are the new polar bears, stoking alarm about climate change.  Climate scientists addressing this in the media are using misleading and/or inadequate approaches.  How should we approach assessing whether and how much manmade global warming has contributed to recent record breaking  temperatures?  Read on for some outside-the-box thinking on this. Much has been written in recent weeks on the record-breaking heat wave in the US Northwest and Canada There have been four categories of scientific contributions to answering this question, that have appeared in the media, blog posts and publications: I.  …