Hundreds of climate sceptics to mount international campaign to stop net-zero targets being made law

Independent Phoebe Weston | 6 September 2019 Exclusive: The signatories are part of a network pushing for environmental deregulation after Brexit – and some have links with Boris Johnson’s cabinet Hundreds of climate change deniers including academics, politicians and lobbyists are to launch a campaign to stop commitments to net zero carbon emissions being enshrined in law, The Independent can reveal. A letter titled “There is no climate emergency” – which has been signed by 400 people who deem climate change to be a myth – is being sent to leaders of European Union (EU) and United Nations (UN) institutions in the coming weeks …

Top-level climate modeler goes rogue, criticizes ‘nonsense’ of ‘global warming crisis’

American Thinker Sept. 24, 2019 A highly qualified and experienced climate modeler with impeccable credentials has rejected the unscientific bases of the doom-mongering over a purported climate crisis.  His work has not yet been picked up in this country, but that is about to change.  Writing at the Australian site Quadrant, Tony Thomas introduces the English-speaking world to the truth-telling of Dr. Mototaka Nakamura (hat tip: Andrew Bolt, John McMahon). There’s a top-level oceanographer and meteorologist who is  prepared to cry “Nonsense!”on the “global warming crisis” evident to climate modellers but not in the real world. He’s as well or better qualified than the modellers …

Climate Scientists Write To UN: There Is No Climate Emergency

Illustration by Matthew Laznicka Technocracy News Posted By: Dr. Guus Berkhout September 22, 2019 A group of 500 esteemed scientists and professionals in climate science have officially notified the United Nations that there is no climate crisis and that spending trillions on a non-problem is ‘cruel and imprudent’.This letter will not make it into national or global media, nor will it cause the UN to change its ways. If these same scientists understood Technocracy, they would change their battle strategy. ⁃ TN Editor Professor Guus Berkhout The Hague 23 September 2019 Sr. António Guterres, Secretary-General, United Nations, United Nations …

Damning Ruling Posted in the Mann-v-Ball ‘Trial of the Century’

Principia Scientific |  September 19, 2019 Written by John O’Sullivan The Supreme Court of British Columbia has released the damning official final Judgment in the Mann-v-Ball ‘science trial of the century.’ Honourable Mr Justice Giaschi ruled that Mann’s multi-million-dollar, eight-year libel suit is “dismissed with prejudice” due to Mann’s “inexcusable delay.” (see: Para. 13). The key points from the ruling are cited below: Honourable Mr Justice Giaschi ruled: “There have been two periods, of approximately 35 months in total, where nothing was done. In my view, by any measure, this is an inordinate delay. [8] I now turn to whether …

Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann Doubling Down After Court Defeat

Principia Scientific Published on September 16, 2019 Written by John O’Sullivan Exactly as we expected, Dr Michael Mann, after his sensational court defeat to Dr Tim Ball in the ‘science trial of the century,‘ doubles down on more shenanigans over his infamous graph. The fundamental principle of jurisprudence is “Put up or shut up!” Mann failed to “put up” and to make matters worse, he fails to “shut up.” In the early hours of this morning mendacious Mann foolishly took to Twitter to try to rally his befuddled and shrinking army of Twitter troops with this latest whopper:   Do …

Most Americans say climate change should be addressed now – CBS News poll

CBS September 15, 2019 By Jennifer De Pinto, Fred Backus and Anthony Salvanto A majority of Americans think action needs to be taken right now to address climate change. Most consider it at least to be a serious problem — including more than a quarter who say it is a crisis. Seven in 10 think human activity contributes a lot or some to climate change, and most feel they have a personal responsibility to do something about it, although many say they cannot afford to. Opinions on the subject are marked by partisan divisions. Most – 67% – think humans …

Why a high-profile climate science opponent quit Trump’s White House Scott Waldman, E&E News | Sep. 12, 2019 , 11:05 AM Originally published by E&E News When William Happer realized this summer that his plan to question climate science had been shut down by the White House, he knew he’d stick to his promise: to serve exactly one year in President Donald Trump’s administration and then leave. Happer’s original idea to review climate research involved a team of scientists who would critique government science reports and play up the areas of uncertainty. It would be centered on attacking the National Climate Assessment and potentially be used to mount a …

Michael Mann Retracts False Nobel Prize Claims in Humiliating Climbdown

John OSullivan October 28, 2012 Disgraced Penn State University (PSU) climatologist, Michael Mann, concedes defeat in his bogus claims to be a Nobel Peace Prize winner. Mann’s employer this weekend began the shameful task of divesting itself of all inflated claims  on university websites and official documentation that Mann was ever a Peace Prize recipient with Al Gore and the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Thanks to a tip off from respected climate researcher, Dr. Klaus Kaiser, myself and Tom Richard (who scooped the original Nobel story) obtained “before and after” copy images from PSU websites as records of this damning retraction. …

Why Did Michael Mann Lose his Global Warming Lawsuit?

Principia Scientific Published on September 11, 2019 Written by John OSullivan Apologists for discredited ‘climate scientist’ Michael E Mann have been trying to spin his defeat in the ‘science trial of the century’ versus skeptic climatologist, Dr Tim Ball. Among the worst examples includes this weak effort ‘Tim Ball Pleads For Mercy As An Irrelevant Sick Old Man, Gets It, Declares Victory’ which serves only to fool the usual low-information class. Mann’s case was dismissed because he didn’t comply with the rules of discovery – he failed to release the hidden r2 regression numbers demanded by Tim. Failure to comply …

Breaking: Now Michael Mann Threatens Pastor with Lawsuit!

Principia Scientific Published on September 8, 2019 Written by John O’Sullivan Litigious climate fraudster, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann threatens ANOTHER lawsuit after newspaper correctly reports he lost the ‘science trial of the century‘ versus Dr Tim Ball. A mere two weeks ago, Penn State’s dodgy climate professor saw a judge dismiss his 8-year, multi-million-dollar libel suit versus the renowned Canadian skeptic climatologist. But, it appears Mann hasn’t learned his lesson and is making more legal threats to anyone who publishes the truth about his failed escapade. On September 06, 2019, Mann succeeded in pressuring the Wyoming Tribune Eagle in Cheyenne, WY …