States Are Introducing Bills That Could Prevent Teachers From Advocating for Climate Change

States Are Introducing Bills That Could Prevent Teachers From Advocating for Climate Change

Pacific Standard Kelley Czajka | Feb 18, 2019 Several states have recently introduced bills that could interfere with the teaching of scientifically founded theories on climate change in public school science curricula. A bill in South Dakota would require each school board to adopt a code of ethics that prevents public school elementary and secondary school teachers from advocating “for any issue that is part of a political party platform at the national, state, or local level.” The Arizona legislature introduced a nearly identical bill.

House Democrat counters Trump with resolution declaring climate change a national emergency

House Democrat counters Trump with resolution declaring climate change a national emergency

Washington Examiner by Josh Siegel | February 15, 2019 Democratic Rep. Earl Blumenauer of Oregon said Friday he intends to introduce a resolution declaring climate change a national emergency. Blumenauer, who has endorsed the progressive Green New Deal resolution and is active on environmental and renewable energy issues, circulated a letter to colleagues Friday seeking support for a resolution that would declare the “sense of Congress” that climate change is a national emergency.

World leading sea level expert Prof. em. Nils Axel Mörner presents some stark examples that show how the IPCC and climate activists are wildly exaggerating their claims of rapid sea level rise.

World leading sea level expert Prof. em. Nils Axel Mörner presents some stark examples that show how the IPCC and climate activists are wildly exaggerating their claims of rapid sea level rise.

Prof. em. Nils Axel Mörner auf der 12. IKEK München, Bild EIKE Feb. 13, 2019 World leading sea level expert Prof. em. Nils Axel Mörner presents some stark examples that show how the IPCC and climate activists are wildly exaggerating their claims of rapid sea level rise.   12th IKEK: Nils Axel Mörner – the Kattegat and others among test areas for sea level

Los Angeles ditches plan to invest billions in fossil fuels, Mayor Eric Garcetti says

Los Angeles ditches plan to invest billions in fossil fuels, Mayor Eric Garcetti says

The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power’s Scattergood Generating Station in El Segundo. (Marcus Yam / Los Angeles Times) Los Angeles Times Feb. 11, 2019 The mayor’s decision marks an abrupt change of course for the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, where top staffers have argued in recent months that the gas plants are critical to keeping the lights on in the city. Environmental groups have urged DWP to replace the aging facilities with cleaner alternatives, saying the gas-fired plants need to go because they contribute to climate change and local air pollution.

The 1978–1997 warming trend is an artifact of instrumentation

The 1978–1997 warming trend is an artifact of instrumentation

American Thinker  S. Fred Singer | Feb. 7, 2019 Now we tackle, using newly available data, what may have caused the fictitious temperature trend in the latter decades of the 20th century. We first look at ocean data.  There was a great shift, after 1980, in the way Sea Surface Temperatures (SSTs) were measured (see Goretzki and Kennedy et al. JGR 2011, Fig. 2), “Sources of SST data.”  Note the drastic changes between 1980 and 2000 as global floating drifter buoys geographic changes increasingly replaced opportunities for sampling SST with buckets. Data taken from floating drifter buoys increased from zero to 60% between 1980 and 2000.  But …

Pelosi throws shade as Green New Deal unveiled: ‘Green dream or whatever they call it’

Pelosi throws shade as Green New Deal unveiled: ‘Green dream or whatever they call it’

Fox News Feb. 7, 2019 “It will be one of several or maybe many suggestions that we receive,” Pelosi told Politico on Wednesday. “The green dream or whatever they call it, nobody knows what it is, but they’re for it right?” Pelosi took a more conciliatory tone on Thursday, saying: “Quite frankly, I haven’t seen it, but I do know it’s enthusiastic and we welcome all the enthusiasm that is out there.” She also named Democratic members to serve on the new Select Committee on the Climate Crisis, but Ocasio-Cortez was not one of those members.

Guardian: More People Being “Converted” to Climate Belief

Guardian: More People Being “Converted” to Climate Belief

WUWT  February 4, 2019 Guest essay by Eric Worrall They actually used the word “converts” to describe people who changed their mind about climate change. How to change the minds of climate deniers Kate Yoder for Grist Sun 3 Feb 2019 For some people, the awakening comes in science class. In the Reddit thread titled “Former climate change deniers, what changed your mind?” the most popular comment comes from chucklesthe2nd (probably not his real name). Chuck, as we’ll call him, essentially inherited his dad’s views on climate change.

Press Release on Paper Showing the Invalidity of the EPA claim that CO2 is a pollutant

Press Release on Paper Showing the Invalidity of the EPA claim that CO2 is a pollutant

THS Research Files April, 2017 A just released peer reviewed Climate Science Research Report has proven that it is all but certain that EPA’s basic claim that CO2 is a pollutant is totally false. All research was done pro bono. This research failed to find that the steadily rising Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations have had a statistically significant impact on any of the 14 temperature data sets that were analyzed. The tropospheric and surface temperature data measurements that were analyzed were taken by many different entities using balloons, satellites, buoys and various land based techniques. Needless to say, if regardless of …

Australia PM adviser says climate change is ‘UN-led ruse to establish new world order’

Maurice Newman, chairman of the Prime Minister’s Business Advisory Council Photo: AP Telegraph By Jonathan Pearlman, Sydney | 08 May 2015 Climate change is a hoax developed as part of a secret plot by the United Nations to undermine democracies and takeover the world, a top adviser to Tony Abbott, Australia’s prime minister, has warned. Maurice Newman, the chief business adviser to the prime minister, said the science showing links between human activity and the warming climate was wrong but was being used as a “hook” by the UN to expand its global control.